Life is too short to waste it on what ifs and whens.If you find happiness you must not only embrace it but take a chance and make a leap.Rationale has no place in affairs of the heart. Live Big!Love Big! Be Bold and have no regrets. That’s why we are putting the house on the market. The time for logic is not now.We’ve spent enough time being logical.The Big Guy and I started on a leap of faith, an engagement after only 4 months.That has turned out to be the best decision of our lives. So, to hell with waiting for the right time.The right time is now.We are making a leap.
This part of the movie always gives me chills! Thanks for sharing! Makes me LOVE my life BIG!
My husband and I were engaged after only 8 months. When you find the right one you know and there is no point in waiting. Congrats on you leap!
Good for you. Hubby and I were engaged after 4 months too. Sometimes you need to leap.
I’m praying that your house sells quickly!! You guys need to be back together again. STAT! Kisses and hugs.