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weight loss, Nutrisystem, diet, healthy

One is the Loneliest Number~Nutrisystem Update Wk.9

by Deborah Cruz

Nutrisystem, weight loss, diet, healthyI just finished week 9 of Nutrisystem and this week I lost 1 pound. 1.pound. Those 4 pounds I gained at BlogHer are not going down without a fight. But I am not giving up. I can’t give up. Giving up is how I ended up where I am today, 100 pounds away from my goal weight.

It’s weird how it’s so easy to stay off track once your diet has derailed. I just can’t get my head back in the weight loss game. I need to hit reboot on my healthy lifestyle. I’ve been following the meal plan but I am still not back on track with my daily workouts. The food is the easy part. The Nutrisystem food tastes great but the moving around, the working out, that is essential to losing weight for me. It makes all the difference in the world.

I get up every morning with the intention to workout but with school getting ready to start back, I’ve been swept up in last minute back-to-school shopping, filling out paperwork and trying to get my girls back into their routine. Life is crazy and it is getting in the way.

Maybe that is an excuse? Isn’t that how I got here in the first place? Making excuses? Or reasons? Either way, the end result is gaining weight. The end result is me; unhappy in the skin I am in so no more excuses.

Has this happened to you? Have you started off strong and committed and then life gets in the way and it just seems easier to eat what’s available and not workout? Working out takes effort and you have to be committed to doing it. Thinking about it won’t work. Having good intentions won’t work. You have to get up, put your shoes and go do it. No more excuses. Just do it!

Want to join me in losing weight and getting healthy on Nutrisystem? You can join Nutrisystem by calling 1-888-853-4689 or visiting https://www.nutrisystem.com/nsblog

Disclaimer: Nutrisystem is providing my program free of charge for my participation in the Nutrisystem Nation Blogger program but all opinions are honest and my own.




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