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nutrisystem, weight loss, diet, healthy

I’ve lost one more pound during week 12 of Nutrisystem. Only six more ounces and I will be back to my pre-BlogHer weight. Sounds like I am trying to lose my baby weight, only I have no baby to show for it just a belly full of rich foods and a weekend filled with great memories so I guess it was sort of worth it, right? Only no! I mean, couldn’t I have done exactly the same thing on salad and grilled chicken, minus the alcohol and added in a lot more exercise. If only hugging were a calorie burner, I would have hugged myself skinny at that damn conference.

So, do you think people use traveling and special occasions as an excuse to put off weight loss? Do we procrastinate until tomorrow because we secretly hope tomorrow will never come? Why do we always try to eat all the food the night before we start a diet? What the heck is that about? I mean that can’t be good for you and I know I am not the only one who does that. I start a diet tomorrow, well then you can guarantee that I am eating carbs and sugar tonight. It’s ridiculous, right?

Nutrisystem is changing the way I am looking at food. It’s forcing me to not only take culpability for my eating habits but know that your weight is a direct result of your eating and workout habits. This is obvious from that BlogHer trip. I don’t think I realized how immediate the consequences were apparent.

What is the one thing that you know will derail you every time when trying to lose weight?

Want to join me in losing weight and getting healthy on Nutrisystem? You can join Nutrisystem by calling 1-888-853-4689 or visiting https://www.nutrisystem.com/nsblog

Disclaimer: Nutrisystem is providing my program free of charge for my participation in the Nutrisystem Nation Blogger program but all opinions are honest and my own.

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nutritalapiaI just finished week 11 of Nutrisystem and I lost another 1 pound. This means I have officially lost 3 of the 4.6 pounds that I gained in that one weekend at BlogHer. It’s amazing how easy it is to gain the weight and how near impossible it is to lose it. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that I am over 40? I was warned that women over a “certain” age have a more difficult time losing weight than their younger counterparts. Have you found this to be true?

The Nutrisystem food makes it easier than it would be trying to figure this all out on my own but it is still hard losing weight the right way. What I mean is that when you eat right, move and are accountable to yourself it forces you to take stock of who you are and why you are doing this; how you got where you are and why you want to change. It’s been a real eye opener for me.

I used to want to lose weight to look good in my clothes. That was it. There was a time when I thought the motivation behind wanting to lose weight had something to do with appearance and then I realized it had more to do with control and other times I was using my weight as a disguise, to hide from others and hide from myself. The weight was like a giant warm, safe snuggy that I wrapped myself in for protection and then one day, it just became cumbersome and I wanted rid of it. I want rid of it.

How did you decide that you wanted to lose weight? Why? What motivates you to get healthy?

Want to join me in losing weight and getting healthy on Nutrisystem? You can join Nutrisystem by calling 1-888-853-4689 or visiting https://www.nutrisystem.com/nsblog

Disclaimer: Nutrisystem is providing my program free of charge for my participation in the Nutrisystem Nation Blogger program but all opinions are honest and my own.

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weight loss, Nutrisystem, diet, healthy

Nutrisystem, weight loss, diet, healthyI just finished week 9 of Nutrisystem and this week I lost 1 pound. 1.pound. Those 4 pounds I gained at BlogHer are not going down without a fight. But I am not giving up. I can’t give up. Giving up is how I ended up where I am today, 100 pounds away from my goal weight.

It’s weird how it’s so easy to stay off track once your diet has derailed. I just can’t get my head back in the weight loss game. I need to hit reboot on my healthy lifestyle. I’ve been following the meal plan but I am still not back on track with my daily workouts. The food is the easy part. The Nutrisystem food tastes great but the moving around, the working out, that is essential to losing weight for me. It makes all the difference in the world.

I get up every morning with the intention to workout but with school getting ready to start back, I’ve been swept up in last minute back-to-school shopping, filling out paperwork and trying to get my girls back into their routine. Life is crazy and it is getting in the way.

Maybe that is an excuse? Isn’t that how I got here in the first place? Making excuses? Or reasons? Either way, the end result is gaining weight. The end result is me; unhappy in the skin I am in so no more excuses.

Has this happened to you? Have you started off strong and committed and then life gets in the way and it just seems easier to eat what’s available and not workout? Working out takes effort and you have to be committed to doing it. Thinking about it won’t work. Having good intentions won’t work. You have to get up, put your shoes and go do it. No more excuses. Just do it!

Want to join me in losing weight and getting healthy on Nutrisystem? You can join Nutrisystem by calling 1-888-853-4689 or visiting https://www.nutrisystem.com/nsblog

Disclaimer: Nutrisystem is providing my program free of charge for my participation in the Nutrisystem Nation Blogger program but all opinions are honest and my own.




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, BlogHer, Nutrisystem, weight loss, dietchampagne2slider

BlogHer, Nutrisystem, weight loss, diet, champagneI just finished week 8 on Nutrisystem and I want to be honest with you. I did not lose a pound. In fact, I went to BlogHer and gained 4.6 pounds. So, to recap I was at 235 last week when I weighed in on Nutrisystem and now I am at 239.6. I am not happy about this but I wouldn’t trade my last week in Chicago for anything, not even 4.6 pounds.

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Nutrisystem, diet, weight lossI just finished up week 7 of Nutrisystem. I am down .8 pounds, with my current weight being 235. As you can see my weight loss has slowed quite a bit this week but that has to do with a few things.One, I was traveling last week and found myself at the mercy of the situation because I was eating off of restaurant menus rather than at home where I could pick and choose what to eat according to my food planner. I’m traveling again this week and I am hoping that the 5 days in Chicago and eating out will be counteracted by all the walking I will be doing.

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I just finished week five of Nutrisystem. I am looking  different and feeling different than I did just a few short weeks ago. Nutrisystem is changing my life. It is helping me learn to live in the skin I am in. My journey is as important as the destination.

Want to join me in losing weight and getting healthy on Nutrisystem? You can join Nutrisystem by calling 1-888-853-4689 or visiting https://www.nutrisystem.com/nsblog

Disclaimer: Nutrisystem is providing my program free of charge for my participation in the Nutrisystem Nation Blogger program but all opinions are honest and my own.

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Nutrisystem, weight loss, diet, #NSNation

Nutrisystem, weight loss, diet, #NSNationNutrisystem is keeping me focused. It’s been one of those kinds of weeks; you know the ones where you are running around like a chicken with your head cut off? The ones that start off with you trying to beat the clock on some deadlines and ends with you almost falling out of your attic. I’m telling you, some higher power yanked my by the back of my t-shirt and saved my life. Staying on course was difficult. It’s hard to plan your meals and grocery shop when you are working your tail off just trying to keep up. I know some of you know the feeling.

Nutrisystem, weight loss, diet, #NSNation

Thankfully, half the work is done for me with Nutrisystem. I have my entrees; I only need to add the sides, fruits and veggies, and extra protein. But even that is near impossible without planning and help. I made sure that I got in my daily 60-minute walk/jogs at least 4 times last week. I shoot for 10,000 steps because then my FitBit tells me that I’m a good girl. More importantly, my pants tell me that I am staying on point.

Nutrisystem, weight loss, diet, #NSNation

Monday marked the end of my 4th week on the Nutrisytem program and, even with all the chaos of life; I lost another 1.8 pounds for a grand total of 11 pounds and 22 inches lost. I’ve lost 3 inches off of my arms, 4 inches off of my chest, 6 inches off of my waist, 5 inches off of my hips and 4 inches off of my thighs. I don’t know about you, but that thrills me.  I am a long way from the my goal weight of 137 pounds but I am now under the 100 pound goal mark to lose and I am also into the 230’s, which is a HUGE accomplishment of its own. I am proud of myself.

Nutrisystem, weight loss, diet, #NSNation

I am totally beginning to feel more comfortable with who I am; the skin I am in. Just 11 pounds and my clothes are fitting differently. I am fitting into my life differently. The craziest part of it is that I have begun to enjoy exercising. It’s not something I dread or find myself trying to avoid. I look forward to it. Yes, you heard me correctly.

Nutrisystem, weight loss, diet, #NSNation

I’m not doing anything special or expensive. I am just getting up off my butt and moving; walking and kinda jogging. I am no runner and I still weigh over 200 pounds so I have to ease into it. I stretch out before my morning walk. I put on my headphones and hit the beautiful 5 miles of trails that wind throughout my neighborhood. Sometimes, I take my girls but when my husband is home, I go alone and that, my friends, is a gift all its own. I have one whole hour to just be in quiet solitude, well, except for the runners mix I listen to on Pandora every morning and then I return home winded, energized and ready to start my day off with a chocolate/banana protein shake and a chocolate chip scone. It’s that easy and I love the way I feel when I know I’m actively trying to get myself healthy.

weight loss, Nutrisystem, diet,#NSNation, www.motherhoodthetruth.com

And Just so you ladies know that I don’t always stay in my sweats these days…

Nutrisystem, Weight loss, diet, #NSNation

What’s your motivation to get healthy? Stay tuned for a update and vlog next week!

Want to join me in losing weight and getting healthy on Nutrisystem? You can join Nutrisystem by calling 1-888-853-4689 or visiting https://www.nutrisystem.com/nsblog

Disclaimer: Nutrisystem is providing my program free of charge for my participation in the Nutrisystem Nation Blogger program but all opinions are honest and my own.

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nutrisystem, weight loss, dietI just finished week 3 of being on the Nutrisystem program; I’m down 9.2 pounds and 18 inches, in 21 days! I am in the 230’s not the 240’s and that makes me very happy. In fact, I’m ecstatic. If Nutrisystem were a person, I’d kiss it on the lips!

This change has been about much more than just weight and inches, though there is a satisfaction in seeing changing numbers and feeling my clothes not strangle or cut me in half anymore. My clothes are fitting better and looking better on me. The best change is the change in my self-confidence.  I don’t know if it is because I see the change, or because I know I am doing this the right way, or if it is because my perspective has changed but I am actually starting to feel less uncomfortable in my skin.

This is the first summer since, maybe ever, where I have not felt self-conscious at the pool in my bathing suit. I pull on my suit, walk to the neighborhood pool with my family, get in the pool, swim with my daughters, cool off, get out get some sun, talk to the neighbors and how I look in my suit isn’t even crossing my mind these days. I am a work in progress.

I’m wearing cuter clothes from my closet because I feel worthy of them and they FIT! You probably can’t understand the “feeling worthy of clothing” thing but maybe you do. When you are consumed with your body shape and size, you feel unworthy of a lot of things and it makes you miserable. That is how I have lived my life since I was 12, so being able to walk around in my bathing suit and not fixate on what I look like or fidget is almost a miracle.

I’m getting dressed in the morning without starting my day off in a bad mood. I know some of you know what this is like. I’m getting up and walking/jogging in the morning. I’m looking forward to it. I used to HATE running. I’m the girl who wouldn’t even run if a movie maniac with a chainsaw started chasing me. Last week, I bought new running shoes and I am enjoying it. I’m not worrying about what anybody else is thinking about how I look while I do it. It’s about me. It’s about my life.

Next week, I will be posting photos and a vlog to catch you all up. How’s your summer going? Are you enjoying the pool this summer? Wearing your shorts?Or are you being held hostage by your body?

Want to join me in losing weight and getting healthy on Nutrisystem? You can join Nutrisystem by calling 1-888-853-4689 or visiting https://www.nutrisystem.com/nsblog

Disclaimer: Nutrisystem is providing my program free of charge for my participation in the Nutrisystem Nation Blogger program but all opinions are honest and my own.


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Nutrisystem, NSNation, diet, weight loss, healthI am so behind; I started writing my Nutrisystem update on Monday and am just now getting around to posting it. Please tell me that I am not the only one who is running her mommy butt off this summer? I thought summer was supposed to be relaxing. My summer is less like a day at the beach and more like a runaway train.Granted the chasing bubbles and chalk art is glorious but damn it, I don’t think that’s going to pay the bills.

My second week on Nutrisystem was completely crazy. My husband was out of town, which means life was chaotic and filled with even more obligations than usual. I spent the entire week running around like a chicken with my head cut off. I am so exhausted. Between all of the running around and keeping the girls entertained, I just couldn’t get anything accomplished. My sister and nephew came into town to visit for a few days. That was awesome but like any disruption to our routine, it threw us into a tailspin. I was really afraid that I was going to fall off my Nutrisystem wagon.

Like any other diet or weight loss program,slips can happen even on Nutrisystem especially when you are running behind and short on time. The difference between success and failure is whether you have a slip and then move past it and get right back on track or if you just give up because of one slip. The key is to never give up.

Thankfully, I stayed pretty close to the straight and narrow this week even amongst all the craziness. My only slip was having a cup of Garrett’s Chicago Mix popcorn that my husband brought me back from Chicago. Thankfully, Garrett’s is nowhere near where I live so the temptation is not there on a regular basis. I’m allowed to have popcorn on Nutrisystem, but I’m pretty sure that doesn’t include cheese and caramel popcorn. So, I slowly enjoyed my popcorn and then I walked an extra ½ hour the next morning and I moved on.

Another evening that could have potentially been a slippery slope of bad eating never happened because of the flexibility of the Nutrisystem program. I was so tired and really wanted nothing more than to just order out, plop my feet up and gab with my little sister but I didn’t do that. I made dinner; chicken nachos with grilled summer squash and zucchini and fresh watermelon. It took about 15 minutes from start to finish.I knew I couldn’t have nachos but I could have a Nutrisystem Chicken and cheese Quesadilla, the grilled veggies and the watermelon. I was even able to have two ounces of the seasoned chicken breasts that I used in the nachos.

chicken quesadilla, Nutrisytem, weight loss, diet, weight loss plan

It may sound like a weird combination but it was delicious and it let me have dinner with my family. What I mean is I didn’t have to sit there feeling like I was being punished or deprived because really, I was enjoying the same meal with them. This is really helpful to me in staying on plan.

I ended up losing another 1 pound and 8 ounces, bringing my grand total so far to 7.2 pounds in 2 weeks. My weight at Monday’s weigh in was 241.4. I knew this week would be a slow loss after last week’s big number but considering all the disruption to our regular routine, I think I did great and I am proud of myself. I am looking forward to next week.

Bonus: I also lost 2 inches off my arm, 2 inches off my chest, 3 inches off my waist, 3 inches off of my hips and 2 inches off of my thigh for a total of 12 inches in two weeks. That, my friends, is awesome. I can already feel a difference in the way my shorts are fitting. Next week, hopefully I’m back in the 230’s!

Want to join me in losing weight and getting healthy on Nutrisystem? You can join Nutrisystem by calling 1-888-853-4689 or visiting https://www.nutrisystem.com/nsblog

Disclaimer: Nutrisystem is providing my program free of charge for my participation in the Nutrisystem Nation Blogger program but all opinions are honest and my own.


The winner of the EatSmart Digital Nutrition Pro Scale is Daniela Tapia. Congratualtions Daniela! I hope you will enjoy your as much as I enjoy mine. It’s an amazing and invaluable tool to have on your weight loss journey. But don’t worry, I’ll have more great giveaways coming in the future from EatSmart.

Photo: Nutrisystem

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life without butter, gallbladder attacks, health

Nutrisystem, weight loss, dietLast Monday, I started Nutrisystem. I’ve been following the program for a week and I have lost 5 pounds and 4 ounces. I know that with any program you start, the first week is a big loss because you are eating better and probably moving more. I know I was. The second week is always a lot harder. So while I am ecstatic about week one’s 5 pound loss on Nutrisystem, I am completely ready for week two. I don’t want to lose the momentum and I also don’t want to let myself down, so for week 2, I plan to get even more active this week.

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