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I love this video, it shows just how effectively the New Vaseline® Spray & Go Moisturizer absorbs instantly into your skin, so we women can put our clothes right on after moisturizing. I am not sure that I could put my clothes on quite as gracefully or in as cool a way as Emma, the dancer in the video, but it sure is fun to watch.

Of course, Emma is a professional dancer from London who was trained as an acrobat as a child and then switched to modern dance. She should be in Cirque du Soleil with those skills. I’m a mommy whose groove thang doesn’t work like it used to.

Can you believe the production team started by having Emma try 25 speed dressing tricks before they narrowed it down? Did you see her pull on tights while doing a back somersault across the bed? Holy moly, I would have fallen off the bed and broke my newly moisturized derriere. That was the hardest speed trick for Emma to pull off too, so I don’t feel so bad. Emma said the back walkover into a pair of heels was the easiest trick for her. Show off! I could never have looked so graceful doing those speed tricks; I would have definitely fallen and broken something. Emma was able to do every spot in a single take. Take a look at the behind the scenes video.


What’s not to love about the New Vaseline® Spray & Go Moisturizer? It’s freaky fast to apply and more importantly quick to absorb into your skin. It has a convenient 360° spray that dispenses lotion quickly and evenly and you can even hold the can upside down and it still works. It absorbs in 10 seconds or less. What else can you do in 10 seconds? It sure is helpful to get out the door in the morning.  My time is precious, and I am sure yours is too. I don’t have time to wait for my lotion to dry in the morning.

Here are some other tips I have for getting out the door fast in the morning:

  1. Wake up 20 minutes before the children. This is key to getting yourself dressed, ready and one cup of coffee in your system before the kids ever open their eyes. Not being whipped into a frenzy while trying to get little people dressed and out the door is a blessing and will make your life happier.
  2. Plan your breakfast the night before. Nothing wastes time like staring into the abyss of the pantry or refrigerator. Hey, were you raised in a barn? Sorry, I was channeling my mom for a moment.
  3. Make a packed lunch schedule and make lunches the night before and refrigerate over nights o they are ready to grab and go in the morning.
  4. Homework! Empty the kids’ backpacks the night before. Take all papers out of the folders, make sure homework is done and sign everything that needs to be signed the night before not in the morning.
  5. Give baths and showers to kids at night. Trying to get a half-asleep child to shower without consequence is not a good idea. There will be tears, probably yours.
  6. Lay you and your children’s outfits out the night before. Preparation is key to a smooth morning, believe me.
  7. If you follow these steps, you will be out the door in no time with your little ones.

Vaseline® Spray & Go Moisturizer is a quick, continuous 360° spray lotion that moisturizes deeply and absorbs in seconds, so you can put your clothes right on and get on with your day! Available in three formulas – Total Moisture®, Aloe Fresh, and Cocoa Radiant™ – this fast to apply, quick to absorb line of lotions leaves skin instantly soft – not sticky or greasy. Find out more at www.maxthemorning.com!

This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Vaseline. The opinions and text are all mine.

This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Vaseline.  The opinions and text are all mine.

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How long does it take you to get ready in the morning? I thought that this summer was going to be about long, lazy mornings spent sleeping in, days lingering by the pool and quiet evenings spent lounging around the fire pit. Visions of nature hikes, family bike rides, picnics, and spontaneous memorable moments danced in my head. The reality of it all is that I am busier than ever taking my daughters to the pool, swimming lessons, gymnastics, the park, play dates and I think you get the picture. I need every thing in my life streamlined this summer, including my morning routine.

Luckily, I have discovered Vaseline Spray and Go Moisturizer. It is exactly what it sounds like. It is a continuous spray lotion that moisturizes and absorbs in seconds. It’s never sticky or greasy and comes in three variants; Total Moisture, Aloe Fresh and Cocoa Radiant. You simply spray it on (preferably in the tub so you don’t leave moisturizer residue all over your bathroom floor creating a slip and fall hazard), rub it in, get dressed and go. It’s quick, convenient and absorbs instantly so you can get dressed immediately and get on with your day, which is exactly what a busy mom like me, needs.

I took the Vaseline Spray and Go Moisturizer Challenge and the results were that it took me 10 minutes less time to get ready using Vaseline Spray and Go than it did using my traditional moisturizer. Vaseline Spray and Go Moisturizer only takes 10 seconds to absorb, just like in the video. Apparently, I waste a lot more time than I realized waiting for my lotion to dry just so I can put on my clothes. Who has time to wait around for lotion to dry? I have places to go and little people to see. I never thought 10 minutes in my day could make such a difference but when you’re busy and time is at a premium, you have to make every second count and I;d rather make memories than wait for my moisturizer to dry, wouldn’t you?

My other tips for getting out of the house quickly in the morning?

Wake your kids up early enough to allow for sleepy children to eat breakfast and wake up before whisking them out the door.

Have clothes/outfits/swimsuits and all necessary tools for activities and classes in a bag in a designated space to be easily found in the morning.

Plan your breakfast meals in advance.

Know your child and yourself. If it’s Thursday and its been a hectic week, you know your child is going to be obstinate and overtired and so are you, plan to be more understanding and patient.

Don’t forget about you! Decide what you are going to wear and have it set aside the night before, make sure the tank is filled with gas and you know where your purse and keys are for easy access in the morning.

I love Vaseline Spray and Go Moisturizer because it makes my life easier and lets me be the places I need to be, with the people I love, when I need to be there, not 10 minutes late or sacrificing dry beautiful, moisturized skin for promptness.

To watch more tips on how to max your morning check out www.maxthemorning.com

Vaseline® Spray & Go Moisturizer is a quick, continuous 360° spray lotion that moisturizes deeply and absorbs in seconds, so you can put your clothes right on and get on with your day! Available in three formulas – Total Moisture®, Aloe Fresh, and Cocoa Radiant™ – this fast to apply, quick to absorb line of lotions leaves skin instantly soft – not sticky or greasy. Find out more at www.maxthemorning.com!

This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Vaseline. The opinions and text are all mine.

This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Vaseline.  The opinions and text are all mine.

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