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I Fell Off the Nutrisystem Wagon at BlogHer ’13

by Deborah Cruz

BlogHer, Nutrisystem, weight loss, diet, champagneI just finished week 8 on Nutrisystem and I want to be honest with you. I did not lose a pound. In fact, I went to BlogHer and gained 4.6 pounds. So, to recap I was at 235 last week when I weighed in on Nutrisystem and now I am at 239.6. I am not happy about this but I wouldn’t trade my last week in Chicago for anything, not even 4.6 pounds.

Now, I don’t know if it was from the constant noshing on finger foods that never seemed to fill me up, the lack of my daily intended runs, the lack of sleep, the extreme stress or perhaps, just perhaps, it was the consumption of cocktails. Any way you slice it, I did not follow the program and I definitely am paying for it. This is a setback. In 5 days, I gained back what took me 2 weeks to lose. You do the math. Those finger foods with champagne were definitely NOT worth it.

I learned a very valuable lesson; the program doesn’t work unless you follow the program. You can’t think that you can eat whatever you want and still lose the weight. There has to be discipline, portion control and exercise and unfortunately, no alcohol. I knew when I was drinking a “real” coke and eating cupcakes that it was not the right thing to do but after a day of running around the expo and to sessions, I was famished and I would have eaten just about anything set in front of me. This was bad planning.

I followed the program by eating grocery add-ons at breakfast and lunch. I did not bring my meals because I had no way to prepare them. I made healthy choices; salads, lean meats and lots of water but dinner usually ended up being rich h’orderves and glasses of champagne. I also was up late nights and would get famished and eat just about anything I could get my hands on after midnight. Just ask the 3 mini cheeseburgers I wolfed down at CheeseBurgHer. I was so hungry that it’s a miracle someone didn’t lose a digit.

I am in no way holding BlogHer responsible for how I ate last week but I will tell you that I fell right off the Nutrisystem wagon and square onto my ass. I went to BlogHer stressed out and that made the previous week’s loss minimal but completely going off the program with wild abandon, well that proved to me that to lose weight you have to change your habits or in the end, it will all be for nothing. If I lose all the weight I intend to and then go off the program and start eating food that is bad for me, stop working out and stop controlling my portions, I.WILL.GAIN.IT.ALL.BACK!

I hate that I gained weight this past week but I am glad that I learned my lesson now; instead of after losing it all and gaining it all back. So, I’m off to reboot my Nutrisystem; back on plan and trying to recover from this flu bug I contracted. Hopefully, by this weekend, I will be able to do some cardio again.

Want to join me in losing weight and getting healthy on Nutrisystem? You can join Nutrisystem by calling 1-888-853-4689 or visiting https://www.nutrisystem.com/nsblog

Disclaimer: Nutrisystem is providing my program free of charge for my participation in the Nutrisystem Nation Blogger program but all opinions are honest and my own.



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Dude Mom 2013/08/01 - 8:04 am

I refused to weight myself since returning from BlogHer. I’ve been to the gym twice since getting home and I figure I need to go at least 3 more times and break the addition to M&Ms I developed while traveling before I even consider setting foot on a scale. It’s for my own sanity. Hope you had a blast at BlogHer!

Deborah Cruz 2013/08/01 - 11:54 am

@dude Mom I should have known better. It was discouraging but I am down 2 lbs. today but still. It was totally worth it to get all that righteous neck hugging in:) Sorry I missed you:(

The TRUTH About Motherhood | Women, Stop Hating on One Another - The TRUTH About Motherhood 2013/12/13 - 11:18 am

[…] my friends and not worry about food. Fucking food is the bane of my existence but I didn’t just fall off the wagon, I went charging off the wagon head […]


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