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Zachary Holly

Jersey Bridgeman, Zachary Holly, rape, murder

Throat Punch Thursday,Jersey Bridgeman, Zachary Holly, murder, rape

Today’s Throat Punch is brought to you by an asshole named Zachary Holly, the Arkansas man was charged Wednesday with the rape and murder of 6-year-old Jersey Bridgeman.

Holly and his wife had been babysitting the little girl the night before her disappearance, as he had many times before. Most of us have a friend or neighbor that we trust our children with, usually someone who we are close with and have deemed trustworthy adults to care for our children the way we would. For me that usually means my Mother-in-law or my mom or sisters. I’m not very trusting when it comes to my children because I know people are fucked in the head.

Little Jersey’s murder came just months after a high-profile child abuse case in which her father and stepmother, David Bridgeman and Jana Bridgeman, were convicted of chaining the little girl to a dresser at night. Thank God those two pieces of shit are in jail. Jana Bridgeman is serving a 12-year prison sentence, and David Bridgeman is serving an 18-year prison sentence. Not long enough if you ask me. This poor kid couldn’t catch a break; everyone that she trusted has betrayed her. More and more children seem to be getting raped and murdered by people the trust and love.

Since then, Jersey Bridgeman has been living with her mother, DesaRae Bridgeman, and began kindergarten this fall in Bentonville, about 215 miles northwest of Little Rock, Arkansas. Seemed like things were looking up for little Jersey. She was getting to be a normal 6-year-old and not chained up to a radiator like an animal. Anything would be a step up in the world from living with her father the monster.

Jersey Bridgeman, Zachary Holly, rape, murder

Jersey Bridgeman

Unfortunately, her mother lived next door to Zachary Holly, 28, and his wife Amanda, friends of the family who frequently babysat Jersey and her 2-year-old sister, as they did on Nov. 19. They seemed like normal people. No red flags that would indicate that he was a baby molester or or potential murderer.

DesaRae came home from work that night at about 11, went to get the girls and after visiting with the Hollys for a few minutes, Zachary helped carry a sleeping Jersey to her home. Her mom carried her baby sister and they placed the girls in bed together. The Zachary went home and life went on. Little did Jersey’s mom know that that was the last time she would see her precious little girl alive. How could anyone know what was going through that sick bastards mind? Was he putting her to bed thinking, “hmm, I’ll be back for you in a few sexy.”

Jersey was reported missing the next morning. Only minutes after a search for her began, Jersey’s body was discovered in an abandoned house two doors away and a DNA profile was being developed from sperm cells found on the little girl. The sonofabitch didn’t try very hard to conceal it. I can’t pretend to understand why this seemingly normal grown man would do something so heinous but I can’t help feeling he felt remorse since he didn’t hide the body very well and he confessed. Don’t get me wrong; I still think he deserves whatever he gets in jail from the inmates for what he has done. If it were my daughter, I would want him dead.

Holly called Bentonville police on Nov. 23 and later showed up at a station, gave a statement and then was booked on charges of capital murder, kidnapping, rape and residential burglary. What a piece of shit. He has destroyed two families; his own and Jersey Bridgeman’s.

My thoughts and prayers are with her mother and with Zachary’s wife. At least little Jersey is finally safe from all the sick adults in her life.

Throat punch to Zachary Holly and may you receive the same mercy from the inmates that you have shown sweet little, Jersey Bridgeman.


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