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Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

You hear about people matching their clothing, home interior and cars to their personality, but what about your career? It makes sense to dress in a way that feels suited to your personality, but it makes more sense to choose a career that perfectly fits who you are as a person.

In fact, more people need to be chasing a career that is a good match for their traits, preferences and motives. Like seriously, where was this information when I was meeting with my university advisors. But, better late than never, as my daughter is now making her career choice at university.

When you’re choosing your career it’s important to consider all aspects of your personality at the same time. A holistic approach to life is always a good idea.  I’ve always heard the saying, “choose to do something you love and you’ll never work a day in your life.” Obviously, that’s not true, tbh, you’ll work harder than you ever thought possible ( especially if you’re working for yourself) but you won’t be so miserable because you’ll be doing something you love. That’s the key.

These choices will keep you happy while working your butt off, and you’ll be more likely to get along with the people on your team because you’re just happy to be there. Whether you’re an introvert looking for a job with independence or an extrovert seeking a chance to be a leader, here are a handful of reasons why your personality is so important when it comes to solidifying your career path.

You Will Enjoy What You Do

You deserve to go through life enjoying all aspects of your career and truly loving what you do. It can bring you so much more motivation and joy when you are personally well-suited to your chosen career path. Learning more about Strong-Interest Inventory will give you a better idea of how people match their interests to their career, educational paths and more. After all, doing something that you actually care about and align with can bring you much more happiness in the long run. Now would be the ideal time to delve deeper into your hobbies, favorite subject matters and personal background so that you can uncover a career that is well-suited to you in every sense.

You Will Fit Into The Workplace

Feeling part of a community in your workplace is something that will help you to connect with the people around you. If you surround yourself with others who are similar to you, it’s likely that you’ll form strong friendships and successful working relationships with them too. If you’re a loud and outgoing person, it may be likely for you to go into the media or communications industry. However, if you’re a more private person you may prefer a role in accounting or IT. It’s clear to see that there are certain career paths that will be more suited to you than others.

You Will Experience Much More Success

If you fit into your chosen industry seamlessly you will instantly have more confidence. When you have confidence in yourself, you are, therefore, much more likely to experience more success along the way. When it comes to finding the perfect career for your personality, it’s important to look beyond the career as a whole and focus on the actual day to day role. If your personality traits are aligned with these tasks, you are much more likely to find success.

You Will Be More Productive 

You will naturally be better at a job role that is well suited to your personality. This not only gives you the natural skills to succeed, but it also helps you to be more productive and motivated too. Productivity is key to when you’re hoping to have a thriving career that is full of opportunities. Usually, there is only one reason why a person may be lacking in productivity, and this is because of a dip in their skills or lowered interest in their actual field of work.

You’ll Discover More About Your Strengths and Weaknesses

Learning more about yourself will provide you with so many more opportunities when it comes to career progression. Discovering your personal and professional strengths and weaknesses as you navigate your chosen career path will help you to improve in all areas. Knowing what you need to work on can give you a huge step forward in every aspect of your career, and it creates a huge level of self awareness along the way too. Developing a clear action plan will help you to discover the best options for your career so that you can make the next step forward. Any weaknesses that you discover along the way can be enhanced through courses, practicing and coaching. Honing in on any skill and working on any shortfalls is a positive step towards finding a career that is well suited to your personality.

When you take the time to consider all of your personality traits when you’re looking for a job, you will soon find that your career satisfaction increases and your overall happiness improves too. Hopefully, you have the tools, ideas and inspiration to make the right choice for you and your future career.

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How to Optimize Your Weight Loss Journey with Mounjaro


Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

It’s week 8 for me on Mounjaro and, I know that I am not alone. Some of you have also embarked on this incredible journey to lose weight while taking Mounjaro too. First off, I want to give you a big virtual high-five for taking charge of your health like a boss! Seriously, it’s no small feat, and I’m here to cheer you on every step of the way. People think its the “cheater” way to lose weight but it’s not. Let’s think about it, being obese is a health issue in and of itself. If you’re obese and you’ve decided to try medicine to get healthy, I don’t see what the issue is. Just please make sure that you do it under the supervision of a doctor. Mounjaro is a serious drug with serious side effects.

As you all know, I am on week 8. Just took my 8th shot this morning. I am still at a very low dose but it is doing what its supposed to do for me…lower my glucose numbers, get that A1C down and begin the process of helping me get to where I need to be physically because perimenopause and stress were making it impossible. I’m not taking it JUST for weight lose but my doctor and I are hoping that’s one of my side effects.

Let me be really real with you right now, it is not easy and not everyone is going to start dropping weight, and it is not without risks. As of today, after 7 weeks on Mounjaro, I have still only lost 13 lbs. However, that’s not the whole story. Like I said, my numbers are freaking awesome and I feel great.

Speaking of feeling great, with diabetes comes inflammation, well, with my numbers being in the healthy range…this girl is walking up and down stairs without limping. I’m rocking more size 14’s these days than 16s and my clothes are all fitting better. Most importantly, I am feeling better in my own skin, which as you all know has never been easy for this recovering anorexic.

Not all wins are seen on the scale, remember that. Also, slow and steady is sometimes the only way you can finish the race. All that being said, I want to optimize my efforts to getting healthy. I can’t expect Mounjaro to do all the heavy lifting on my happy and healthy era, get fit girl era.

Now, let’s get real about how to make the most of this journey. I know it can feel overwhelming at times, but trust me, you’ve got this. We’re in it together, and I’ve got some insider tips to help you optimize your weight loss with Mounjaro. I did the research so you didn’t have to and I am putting in the work, I’ll keep you posted.

How Do I Maximize My Weight Loss in Mounjaro?

Okay, let’s talk strategy. Maximizing your weight loss with Mounjaro is all about finding that sweet spot between healthy eating, staying active, and staying on top of your medication game. It’s like a three-legged stool – you need all parts working together to keep you steady and strong.

Start by taking a good look at your diet. Focus on filling your plate with whole, nutrient-dense foods that nourish your body from the inside out. Think colorful veggies, lean proteins, whole grains, and healthy fats. And hey, if you need some inspiration, check out this awesome article for some tasty Mounjaro-friendly meal ideas.

How Long Does It Take to Lose 25 lbs on Mounjaro?

Ah, the million-dollar question! Look, I wish I had a crystal ball to give you a definite answer, but the truth is, it varies from person to person. Your journey is uniquely yours, and there’s no one-size-fits-all timeline. Some folks might drop those 25 pounds like it’s nobody’s business, while others might take a bit longer. And you know what? That’s totally okay. Progress is progress, no matter how slow or steady.

Why Am I Not Losing Weight on Mounjaro?

Ugh, hitting a weight loss plateau can be so frustrating, am I right? Especially, if like me, you started off slow. But before you start throwing your hands up in defeat, let’s troubleshoot a bit. There could be a bunch of reasons why the scale isn’t budging – maybe you’re not as active as you could be ( I know I haven’t been in this drunk weather), or perhaps you’ve been a bit lax with your meal planning ( guilty again… often I forget to eat). Or hey, it could be something totally out of left field, like stress ( check) or lack of sleep ( check check) messing with your metabolism. Bottom line? Don’t sweat it. We’ll figure it out together.

How Many Calories Should I Eat on Mounjaro?

Ah, the age-old calorie conundrum. Here’s the thing – I’m not a big fan of counting every single calorie that passes my lips, and I’m guessing you aren’t either. Instead of getting bogged down in the numbers game, focus on eating mindfully and listening to your body’s hunger and fullness cues. And hey, if you want some extra guidance, chatting with a registered dietitian can be super helpful in crafting a meal plan that’s tailored just for you.

Additional Resources for Your Mounjaro Journey

Oh, before I forget, I stumbled upon some pretty awesome resources that I think you’ll dig:

Remember, friend, this journey is all about progress, not perfection. Take it one day at a time, celebrate the small victories, and don’t forget to be kind to yourself along the way. You’re doing amazing, and I’m so proud of you!

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My (Mostly) Hilarious Journey with Mounjaro and Type 2 Diabetes

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Okay, so picture this: me, the queen of sass and self-deprecating humor, staring down the barrel of a diagnosis. Not just any diagnosis, mind you, but type 2 diabetes. Thanks, perimenopause, for the lovely parting gift. As if it weren’t enough to rob me of my fertility, now, you want to slap me in the proverbial face and call me ugly too? That’s when I found Mounjaro.

Let’s face it, sugar dragons are pesky. One minute you’re happily cruising along reversing the heck out of your diabetes, then bam! Blood sugar spikes, energy dips, and your inner sass monster starts grumbling. That’s what happened to me, thanks to the lovely combo of perimenopause, stress and type 2 diabetes. My A1C was doing a bad imitation of a roller coaster, and my glucose numbers danced the flamenco with a sugarplum fairy. It was glucose level insanity.

My (Mostly) Hilarious Journey with Mounjaro and Type 2 DiabetesEnter Mounjaro, the knight in shining (injectable) armor.

Now, I’m not one to shy away from a challenge, especially if it involves witty banter and slightly questionable life choices. But let’s be real, diabetes is no joke. My A1C just kept creeping up on me like some weird guy at the club who couldn’t take the hint.

Now, hold on just one minute, fitness unicorns, I’m one of you. Don’t come for me.  I’m not advocating for quick fixes or magic weight-loss potions. You know I don’t. If I did, I’d still be rocking that thigh gap instead of my current status of chub rub expert level. I battled anorexia for a decade, and trust me, there’s no sugarcoating the fact that sustainable health requires hard work and self-love. But when it comes to managing my diabetes and reclaiming my energy, sometimes a little help from modern-day glucose reducing magic (okay, medication) is a good thing.

Mounjaro is steadily lowering my glucose numbers and reversing my type 2 diabetes.

Now, before you get all “Ozempic is the new black” on me, hear me out. I’m not advocating for quick fixes. In fact, I’m firmly against them, and rejected the idea of a glp-1 for over a year. But when it comes to managing my diabetes and getting my health back on track, I’ll do whatever needs to be done. Numbers don’t lie and sometimes, you have to try a different route to get to your destination.

So, I finally said yes and embarked on this Mounjaro adventure, armed with my trusty dose of skepticism, crossed arms and a notes app full of witty observations.

Here’s the lowdown, sugar dragons:

In just 4 weeks, I’ve bid farewell to 12 pounds of unwanted baggage, paving the way to a healthier, happier version of myself. Sayonara, extra weight! With a starting point of 235.5 pounds, I’ve already crossed the 5% milestone, now eyeing that glorious 10% mark hovering tantalizingly at 211.5 pounds. And you know what? I’m not just shedding pounds; I’m reclaiming control over my A1C levels, determined to smash through that pesky 7.6 and bring it back under 5. Talk about goals, right?

From the moment I first injected Mounjaro, I felt things changing. Energy levels soaring, glucose numbers steadying, inflammation dwindling – the perks just kept on coming! And let’s not forget the shrinking waistline, bidding farewell to inches like it’s nobody’s business. Who knew losing weight could be such a wild ride?

But it isn’t all sunshine and unicorns. Mounjaro isn’t without its side effects. A little too heavy on the snacks? Cue the stomach rebellion, complete with a symphony of gas, burps, and constipation. Talk about a party pooper or party not pooper, as it were in my unfortunate case! Lesson learned: steer clear of high-fat foods and keep the fiber flowing.

My (Mostly) Hilarious Journey with Mounjaro and Type 2 DiabetesThe Good, the Bad, and the Gassy:

The Good:

  • Blood Sugar Tango? More Like a Waltz: My glucose levels have become a model citizen, rarely venturing above 150, and that post-meal spike? Gone like yesterday’s news. Hallelujah!
  • Energy Unleashed (with a Cautionary Label): Say goodbye to the afternoon slump! Mounjaro has me bouncing like a Tigger on espresso, but beware, fellow bipolar warriors, this energy boost can flirt with the manic side. Tread carefully, my friends.
  • Bye-Bye, Bulge: Let’s not sugarcoat it (pun intended), I’ve shed some pounds. Not a magic disappearing act, mind you, but a steady, healthy 12 lbs in 4 weeks. My clothes are thanking me, and so is my self-confidence. But it isn’t all the Mounjaro, I’m doing my part too; controlling portions, making healthier choices and moving at least 30 minutes 5 days a week.
  • Inflammation? Who’s That?: My dodgy knee, a souvenir from the “Great Break of 2015,” feels less like a rusty hinge and more like a well-oiled machine. Stairs, who dis?

The Bad:

  • Tummy Troubles: Turns out, high-fat foods and Mounjaro don’t mix well, at least in my experience. Bacon and I are currently on a temporary break (thanks, belching and constipation!). My body is clearly sending a message: “Lay off the grease, Deborah!”
  • The Great Vomiting Debacle: Now, about that dosage bump to 5 – let’s just say, it was a night to remember. A little too indulgent on the snacking front led to a gut rebellion of epic proportions. Picture this: stomach distended, burping, indigestion and praying for divine intervention. And just when I thought it couldn’t get any worse – bam! Oh, the horror!   Cue the projectile vomiting extravaganza. A cautionary tale, indeed. After upping my dosage and snacking a little too heavily, I experienced a night of projectile vomiting that would make Linda Blair blush. Lesson learned: stick to the lower dose and befriend fiber and water.

The Gassy: Well, let’s just say I’ve become intimately acquainted with the power of Simethicone. I’ve never been one to be gassy or burpy and I don’t want to be now so I’m doing whatever I need to keep that side effect at bay.

My (Mostly) Hilarious Journey with Mounjaro and Type 2 DiabetesThe Verdict:

Mounjaro is not perfect (not even close), but for me, it’s been a slow and steady game-changer. My diabetes is under control, my energy is up, and I’m feeling like my old, sassy self again. But remember, I’m not a doctor, and this is just my experience. Talk to your healthcare professional before embarking on any new medication, diabetes warrior.

Listen up, sugar dragons! Take control of your health. Get informed, talk to your doctor, and don’t be afraid to ask questions. Remember, small changes can make a big difference. And hey, if you’re on Mounjaro too, let’s commiserate over the gas and share some low-fat recipe tips!

Bonus Tip: Start small! Instead of reaching for that extra cookie, take a walk around the block. It’s all about progress, not perfection. Now, excuse me while I go hug my pancreas and thank it for cooperating (mostly).

If you have any questions about my journey on Mounjaro please feel free to ask me in the comments. Or if you want to share your experience with me, I’d love to hear all about it. 

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winter gardening

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

It’s kind of hard to imagine gardening, as I’m looking out the window to see freezing rain turn to mounds of snow but it’s right around the corner. Spring will be here before you know it. For the last couple of years, I keep waiting until May to start my garden but then May gets away from me and before I know it, summer’s over and I have no tomatoes. The garden just keeps getting pushed aside. This year, I want my tomatoes. I’m pushing through the procrastination and making a plan. This year, we’re considering winter gardening as part of my prep.

With a little organization and planning, your garden can be grow and plant ready this spring when you want to start enjoying it. If we leave our garden all winter the prep work can pile up and become a huge, time-consuming and labor intensive chore. No one wants to be rushing to prep their garden in May because if you’re a parent, you know May’s too busy for that. 

However, by doing a few gardening jobs now will make life a lot less stressful in the future for your garden parties, morning coffee on the deck and working out in the garden. Although the garden can look very dead in winter it isn’t always, flowers are waiting to push through, vegetables can still be grown and lots of animals are hibernating and may be in your garden resting ready for their return in spring.

Maintenance of any Water Areas

In the garden there may be different areas where you have pools of water. If you have a pond you may need to check it and make sure any water plants need cutting back or if the water needs to be treated in any way. If you have a pool or hot tub you may need to get someone in for any pool or hot tub maintenance. A lot of grime and dirt can build up so it is always best to get it sorted. You may even have the occasional animal find its way into your pond that has drowned and needs to be disposed of.

Trimming Plants And Bushes

One of the other things you will want to do is to trim plants and bushes, they should all be dried and looking dead now with all the leaves wilted off. It will be an easy time to prune them down so they can grow again for the next season. If you are ever unsure how much to prune them simply google it or ask your gardening friends. 

Assist The Wildlife In Your Garden

The creatures that comprise the ecosystem of your garden need your assistance now more than ever because they toil tirelessly year-round to eat pests and aerate your soil. It’s your turn to return the favor. If you have bird feeders, hang them up somewhere cats can’t reach them. If you’re crafty, construct a bug hotel. Insects and small mammals can find a place to overwinter if you just leave a pile of fallen branches and leaves in a corner of your yard.

Harvest Your Winter Crops 

Harvesting during the winter will be a lot of work if you’ve produced winter vegetables. It’s even said that hardy brassicas like Brussels sprouts and winter cabbage taste better after a frost. In the winter months, parsnips, leeks, and gorgeous kale are among the other veggies that are ready for harvesting. Not to worry, if you planted your vegetables in the autumn and they aren’t quite ready yet; they are all hardy and will happily grow in the ground till spring. 

If you’re planning a garden this spring, now is the time to get started prepping it so that you can have a hearty harvest this summer. If you’re an avid gardener, what’s your best tip for prepping your garden?

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10 Ingenious Ways to Remember to Move the Elf on the Shelf

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

Elf on the Shelf — those pint-sized North Pole spies who lurk around every corner and keep tabs on who’s been naughty or nice. As parents, keeping up with the nightly adventures of these mischievous little Santa’s henchmen can be a challenge worthy of Santa’s workshop. Fear not! Here are 10 ingenious ways to remember to move the Elf on the Shelf and

10 Ingenious Ways to Remember to Move the Elf on the Shelf

1. The Sticky Note Sleigh Ride

Cover your fridge with sticky notes, each suggesting a new escapade for the elf. It’s like a daily dose of elfin inspiration every time you reach for the milk. But maybe do it in code, if the kids are old enough to read. 

2. The Elf Command Center

Set up a “Command Center” in your kitchen with a tiny computer, a mini mug of cocoa, and a sign that reads, “Elf HQ.” Your kids will believe the elf is planning nightly escapades from this North Pole nerve center.

3. Texts from the Elf

Get your kids excited with daily texts from the elf. Use a free texting app and send messages like, “Guess where I’ll be hiding tonight?” or “Ready for some North Pole magic?” This will get them excited its the perfect way to remember to move the elf on the shelf.

4. Elf in the Freezer

Ever heard of a frozen elf? Place your elf in the freezer overnight, and tell the kids he’s chilling to combat the North Pole heat. A frosty surprise awaits them in the morning! Hell, if you need to, leave him there for a couple days. 

5. Elfie Selfies

Arm your elf with a mini camera and create a tiny photo album of his nightly adventures. Your kids will love flipping through Elfie’s scrapbook each morning.

6. Elf Express Mail

“Mail” tiny letters from the elf to your kids, recounting his nightly adventures. This mini post office ensures the magic keeps flowing, one letter at a time.

7. Elf Elevator

Create a makeshift elf elevator using a small basket and some twine. Your kids will wonder how the elf managed to travel between floors!

8. Elf on a Shelf BFF

Introduce a mini plush toy as your elf’s BFF. Your kids will be curious about the new arrival, and you can take turns moving both characters around.

9. Elf Trail Mix

Create a trail mix with tiny elf-sized treats like cereal, raisins, and mini marshmallows. Sprinkle the mix in a creative path leading to the elf’s new hiding spot.

10. Elf’s Got Talent

Set up a mini stage complete with a judging panel of tiny toys. Your kids will wake up to discover their elf showing off hidden talents each night.

With these ways to remember to move the elf on the shelf, you are sure to not forget. Remember, the key to a successful Elf on the Shelf escapade is creativity and consistency. With these ingenious ideas up your festive sleeves, you’ll turn the nightly ritual into a family tradition filled with giggles and wide-eyed wonder and also, remind yourself to help relocate those  Let the elfin magic continue!

If you enjoyed this post, found it entertaining or learned something helpful, please like, comment and follow! Happy holidays! XOXO

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Guide to Hosting the Ultimate Ugly Sweater Party, Jøyus

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

‘Tis the season to be tacky, fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la! I’ve noticed that every year, as my holiday spirit grows, my holiday decor gets just a little more ostentatious. Let’s just say it looks like Santa and his elves came to town and threw up holiday cheer all over my home. The Griswolds have nothing on my family.  I decided to share some tips on hosting the ultimate ugly sweater party.

Time to invite people over and spread some holiday cheer .  If, like me, you’ve decided to dive into the festive madness and throw an ugly sweater party that would make even Santa’s elves jealous, I’ve got you.  Here’s your foolproof guide to ensuring that your party is the talk of the tinsel town.

1. Invitations: Deck the Halls (and Your Guests!)

Craft invites that rival a North Pole scroll. Drop hints about wild sweater competitions, mistletoe shenanigans, and a potential visit from the Abominable Snowman. Remember, the more mysterious, the merrier!

2. Dress Code: Ugly Sweater Game Strong

Encourage guests to unleash their inner holiday fashionista meets chaos coordinator. The uglier, the better. Bonus points for tinsel, jingle bells, and questionable holiday puns. Crown the ugliest sweater wearer with a gaudy tiara or a blinking Rudolph nose!

3. Decor: Go Big or Go North Pole Home

Transform your space into a winter wonderland on steroids. Think inflatable snowmen, tinsel on every surface, and fairy lights rivaling the Milky Way. Bonus: Set up a DIY ugly sweater station with fabric paint, glue guns, and enough sparkly things to blind a yeti.

4. Jingle & Mingle: Playlist Perfection

Craft a playlist that sleighs! From Mariah Carey’s high notes to jazzy renditions of Jingle Bells, curate a mix that keeps the festive energy soaring. Don’t forget the classics — who can resist a little Wham!? Or my personal favorite, Pentatonix Christmas essentials and why not up the holiday ante and do a little Christmas Karaoke?

5. Games: Merriment Olympics

Elevate your party from ho-ho-hum to ho-ho-hilarious with festive games. Ugly sweater contests, pin the nose on Rudolph, and a gingerbread house building competition will have your guests belly laughing between sips of eggnog.

6. Naughty or Nice Libations

Ensure the spirits are as high as Santa’s sleigh. Mix up festive cocktails with names that would make the elves blush. A Christmas Cosmo or Mistletoe Mojito, perhaps? And don’t forget the non-alcoholic options for your designated sleigh-ber driver. And I’m not just talking about those Shirley Temples the kids love, mocktails have come a long way, baby. Think, Bougie not Boozy, Jøyus Sparkling wine for the sophisticated non-drinker. I keep a bottle chilled at all times. Or how about THC infused seltzers or some of the new social tonics like Hiyo? I don’t have time for hangovers this holiday season. 

7. Snack Attack: Noshing in a Winter Wonderland

Craft a snack table that rivals the grandeur of Mrs. Claus’s kitchen. Think candy cane charcuterie, Santa hat cupcakes, and gingerbread everything. Pro tip: Label each dish with a witty holiday-themed tag.

8. Photo Booth Extravaganza

Create a photo booth with more props than Santa’s toy shop. Ugly sweater-themed hats, elf ears, and Grinch masks are a must. Encourage your guests to strike a pose — these pics will be your holiday cards for the next decade.

9. Parting Gifts: Send Them Off with Sleigh Bells Ringing

Thank your guests for gracing your festive fête with small parting gifts. Think mini gingerbread men, a sprig of mistletoe, or even a DIY ornament. It’s the little things that spread the most cheer!

10. Hashtag Magic: Document the Merry Madness

Create a party-specific hashtag to immortalize the hilarity. Whether it’s #SweaterSpectacle or #TackyTidings, make sure every social media Santa and his reindeer use it liberally.

Now, off you go, merry-makers! With these tips, your ugly sweater party will be the stuff of holiday legend. May your sweaters be as ugly as your holiday spirit is bright! Jingle all the way!  Go forth and party like Santa would. 

If you enjoyed this post, found it entertaining or learned something helpful about hosting the ultimate ugly sweater party, please like, comment and follow! Happy holidays! XOXO

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Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

Ah, Christmas! It’s the time of year when we all do the same old things we do every year, from the start of the season to the end. Those traditions might be comforting, and they might be fun, but wouldn’t it be nice to do something a little different? Not everything, of course – changing all your traditions all at once doesn’t make sense and wouldn’t make for a particularly happy Christmas – but just a few tweaks here and there to really upgrade your Christmas might be perfect. If that sounds like a good idea, here are some things you could consider. 

Personalized Decorations 

Why not make your Christmas a little more personal and upgrade it that way? Instead of buying your decorations from the same stores as everyone else (resulting in a house that’s decorated in the same way as everyone else), you could personalize them more and even make some (or all) of them yourself. 

You can get the whole family together for a fun evening where you make weird and wonderful decorations out of whatever you can find around the house – you might even choose to turn it into a competition! This is something that’s not only a lot of fun, but you can do it every year, and the results will always be different. Or what about looking around for some classes? At this time of year, you’re sure to find wreath-making classes or classes that teach you how to trim a tree in the right way, and they can be a lot of fun too. 

Revamp Your Christmas Menu

Turkey, potatoes, veggies, stuffing, Christmas pudding, cranberry sauce… if that’s what you’re planning to serve up this year, we’re not being psychic – it’s just that that’s what most people will choose to dish up, and although it could be the tastiest thing you make all year, it’s still not very exciting because it’s exactly what everyone’s going to expect. 

Why not add some twists to these traditional menu items and make them more exciting and different? Your Christmas dinner will definitely be remembered, and you’ll find you have people asking for more and clearing every plate (always a bonus!). 

Take a look online, and you’ll find there are lots of variations on the standard Christmas lunch or dinner menu, including vegetarian options or trying out different main meats because turkey isn’t everyone’s favorite thing to eat – why else would we only have it at this time of year? Or what about organizing a potluck-style of dinner? Every guest can bring their favorite part of the meal, cooked exactly how they like it, and you’ll have a lot less work to do, so it’s perfect any way you look at it. 

Some people even book a restaurant and go out for Christmas dinner. It’s not going to  be the right thing for everyone, but it could make a nice change just once. 

Dress For The Occasion 

What do you normally wear at Christmas? If it’s your usual casual clothes or even your pajamas, there’s definitely nothing wrong with that, but if you’re looking for ways to upgrade your Christmas this year, dressing a little more formally and with clothes that are made just for the season, like those from Hometown Heritage Clothing could be a great option. 

When you dress up and take your time to choose the perfect outfit for the occasion – even if the occasion is you being at home with your family for Christmas – then you’ll feel great when you put your new outfit on, and you’ll be confident and happy all day long. Make sure everyone gets the memo about the dress code as well, and when you look back at your photos of the big day, you’ll love how it all turned out, with everyone looking super stylish. 

Boost Your Gift-Giving Game

Maybe you’re quite happy with how your food and clothes and decorations are going to be, and you don’t want to mess with any of that. Okay, but what about your gifts? Do you really like sitting around in a circle watching everyone open their things, and then that’s it, all over and done with? 

If you want to boost your gift-giving (or rather gift-opening) game, why not make it more fun? You could organize a Secret Santa with a twist where everyone has to answer riddles to find out where their gift is or who got it for them, for example. Or what about setting up a DIY gift-wrapping station with all the things everyone needs and inviting people over earlier to wrap their gifts together? 

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It’s the time of year again where family and friends gather together to celebrate and enjoy one another’s company and that means houseguests. I LOVE when family and friends come to visit. I hate the deep cleaning I have to do the day before they arrive but I love having them so my guest room is always available. It’s like my own little airBnb, only I don’t charge and it’s very unlikely that any sort of Barbarian situation will arise, as I am confident there is no basement. Everyone loves to be wowed by a stylish and inviting guest room. Believe me I know. My sister-in-law is an interior decorating goddess and every time we visit; I feel like I’m staying at the lushest resort ever. The woman has a gift. It's a great way to make your visitors feel welcome and comfortable when they stay with you. Creating a guest room that will always impress doesn't have to be complicated. All it takes is a few simple steps to make your room warm, inviting, and comfortable. From choosing the right pieces of furniture to adding personal touches, your guest room will be a place your visitors will never forget. With the right mixture of style and comfort, you can create a guest room that will always leave a lasting impression and, bonus, you’ll never have a shortage of visitors. Upgrade the bed and mattress Your bed is the focal point of the guest room. That's why you must upgrade the bed and mattress to give your guests a comfortable place to sleep. You don't want your guests to wake up with aches and pains. It’s true. I’ve had that happen to me and, needless to say, I do not frequent that home very often. I can’t afford the weeks of PT it costs to do so. A good mattress can make all the difference to your guests. When it comes to the bed frame, you have lots of options. You can choose a traditional wooden bed frame, a divan base, or a more modern metal one.  Provide empty closet space  Closets are a great place to store extra blankets, towels, and anything else you may need in an emergency. Using an empty closet can sometimes make the room feel cluttered and unorganized. Keep the closet as empty as possible to create a clean and open look in the room. This will also make it easier for guests to find the items they are looking for when they need them. If you don't have enough space in the closet to store your extra belongings, try using a dresser or a bench to store blankets and towels. You can also use a cabinet or a small bookshelf to store items away from sight. You don't need to go out and buy lots of fancy things. Your guests will appreciate a clean, tidy, and well-organized room. Add soft touches to make the room inviting. Decorating your guest room doesn't have to be complicated, but it does have to be functional and functional. Try to choose fabrics and textures that are soft and comfortable. Try incorporating as many soft fabrics and textures as possible to create a welcoming and cozy space. Adding a few decorative pillows to the couch and a comfy shag rug can make the room feel like home. Decorating your guest room doesn't always have to be about adding large pieces of furniture and flashy decorations. Small items like decorative pillows and rugs can make a big difference in the overall look and feel of the room. Adding as many soft elements to the room as possible will help make your guest room feel like home. Choose a neutral color palette. When deciding what colors to use for your room, it's essential to pick a neutral color palette. Neutral colors are easy to mix and match and can be easily incorporated into any room in the house. This will make your room feel cohesive and like it's part of the rest of the house. A neutral color palette is also a great way to create a relaxing and comfortable environment in the guest room. When deciding which neutral colors to use, you can choose a color palette that corresponds with the season or the type of guests you usually have staying with you. For example, a fall-themed palette or a palette that represents comfort and warmth would be best for guests staying during the winter months. Add personal touches to the room. Your guest room should be a reflection of you. You can personalize the room in many ways to make it feel like an extension of your living space. Add a few decorative items to the bookshelf to show off your personality. You can also add pictures and mementos to the room to show your visitors a glimpse of your life. Try incorporating various personal items into the room that show off your interests and hobbies. Or you can add pictures and prints that give off a more hotel-style vibe, such as Monet art prints, for a touch of luxury. Keep the room organized and clutter-free. Keeping the room tidy and organized is one of the best ways to keep it looking clean and appealing. You can create a clean and simple look by using only a few decorative pieces in the room. This will help keep the room from feeling cluttered and overwhelming. You can use decorative baskets or trays to hold your blankets, towels, and other items in the room. This will help keep the room tidy and make it easy to locate things when they are needed. Try to keep the room as clutter-free as possible. This will help make the room feel clean and spacious. It will also help your guests feel comfortable knowing they are in a tidy environment. Keeping the room organized and neat will also make it easier for you to clean the room and keep it looking clean and tidy. Invest in quality bedding One of the first things your guests will touch is the bedding. It's essential to have quality bedding that is both comfortable and easy to clean. Bedspreads are a great way to add texture and style to the bed. Avoid using thick, thick bedspreads that take too long to dry. Instead, try to find a bedspread that is easy to clean and dry. You can find a wide range of bedspreads at most stores, but be sure to choose a comfortable and easy-to-clean fabric. Also, try to find a bedspread that matches the room's color scheme. This will help tie the room together and make it look even more stylish. Your guest room should be a place that feels warm and welcoming and also reflects your personal style. It's a great way to show off your personality and make your guests feel at home. You can do a few things to make your guest room feel stylish and comfortable. Start by upgrading the bed and mattress to create a welcoming and stylish first impression. Next, keep the closet as empty as possible to create an organized and open look. Then, add soft touches to make the room cozier and inviting. Finally, invest in quality bedding to find the perfect bedspread. With these few simple steps, you can create a guest room that will always impress.

Estimated reading time: 6 minutes

It’s the time of year again where family and friends gather together to celebrate and enjoy one another’s company and that means houseguests. I LOVE when family and friends come to visit. I hate the deep cleaning I have to do the day before they arrive but I love having them so my guest room is always available. It’s like my own little airBnb, only I don’t charge and it’s very unlikely that any sort of Barbarian situation will arise, as I am confident there is no basement.

Everyone loves to be wowed by a stylish and inviting guest room. Believe me I know. My sister-in-law is an interior decorating goddess and every time we visit; I feel like I’m staying at the lushest resort ever. The woman has a gift. It’s a great way to make your visitors feel welcome and comfortable when they stay with you.

Creating a guest room that will always impress doesn’t have to be complicated. All it takes is a few simple steps to make your room warm, inviting, and comfortable. From choosing the right pieces of furniture to adding personal touches, your guest room will be a place your visitors will never forget. With the right mixture of style and comfort, you can create a guest room that will always leave a lasting impression and, bonus, you’ll never have a shortage of visitors.

Upgrade the bed and mattress

Your bed is the focal point of the guest room. That’s why you must upgrade the bed and mattress to give your guests a comfortable place to sleep. You don’t want your guests to wake up with aches and pains. It’s true. I’ve had that happen to me and, needless to say, I do not frequent that home very often. I can’t afford the weeks of PT it costs to do so. A good mattress can make all the difference to your guests. When it comes to the bed frame, you have lots of options. You can choose a traditional wooden bed frame, a divan base, or a more modern metal one. 

In choosing the right bed setup, consider the flexibility of twin beds. Twin beds are excellent because they can be pushed together to form a king-size bed for couples, or separated to accommodate singles who prefer their own space. This versatility is particularly useful depending on who your guests might be. For the best twin XL mattresses, look for options that provide excellent support and comfort, and don’t forget to invest in quality mattress toppers to enhance the sleep experience. The ability to adapt the sleeping arrangements easily will not only save you space but also make your guest bedroom adaptable to a variety of needs and preferences.

Provide empty closet space

 Closets are a great place to store extra blankets, towels, and anything else you may need in an emergency. Using an empty closet can sometimes make the room feel cluttered and unorganized. Keep the closet as empty as possible to create a clean and open look in the room. This will also make it easier for guests to find the items they are looking for when they need them. If you don’t have enough space in the closet to store your extra belongings, try using a dresser or a bench to store blankets and towels. You can also use a cabinet or a small bookshelf to store items away from sight. You don’t need to go out and buy lots of fancy things. Your guests will appreciate a clean, tidy, and well-organized room.

Add soft touches to make the room inviting.

Decorating your guest room doesn’t have to be complicated, but it does have to be functional and functional. Try to choose fabrics and textures that are soft and comfortable. Try incorporating as many soft fabrics and textures as possible to create a welcoming and cozy space. Adding a few decorative pillows to the couch and a comfy shag rug can make the room feel like home. Decorating your guest room doesn’t always have to be about adding large pieces of furniture and flashy decorations. Small items like decorative pillows and rugs can make a big difference in the overall look and feel of the room. Adding as many soft elements to the room as possible will help make your guest room feel like home.

Choose a neutral color palette.

When deciding what colors to use for your room, it’s essential to pick a neutral color palette. Neutral colors are easy to mix and match and can be easily incorporated into any room in the house. This will make your room feel cohesive and like it’s part of the rest of the house. A neutral color palette is also a great way to create a relaxing and comfortable environment in the guest room. When deciding which neutral colors to use, you can choose a color palette that corresponds with the season or the type of guests you usually have staying with you. For example, a fall-themed palette or a palette that represents comfort and warmth would be best for guests staying during the winter months.

Add personal touches to the room.

Your guest room should be a reflection of you. You can personalize the room in many ways to make it feel like an extension of your living space. Add a few decorative items to the bookshelf to show off your personality. You can also add pictures and mementos to the room to show your visitors a glimpse of your life. Try incorporating various personal items into the room that show off your interests and hobbies. Or you can add pictures and prints that give off a more hotel-style vibe for a touch of luxury.

Keep the room organized and clutter-free.

Keeping the room tidy and organized is one of the best ways to keep it looking clean and appealing. You can create a clean and simple look by using only a few decorative pieces in the room. This will help keep the room from feeling cluttered and overwhelming. You can use decorative baskets or trays to hold your blankets, towels, and other items in the room. This will help keep the room tidy and make it easy to locate things when they are needed. Try to keep the room as clutter-free as possible. This will help make the room feel clean and spacious. It will also help your guests feel comfortable knowing they are in a tidy environment. Keeping the room organized and neat will also make it easier for you to clean the room and keep it looking clean and tidy.

Invest in quality bedding

One of the first things your guests will touch is the bedding. It’s essential to have quality bedding that is both comfortable and easy to clean. Bedspreads are a great way to add texture and style to the bed. Avoid using thick, thick bedspreads that take too long to dry. Instead, try to find a bedspread that is easy to clean and dry. You can find a wide range of bedspreads at most stores, but be sure to choose a comfortable and easy-to-clean fabric. Also, try to find a bedspread that matches the room’s color scheme. This will help tie the room together and make it look even more stylish.

Your guest room should be a place that feels warm and welcoming and also reflects your personal style. It’s a great way to show off your personality and make your guests feel at home. You can do a few things to make your guest room feel stylish and comfortable. Start by upgrading the bed and mattress to create a welcoming and stylish first impression. Next, keep the closet as empty as possible to create an organized and open look. Then, add soft touches to make the room cozier and inviting. Finally, invest in quality bedding to find the perfect bedspread. With these few simple steps, you can create a guest room that will always impress.

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How to Maximize Space In A Small Home

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

You can easily check off the same things on your wishlist in a smaller house as you can in a bigger one. Some of these ideas for decorating and organizing a small house can make you feel like you’re really living large. When space is at a premium, it’s critical to be creative with what you’ve got so you can maximize your living space. Take advantage of these pointers and tactics to make the most of your limited space and make it more enjoyable to live in your home.

Use Wall Space

The walls of a home are the best resource that isn’t being used. Even though they’re great for hanging pictures, they should be used for much more in a small space.

Use tall bookcases that go all the way to the ceiling, or put up shelves one on top of the other all the way to the ceiling. Hang your bike on the wall by putting up hooks. Try a living wall planter if you want plants but don’t have room for pots on your table or floor. Hang extra chairs and tables that can be folded up. Instead of table lights, use wall sconces.

Choose Skirted Furniture 

Skirted furniture is great because it looks nice and can hide things as well. If a sofa has legs that stick out, you can see what’s under it. However, if you add a skirt, you can use the space under the sofa to hide things. Most of the time, furniture with exposed legs makes a space feel lighter and airier and makes a small room feel bigger. However, skirted furniture is the way to go if you need more hidden storage.

Use Your Doors

Most of the time, the space between the top of the doorway and the ceiling is just right for a shelf that can hold books, storage containers, or other small items. If you’re short on space, don’t forget to look up.

Put hooks on the back of all your doors so you can attach whatever you want. Use the outside of cabinet doors as well, not simply the doors that separate rooms.

Use Double Duty Furniture 

In a small space, it’s always a good idea to choose furniture that can be used for more than one thing. For example, instead of putting a side table next to your couch, you might want to use a pretty side chair. So, when you have guests, it can also be used as an extra seat. Use a bench with hidden storage instead of a coffee table. So, you get a table, a place to sit, and a place to store things all in one. Think about sofa beds and other furniture that can be used in different ways.

Store Your Stuff

Sometimes home is just too small to accommodate all of your belongings. This might mean getting rid of some things, but that would be a shame if they are mementos and important to you. 

Instead of disposing of them entirely, you can use storage units to keep them safe and to ensure your home remains clutter-free. Look for special storage deals to keep costs down.

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Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

If you’re considering investing in a luxury vintage sports car (Hello, Aston Martin), or any car for that matter, there are a few things you need to consider. First of all, how much can you realistically afford to spend? For instance, I am currently enamored with all things G-Wagon, however, my budget is leaning more in the Infiniti direction ( but that’s for a different post on a different day). And secondly, what are your driving needs and requirements? Is a 2-seater okay or do you need three rows? In this post, we will discuss four crucial considerations that you need to think about before making such a big purchase. So if you’re ready to invest in some high-end automotive luxury, keep reading!

How much can you afford to spend?

This is probably the most important question to ask yourself before investing in a luxury vehicle, sports car or otherwise. First, you need to set a budget and stick to it. I know, it’s the worst. Remember that luxury does not come cheap, so you’ll need to be prepared to spend a significant amount of money. It’s also important to factor in maintenance and repairs, as these can be quite costly for luxury cars.

Before making any decisions, before you even test drive any car, research and figure out how much you can realistically afford to spend on your vehicle. Once you have a budget, you can start shopping around and comparing different models. If you don’t know your budget, you’ll just set yourself up for disappointment.

If you’re unsure where to start, try talking to a professional dealership. They will be able to give you a better idea of what kind of car you can realistically afford. Then, once you have a budget, it’s time to start shopping around!

What are your driving needs and requirements?

Another essential consideration to make before investing in a luxury vintage sports car is your driving needs and requirements. For example, do you need a vehicle that’s fast and powerful? Or do you prefer something more elegant and luxurious? Personally, I’d like both, please and thank you.

Think about how you will be using the car. For example, if you plan on driving it every day, you’ll need to factor in fuel efficiency and practicality. On the other hand, if you only plan on taking it out for special occasions, you can afford to be more selective with your choice.

Once you know what your driving needs are, start looking at different models that fit those criteria. Again, doing a lot of research online is critical to your success. They can recommend specific models that are well-suited for your needs.

The maintenance requirements

Investing in a luxury vintage sports car is not a decision to take lightly. These cars are expensive and require a lot of care and maintenance. Before making any decisions, be sure to factor in the cost of repairs and upkeep.

It’s essential to do your research and find out how much it will cost to maintain your chosen car. Once you have an estimate of things like 1965 Mustang coilovers and suspension parts, compare it to your budget and see if you can afford the long-term costs. If not, then it’s probably best to look at another option. But if you’re prepared to invest the time and money into maintaining your luxury vintage sports car, go for it! Just be sure that you’re realistic about the costs involved.

The resale value

Finally, you need to consider your chosen car’s resale value. Luxury vintage sports cars appreciate over time, so it’s important to factor this into your decision. If you’re not planning on keeping the car for very long, you need to make sure you can sell it for a profit down the road.

Doing your research is critical to assessing the resale value of a luxury vintage sports car. Talk to experts and dealerships to get an idea of what your chosen car is worth. And be sure to stay up-to-date on market trends to adjust your asking price accordingly.

Consider everything before investing in a luxury vehicle. But if you research and stay within your budget, you’ll be sure to find the perfect vehicle for you. Just be sure to factor in all the costs involved, from the initial purchase price to the long-term maintenance costs. And always keep an eye on the resale value so that you can make a profit down the road.

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