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Deborah Cruz

Chicago, Cirque du Soleil Crystal

Estimated reading time: 2 minutes

Hold onto your imaginary snowflakes, Chicago! Brace yourselves for a spectacle that’s not just cool, it’s ice-cold amazing!  Prepare yourselves for Cirque du Soleil Crystal, the world’s first acrobatic performance on ice, gliding into NOW Arena from March 22nd to 24th, 2024. This ain’t your grandma’s figure skating routine, people. Think death-defying aerial stunts, heart-stopping acrobatics, and a dazzling display of artistic mastery – all on a slippery, shimmering stage of frozen dreams!

Chicago, Cirque du Soleil Crystal

Forget Zambonis and triple axels. This show is about redefining boundaries, pushing limits, and leaving you speechless (okay, maybe gasping for air after all that awe-inspiring movement). Imagine soaring trapeze artists defying gravity on a frosty platform, synchronized skaters swirling in mesmerizing formations, and daring hand-to-hand duos defying the laws of physics – all while carving graceful lines on the ice. It’s like a Winter Wonderland meets Olympic Games meets your wildest circus dreams, and believe me, it’s mind-blowingly beautiful.

Chicago, Cirque du Soleil CrystalBut wait, there’s more! This isn’t just a showcase of jaw-dropping feats. Crystal weaves a heartwarming story of self-discovery through the eyes of its protagonist, aptly named… Crystal. Join her on a journey of self-acceptance, embracing individuality, and finding your inner sparkle (pun intended!). With breathtaking visuals projected onto the icy canvas and a chillingly beautiful soundtrack, you’ll be swept away in a world of wonder, laughter, and maybe even a few tears (happy ones, of course!).

Chicago, Cirque du Soleil Crystal

Here’s the icing on the cake (or should I say, snowflake on the ice?):

  • It’s for everyone! Whether you’re a seasoned cirque aficionado or a family looking for a unique outing, Crystal’s magic will mesmerize audiences of all ages.
  • It’s a first-of-its-kind experience! Witness history in the making as Cirque du Soleil breaks new ground with this innovative icy extravaganza.
  • It’s got all the bells and whistles (and snowflakes)! From jaw-dropping acrobatics to stunning visuals and a touching story, this show has something for everyone.

Chicago, Cirque du Soleil CrystalSo, ditch the Netflix queue and lace up your metaphorical skates, Chicago! This is one event you don’t want to miss. Get your tickets now and prepare to be dazzled, inspired, and left saying, “Did I just see someone do a triple Salchow on ice without falling?!” (Spoiler alert: you probably did.)

Tickets are on sale now at cirquedusoleil.com/crystal . Don’t let this icy dream melt away – book your seats and get ready to witness the magic of Cirque du Soleil Crystal unfold before your very eyes. Trust me, this is one Winter Wonderland you won’t forget!

Chicago, Cirque du Soleil Crystal

Don’t just imagine the magic, LIVE IT!

Cirque du Soleil Crystal isn’t just a show, it’s an experience that’ll leave you breathless, inspired, and maybe even questioning the laws of physics (seriously, those skaters defy logic!).

Chicago, Cirque du Soleil Crystal

Ready to trade your Netflix queue for jaw-dropping acrobatics and a heartwarming story on ice? Then:

  • Clickety-clack your way to cirquedusoleil.com/crystal and snag your tickets before they disappear faster than a triple axel!
  • Round up your squad (family, friends, whoever gets excited by icy awesomeness) and prepare for a night you’ll never forget. ❄️
  • Share the hype on social media with #CrystalChicago and tag @Cirque du Soleil! Let’s get this icy party started!

Chicago, Cirque du Soleil CrystalRemember, Chicago, this Winter Wonderland melts away on March 24th! Don’t miss your chance to witness the magic firsthand. ✨

For more incredible Cirque du Soleil posts:

La Nouba





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Back to the Future the Musical, Broadway in Chicago

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

Attention Gen X, Gen Z and anyone who loves musicals; hold onto your flux capacitors, Windy City! Dust off your DeLorean and grab your hoverboard, because Back to the Future: The Musical is blasting into Chicago’s Cadillac Palace Theatre for three electrifying weeks, August 13th to September 1st, 2024! The critically acclaimed, time-traveling, toe-tapping extravaganza, Back to the Future: The Musical, is blasting into the Cadillac Palace Theatre this August! Get ready to witness Marty McFly’s electrifying journey through time, set to a score that’ll have you humming along from the first to the eighty-eighth minute (and maybe even beyond!).

Back to the Future the Musical, Broadway in Chicago

Brought to you by Broadway in Chicago, this critically acclaimed spectacle isn’t just a trip down memory lane – it’s a time-traveling thrill ride packed with jaw-dropping effects, infectious tunes, and enough laughs to power Doc Brown’s flux capacitor!

Remember Marty McFly, that teenage rock ‘n’ roll rebel accidentally zapped back to 1955? Yeah, the chaos is back, baby! Witness Marty scramble to ensure his parents fall in love (awkward!), outrun Biff’s bully antics (classic!), and all while rocking out to new music by Emmy and Grammy award-winners (epicness guaranteed!).

Back to the Future the Musical, Broadway in ChicagoForget DeLorean-induced whiplash, because Back to the Future the Musical will leave you breathless with:

  • Jaw-dropping spectacle: Remember that iconic DeLorean ride? Buckle up for a stage version that’ll have you feeling the G-force (minus the nausea).
  • Show-stopping tunes: From brand new bangers to classic favorites like “The Power of Love” and “Johnny B. Goode,” this score will have you dancing in the aisles (or at least tapping your feet uncontrollably).
  • Laugh-out-loud humor: Doc Brown’s zany antics, Biff’s buffoonery, and Marty’s witty one-liners will have you chuckling faster than a flux capacitor can charge. Laughs for all ages: Whether you’re a die-hard fan or a newcomer to the franchise, this show is guaranteed to tickle your funny bone and warm your heart.
  • A heart-warming story: At its core, Back to the Future is about the power of family, friendship, and never giving up on your dreams. Prepare to shed a tear (or two) alongside a smile.
  • Tony Award®-winning direction and design: Prepare to be blown away by mind-bending sets, dazzling costumes, and special effects that’ll make you swear you just saw a DeLorean disappear on stage.

    Back to the Future the Musical, Broadway in ChicagoThis ain’t just a musical, it’s a cultural phenomenon! Get ready to experience the iconic story like never before, with humor, heart, and enough plutonium to send you back to the future (metaphorically speaking, of course).

    Back to the Future the Musical, Broadway in ChicagoSo, are you ready to travel through time? Tickets are going faster than a flux capacitor on overdrive, so don’t wait! Grab your friends, family, and anyone who loves a good adventure, and head to BroadwayInChicago.com to snag your tickets before they disappear!

    Back to the Future the Musical, Broadway in ChicagoTICKET INFORMATION
    Groups of 10+ are now on sale by calling (312) 977-1710 or by emailing GroupSales@BroadwayInChicago.comBACK TO THE FUTURE will be part of the next Broadway In Chicago subscription. Current subscribers can renewal beginning on Monday, February 26, and the season will be available to new subscribers on Wednesday, March 20. Single tickets will be on sale at a later date. Ticket prices range from $40 – $135 with a select number of premium tickets available. For more details, visit BroadwayInChicago.com.
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    Understanding The Five Love Languages to Improve Your Relationships

    Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

    Ah, love – the great mystery of the human heart. We’ve all been there, swept off our feet by that special someone who makes our heart flutter and our knees weak. But what happens when the honeymoon phase fades, and we realize that our partner’s way of expressing love is completely different from our own? Enter the five love languages – a framework that can help unravel the complexities of relationships and foster deeper connections with our partners. So, grab your favorite latte (or a glass of wine), and let’s dive into the fascinating world of understanding the five love languages.

    What Are the Five Love Languages?

    First things first, let’s break down the five love languages:

    1. Words of Affirmation: This love language involves verbal expressions of love and appreciation, such as compliments, words of encouragement, and affirmations of affection.
    2. Quality Time: For those who speak this love language, nothing says “I love you” like undivided attention and meaningful conversations. Spending quality time together, free from distractions, is essential.
    3. Acts of Service: Actions speak louder than words for individuals who value acts of service. Whether it’s cooking dinner, running errands, or helping with chores, these gestures demonstrate love and thoughtfulness.
    4. Physical Touch: Physical affection is the primary love language for those who crave touch. Hugs, kisses, hand-holding, and other forms of physical contact are essential for feeling loved and connected.
    5. Receiving Gifts: Thoughtful gifts, no matter how big or small, are the key to the heart for individuals who appreciate receiving gifts as expressions of love and thoughtfulness.

    How Do You Identify Your Love Language?

    Identifying your love language is like uncovering a hidden treasure – it requires self-reflection and honest communication with your partner. Pay attention to how you prefer to express love and how you feel most loved and appreciated in return. Do you light up when your partner gives you a compliment or a thoughtful gift? Or do you crave quality time together, free from distractions? By recognizing your preferences, you can gain insight into your love language.

    How Do You Practice the Five Love Languages?

    Once you’ve identified your love language, the next step is to put it into practice in your relationship. Here are some tips for expressing each love language:

    1. Words of Affirmation: Send your partner a heartfelt text message expressing your love and appreciation. Leave sticky notes with uplifting messages around the house. Compliment them on their strengths and accomplishments.
    2. Quality Time: Plan regular date nights where you can focus solely on each other. Put away your phones and other distractions and engage in meaningful conversations. Take walks together or enjoy a leisurely meal at a favorite restaurant.
    3. Acts of Service: Take on tasks or chores that your partner dislikes or finds challenging. Cook their favorite meal, run errands for them, or offer to help with household responsibilities without being asked.
    4. Physical Touch: Initiate cuddling sessions, hold hands while watching TV, or give your partner a lingering hug when they least expect it. Physical affection doesn’t always have to be sexual; simple gestures of touch can convey love and affection.
    5. Receiving Gifts: Surprise your partner with thoughtful gifts that reflect their interests and preferences. It’s not about the monetary value; it’s about the thought and effort you put into selecting something meaningful for them.

    When Love Languages Clash: Navigating Differences in Relationships

    While understanding and speaking the same love language can strengthen a relationship, what happens when two partners’ love languages don’t match up? Conflict can arise when one partner feels unloved or unappreciated because their needs aren’t being met in the way they desire. However, recognizing and respecting each other’s love languages can bridge the gap and foster understanding and compromise. It’s not all about you. The best way to love someone is the way they want to be loved.

    Communication is key when navigating differences in love languages. It’s also the key to understanding the five love languages. The Big Guy and I have different love languages but we know that. We might not always understand why the other one wants to be loved the way they do but we love each other that is the meaningful to each other. Discussing your preferences openly and honestly with your partner can help bridge the gap and find common ground; this applies to all things in a relationship. Remember, relationships are all about compromise and finding ways to show love and appreciation that resonate with both partners.

    The Language of Love

    In the intricate dance of love, understanding and speaking each other’s love language can strengthen bonds and deepen connections in relationships. By recognizing and embracing the unique ways we express and receive love, we can cultivate fulfilling and harmonious partnerships that stand the test of time. So, whether your love language is words of affirmation, quality time, acts of service, physical touch, or receiving gifts, remember to speak it loudly and proudly in your relationship. After all, love is a language that knows no bounds – let’s keep the conversation going. ❤️

    What’s your love language? What would you want your partner to know to better understand your love language?

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    The Traveler's Code: Are you a Traveler or a Tourist? , travel, tourism

    TEstimated reading time: 4 minutes

    Ah, the eternal conundrum of travel – are you a free-spirited traveler or an itinerary-tethered tourist? Me, I like to immerse myself in the sights, sounds, culture and people of where I am traveling. I am a traveler. For me, it’s more than just a matter of labels; it’s a mindset that shapes the very fabric of your journey. Let’s embark on a quest to unravel the mysteries of the traveler-tourist duality and discover how your chosen path transforms the entire tapestry of your adventure. In the travelers code, are you a traveler or a tourist?

    Decoding the Labels

    First things first, what distinguishes a traveler from a tourist? Well, it’s not about the number of countries stamped in your passport or the hours spent wandering through historical landmarks. It’s a travel state of mind, a philosophy of exploration.

    The Tourist:

    Picture this – meticulously planned itineraries, guided tours, and a checklist of must-see attractions. Tourists crave the comfort of predictability, relying on familiar routines and iconic sights. They’re armed with guidebooks, maps, and perhaps a pocket translator, ensuring every moment is accounted for. My husband, the Big Guy, is most definitely a tourist. 

    The Traveler:

    Now, shift your focus to the wanderers, the drifters, the seekers of the offbeat. Travelers thrive on spontaneity, eschewing rigid plans for the thrill of the unknown. They savor the local flavors, embrace serendipitous encounters, and believe that the journey itself is the destination. I am definitely a traveler, and so are our girls, so we are super grateful that the Big Guy takes on the roll of the cruise director on our trips so that we can be more spontaneous. Its easy when we know that he always has our back.

    The Mindset Manifesto

    1. Seek or Snap:

    • Tourist: Armed with selfie sticks and posed grins, tourists aim for the perfect shot, a visual checklist of conquests. For them, memories are captured in pixels, curated for the envy of social media followers.
    • Traveler: The traveler’s lens captures moments, not postcards. It’s about experiencing the golden hour in a bustling market, feeling the pulse of a city, and letting the essence of a place seep into the soul. The camera is a companion, not a barrier.

    2. Path vs. Purpose:

    • Tourist: Following the well-trodden path, tourists stick to the tried-and-tested routes. Their purpose is to cover ground efficiently, ticking off landmarks like items on a shopping list.
    • Traveler: The road less taken beckons the traveler. It’s about embracing detours, getting lost, and stumbling upon hidden gems. The purpose is not just to see but to absorb, to connect with the heartbeat of a locale.

    3. Cuisine Conundrum:

    • Tourist: Safe bets and familiar chains dominate the tourist’s culinary journey. They’re more likely to stick to what they know, reluctant to venture into the uncharted territory of local delicacies.
    • Traveler: Food is a gateway to culture for the discerning traveler. From street stalls to hole-in-the-wall eateries, they crave authenticity, savoring the flavors that define a region. Culinary exploration is an adventure in itself.

    The Transformative Power of Choice

    Now that we’ve dissected the traveler-tourist spectrum, how does this choice shape your travel experience? Let’s delve into the profound impact of embracing one persona over the other.

    1. Depth of Connection:

    • Tourist: Surface-level interactions characterize the tourist experience. Engagements with locals are transactional – guided tours, brief exchanges, and fleeting moments devoid of depth.
    • Traveler: The traveler fosters meaningful connections. Conversations with locals become narratives, and chance encounters evolve into shared stories. It’s not just about observing; it’s about becoming a part of the tapestry.

    2. Memorabilia vs. Memories:

    • Tourist: Fridge magnets, keychains, and souvenirs encapsulate the tourist’s journey. These mementos are tangible reminders of places visited, but often lack the emotional resonance of true memories.
    • Traveler: Memories are the traveler’s most cherished souvenirs. Each experience etches itself into the traveler’s consciousness – the laughter shared with locals, the challenges overcome, and the unexpected beauty discovered off the beaten path.

    3. Flexibility and Adaptability:

    • Tourist: Rigidity defines the tourist’s schedule. Unexpected closures, weather disruptions, or spontaneous invitations can derail the planned agenda, causing frustration.
    • Traveler: Flexibility is the traveler’s ally. Adapting to unforeseen circumstances is not a setback but an opportunity for adventure. The ability to pivot seamlessly adds an element of thrill to the journey.

    Embracing the Hybrid: Travelist

    In the grand tapestry of travel, is there room for a harmonious blend of both worlds? Indeed, enter the ‘travelist’ – a savvy explorer who combines the structure of a tourist with the spirit of a traveler.

    A travelist plans with purpose, choosing destinations that resonate with personal interests but allows for serendipity. They appreciate the convenience of guided tours while relishing the freedom to wander off course. The travelist savors local delicacies but doesn’t shy away from the occasional familiar comfort.

    Closing Thoughts: Choose Your Adventure

    As you stand at the crossroads of traveler and tourist, remember – there’s no right or wrong way to explore. The essence lies in the journey itself, shaped by the choices you make and the mindset you carry. Whether you’re a meticulous tourist, a free-spirited traveler, or a harmonious travelist, the world awaits your unique perspective.

    What’s your travel philosophy? Are you set on a predefined course or ready to let the wind guide you? As you embark on your next adventure, remember – the magic is not just in the destination; it’s in the transformative dance between the traveler and the world.

    More Travel posts:

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    Top hings to do in Boston

    Things to do in New Orleans

    Why Every Family should GoRVing

    If you enjoyed this post, please like, comment and subscribe! XOXO

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    Battle of the Bugs: Decoding CoVid-19, Influenza, the Common Cold, and RSV

    Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

    Lord have mercy, there is so many different illnesses going around and life would be a lot easier if we learned how to decode sickness. It’s just too much. Welcome to the ultimate showdown of the microscopic world – where germs compete for the title of the most unwelcome guest in our bodies. In one corner, we have the heavyweight champion, CoVid-19; in another, the perennial contender, Influenza; lurking in the shadows, the sneaky Common Cold, and last but not least, the underdog with a punch, RSV. Let’s step into the ring and figure out how to tell these contenders apart. 

    CoVid-19: The Uninvited Guest with a Sledgehammer Entrance

    CoVid-19, the rockstar of viruses, stormed onto the scene in 2019, and it’s been headlining ever since. This bug doesn’t understand personal space, crashing our immune system party with a sledgehammer. It comes with a fever, a cough that sounds like a drum solo, and a loss of taste – the ultimate party pooper move.

    Influenza: The Seasonal Showstopper

    Influenza, or the flu, is like that annual concert you didn’t really want to attend. It hits you hard, leaves you achy and exhausted, and, worst of all, it keeps coming back every year. With symptoms like a high fever, body aches that feel like you’ve been moshing all night, and a cough that rivals a heavy metal singer’s vocals, the flu is a regular feature on the seasonal illness charts.

    The Common Cold: Your Run-of-the-Mill Troublemaker

    Ah, the Common Cold – the trickster of the bunch. Sneezing, sniffling, and generally making you feel like you got hit by a feather, the common cold is the jester of viruses. Its symptoms are more annoying than alarming: a runny nose, mild cough, and the occasional throat irritation. It’s like a background noise virus, always there but never stealing the spotlight. Unless its a man cold, that’s an entirely different beast…or so I heard. I don’t really know because I’m not a man. 

    RSV: The Silent Striker

    RSV, or Respiratory Syncytial Virus, is the dark horse in this competition. It usually goes for the youngest members of the audience, hitting infants and toddlers with a silent but potent punch. RSV comes with symptoms like coughing, sneezing, and difficulty breathing, making it a serious contender for pediatric attention.

    Spotting the Differences:

    Now that we’ve introduced our contenders, let’s talk about how to tell them apart. Imagine you’re the referee in this viral boxing match.

    • Fever Flare:

      • CoVid-19 and Influenza often come with a high fever, while the Common Cold and RSV usually keep it mild.
    • Coughing Cadence:

      • CoVid-19 boasts a persistent cough that’s hard to ignore.
      • Influenza brings a robust cough, often accompanied by body aches.
      • The Common Cold’s cough is more of an irritating side note.
      • RSV’s cough can be severe, especially in the little ones.
    • Body Aches Amplified:

      • Influenza is the champion of body aches.
      • CoVid-19 follows closely, leaving you feeling like you’ve been hit by a truck.
      • The Common Cold and RSV usually keep body aches on the down-low.
    • Age Preference:

      • CoVid-19 doesn’t discriminate by age.
      • Influenza hits all age groups but tends to favor the young and the old.
      • The Common Cold loves all ages equally.
      • RSV has a soft spot for infants and toddlers.

    In the grand arena of viral combat, each contender has its unique moves and preferred audience. While CoVid-19, Influenza, the Common Cold, and RSV might share some symptoms, their differences help us understand which opponent we’re up against. So, next time you feel under the weather, remember this guide – because nothing beats a well-informed immune system! Stay healthy, stay happy, and keep those germs at bay!

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    boilermaker love story

    Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

    I met my husband, senior year of college at Purdue University. We met at Harry’s. We had a mutual friend, who’d grown up with him, and really wanted to introduce me to this “great guy” ( just as friends). This was a boilermaker love story from the very start. In case you’re wondering what a boilermaker is, its what Purdue students, athletes and alumni call themselves. I am, in fact, a proud Boilermaker whose heart bleeds black and gold and of all the precious moments I experienced throughout my tenure at my beloved Purdue, our love story is, by far, my favorite.

    After weeks of hearing about this guy, she convinced me to leave our LSAT prep class a little early and head to Harry’s for a drink and some popcorn. It was September 29,1997. We walked into Harry’s and there at the back of the bar, surrounded by his friends and talking to the bartender was this massive 6’5” man. There was no way you could miss him.

    We made our way through the crowd to where he was and when our mutual friend introduced us, he barely looked in my direction and mumbled, “Hey.” It floated down and landed with a thud. Honestly, I was as unimpressed and disinterested as he seemed to be. All the weeks of hearing what a “great guy” he was only to realize, he was kind of a jerk. No worries, I didn’t even know this guy and I’d never have to see him again.

    Eventually, the night progressed to an impromptu after party back at the house he shared with 5 other guys; the infamous 345 Sylvia Street. At that time though, it could have been in another country because I was geographically challenged and had no idea where it was in relation to my apartment on Chauncey.

    Within 20 minutes, our mutual friend disappeared with a guy. It happens. I was left alone talking to the guy she introduced me to and his roommate. Honestly, I just wanted to go home because I had a big Astronomy test the next day; I needed sleep.

    Our Boilermaker love story had an unlikely beginning

    Eventually, around 2 am, I started to freak out a little because I’d been abandoned at this party with guys I barely knew and had absolutely no idea how to get home. The “great guy” offered to walk me home ( which in retrospect is weird because he had a car and it was the middle of the night) with no other option, I took him up on his offer. How bad could it be? I desperately needed to get home. Was I just supposed to live there now?

    He immediately told me that he wanted to show me something. All I thought was, omg, this is where my SVU episode begins. He took me to the top of the parking garage and pointed out constellations ( I guess he’d been paying attention when I was talking about my Astronomy exam). Then, unbeknownst to me, we headed in the opposite direction of my apartment taking effectively the longest way home. I was oblivious.

    We ended up at the Purdue University soccer fields, lying on the grass as he pointed out more constellations. I wasn’t sure if this guy who completely blew me off when we met earlier that night was super sweet and trying to help me study or super creepy and going to assault me. I had no option, I was lost on campus in the middle of the night with a guy a foot taller than me. I queued up all those karate moves my dad taught me as a kid… just in case this “great guy” got any SVU ideas.

    Our love story happened when I least expected it

    Then, it happened. My entire life changed when I wasn’t paying attention. As we were lying there, talking about everything and nothing under the stars with the dewy grass beneath us, he started to talk about his grandmother, who’d recently passed. He spoke with such love and reverence when telling me about the woman she was, he got choked up. That break in his voice, shifted my perspective of who I thought he was. To be honest, I realized I thought this great guy was a jerk simply from one interaction that only lasted a couple of minutes.

    Eventually, he walked me home and we had our first kiss on my doorstep as the sun was coming up. He told me he loved me 2 weeks later and proposed 4 months later, just a few days shy of our first Valentine’s Day, on the dance floor at WhereElse. 27 years and 2 boilermaker babies later, we’ve been inseparable ever since. I may have flunked my Astronomy exam but I found my forever. When I wasn’t looking, I found everything, I never knew that I always wanted right there on campus.

    What was your meet cute story? How did your love story begin?

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    winter gardening

    Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

    It’s kind of hard to imagine gardening, as I’m looking out the window to see freezing rain turn to mounds of snow but it’s right around the corner. Spring will be here before you know it. For the last couple of years, I keep waiting until May to start my garden but then May gets away from me and before I know it, summer’s over and I have no tomatoes. The garden just keeps getting pushed aside. This year, I want my tomatoes. I’m pushing through the procrastination and making a plan. This year, we’re considering winter gardening as part of my prep.

    With a little organization and planning, your garden can be grow and plant ready this spring when you want to start enjoying it. If we leave our garden all winter the prep work can pile up and become a huge, time-consuming and labor intensive chore. No one wants to be rushing to prep their garden in May because if you’re a parent, you know May’s too busy for that. 

    However, by doing a few gardening jobs now will make life a lot less stressful in the future for your garden parties, morning coffee on the deck and working out in the garden. Although the garden can look very dead in winter it isn’t always, flowers are waiting to push through, vegetables can still be grown and lots of animals are hibernating and may be in your garden resting ready for their return in spring.

    Maintenance of any Water Areas

    In the garden there may be different areas where you have pools of water. If you have a pond you may need to check it and make sure any water plants need cutting back or if the water needs to be treated in any way. If you have a pool or hot tub you may need to get someone in for any pool or hot tub maintenance. A lot of grime and dirt can build up so it is always best to get it sorted. You may even have the occasional animal find its way into your pond that has drowned and needs to be disposed of.

    Trimming Plants And Bushes

    One of the other things you will want to do is to trim plants and bushes, they should all be dried and looking dead now with all the leaves wilted off. It will be an easy time to prune them down so they can grow again for the next season. If you are ever unsure how much to prune them simply google it or ask your gardening friends. 

    Assist The Wildlife In Your Garden

    The creatures that comprise the ecosystem of your garden need your assistance now more than ever because they toil tirelessly year-round to eat pests and aerate your soil. It’s your turn to return the favor. If you have bird feeders, hang them up somewhere cats can’t reach them. If you’re crafty, construct a bug hotel. Insects and small mammals can find a place to overwinter if you just leave a pile of fallen branches and leaves in a corner of your yard.

    Harvest Your Winter Crops 

    Harvesting during the winter will be a lot of work if you’ve produced winter vegetables. It’s even said that hardy brassicas like Brussels sprouts and winter cabbage taste better after a frost. In the winter months, parsnips, leeks, and gorgeous kale are among the other veggies that are ready for harvesting. Not to worry, if you planted your vegetables in the autumn and they aren’t quite ready yet; they are all hardy and will happily grow in the ground till spring. 

    If you’re planning a garden this spring, now is the time to get started prepping it so that you can have a hearty harvest this summer. If you’re an avid gardener, what’s your best tip for prepping your garden?

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    3 Internet-Based Hobbies You Should Try in 2024, computer based

    Seems like everything we do is online now, right? I’ve been living, playing, learning and working online full-time since about 2009. It’s where I’ve met some of my closest friends and encountered some of my best opportunities. I still love doing things IRL because I was here when that was the only way things were done.  It’s the beginning of a brand new year and there are plenty of reasons to try something new, whether it be just to expand your horizons or try something you never even considered before and its easier than ever with the internet-based and computer-based hobbies. Let’s face it, the internet is a wealth of information and it’s always right there at your fingertips. 

    Maybe you’re feeling stuck in a rut, or just might be plain old, run of the mill bored. God knows after these last couple weeks of not knowing which day it was, I am definitely bored. But, I definitely don’t have to be. By turning to a hobby, you can reinvent who you were into who you want to be. For example, I’ve decided 2024 is the year that I get back to playing the guitar, practicing some languages that I’ve become rusty at (Oh yes, I’ve got a hot date with Babbel)  and learning to knit. Thanks to the internet, I can do it all from the comfort of home at my own pace and I am ecstatic. 

    There are billions of hobbies available to pick up online but that doesn’t mean you’ll be interested in all of them. It’s definitely worth narrowing them down with something you’re already interested in, like computers or the internet. There are more than a few of those hobbies you could try.

    These could be more interesting than you’d think, and these three could keep you occupied for hours. I know because I make my living doing one of them and I just graduated with an M.S. in Digital Marketing from a university on the East Coast thanks to the internet. Long live tech, computers and A.I ( as a search engine of course, the way it was intended).

    Computer-Based Hobbies: 3 Great Picks To Try

    1. Learning

    You can learn quite a few things from your computer. Actually, you can learn almost everything and not all of it has to be useless facts or random cat videos. Instead, you can use it to learn about something you actually like and care about  ( new languages, how to DIY or even earn your university degrees) . There are even classes related to developing and improving careers ( I’m looking at you HubSpot Academy, Learn Digital with Google and SEMRush ).

    To say you’ll have plenty of them to choose from would be an understatement. There are even free courses available online from Harvard! I should know, I’m enrolled in 2.  Whether you’re doing it for your career or simply for the love of learning, with the internet, there’s nothing holding you back. Many of these courses can even result in you getting certifications, which can be great if you’re career-hunting.

    2. Online Gaming

    One of the first computer-based hobbies that could come to mind is online gaming. You probably thought of this already, but you might believe it involves massive and complicated games. It doesn’t have to. Online games range from the simple – like winter poker – to the massive – like World of Warcraft.

    No matter what your interests are, you’ll be sure to find more than a few online games you’ll like. It can be worth looking into more than a few of them, and it could end up being more enjoyable than you’d think. 

    3. Blogging

    Well, we all know this is my favorite, as I’ve built my own website and brand over the last nearly 15 years. For me, blogging is everything; it’s where I niched out a career as a SAHM, built a community and logged many hours of motherhood. If you love writing, then blogging can be one of the most appealing computer-based hobbies you can try. All you’ll really need are some basic tech skills to start things off, and the passion to keep blogging about something.

    You’ll have plenty of options to choose from when you’re blogging. My suggestion is to blog about something that you love and/ or are passionate and knowledgeable about. If you really want to succeed, answer the burning questions potential readers have about the topic you want to write about.  They say if you do something you love, you’ll never work a day in your life. As a professional blogger, I’d like to debunk that myth because blogging is a lot of work but you’ll really enjoy it. Loving the topic that you’re writing about will give you the motivation to keep writing about it. With a little bit of time and effort, you could even see your community of readers grow over time. That’s your village and they are 1000% worth all the effort.

    There are more than a few computer-based hobbies you can pick from. The internet is the perfect place for enriching your life without having to go out into public and people because let’s be real, sometimes peopling is overrated. You’ll end up keeping yourself occupied for hours, while becoming the optimized You 2.0. Why stop at just one? Try a few of them if you want to find something you’ll really love. It’ll keep you more entertained and maybe even make you the most interesting person in the room when you do venture out into public. Best of all, you’ll have a cure for boredom at your disposable 24/7.

    What’s your favorite online, internet or computer based activity?

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    Top Things to Learn Now About Sleep

    Estimated reading time: 8 minutes

    I just had a dream last night that I was pregnant.Yeah, it was a pretty weird dream considering that it’s actually impossible, since the great partial hysterectomy of 2018. Not having a uterus makes it pretty much impossible to be pregnant. But, it reminded me of what it was like to be pregnant and becoming a new mom, all those years ago. Those early months of being a parent can be the foggiest of your life. I, honestly, didn’t know which way was up a lot of the time because I was so damn exhausted. Having to try to navigate, keeping a kid alive while keeping yourself organized at the same time is no easy task. It doesn’t leave much space for sleep, especially when your newborn is making your sleep as broken as physically possible. Don’t even get me started on the colicky newborn sleep nights. Trying to learn the way another person sleeps is not easy even if that person has come directly from you. Sleep is one of those things that you expect to lose out on when you become a parent, but it doesn’t mean it’s easy to truly comprehend how much sleep you will actually lose or what that can mean for you as a new mom… and that’s coming from a lifelong insomniac.

    When you’re a mom, everything becomes about survival, and sleep is a big part of that survival. You think about when you can nap, about how long the baby is going to sleep through the night, how often you will be waking up to check on their breathing patterns. Babies are brand new to the world and you are learning about them as much as they are learning how to be human beings. The thing is, that’s little consolation when you’re so tired that you can’t see straight. There are guides such as Baby Sleep Positions: The Complete Guide For Parents that can help guide you through how to understand the ways that babies sleep, but that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s easy. You can anticipate broken sleep and still be in shock and awe when the reality of sleep deprivation hits. Just because you chose to be a parent does not mean that you could have anticipated the gravity of what sleep deprivation can do to your mind, your mood and your health.

    If it helps in any way, just know that sleep deprivation has been used as a torturing device in wars, so you’re not alone in feeling like you’re being cruel and unusually  punished. As a new mom, there are lots of things that you’ll be learning and experiencing about motherhood for the first time. Sleep, for baby and mama, is a crucial part of surviving that process so let’s take a look at some of the top things that you need to learn now about how your baby will sleep.

    Top things to learn now about newborn sleep

    • Sleep deprivation is very dangerous. You can joke about leaving your car keys in your car, or leaving the chest freezer open in the garage, or falling asleep on the toilet due to lack of sleep but what happens when you are so tired you leave the baby in the carseat in a hot car? It’s scary and it’s dangerous. Severe and prolonged sleep deprivation can cause depression, hallucinations, memory loss and high blood pressure. Not only that, it is exhausting to try to live on very little sleep. Ideally, you’ll be sharing this sleep deprivation load with a partner, but if you’re trying to navigate things by yourself ( and even with help from your partner) then you’ll definitely need to call in some reinforcements in terms of friends and family to have some extra help.
    • Parents often lie when it comes to their baby’s sleep. We all want to pretend we’ve got our mom shit together. If you ask a new parent how their baby is sleeping, they will tell you that their baby is sleeping just fine. But what does “fine” even mean for most people? I can tell you from my own experience, it sure as heck didn’t mean sleeping through the night. It mostly meant, at some point during the night they passed out and then I passed out and none of us died before the next feeding. But it most certainly did not mean we all had a massage and fell asleep at 9 PM and stayed asleep until 8 am the next morning. I never could have told that lie, the baggage under my eyes would have ratted me out. Newborns are not designed to sleep through the night. They have tiny tummies that need feeding every couple of hours, and they require cuddles and contact because they’ve just spent nine months suspended in animation in the coziest womb ever. Some parents feel the need to exaggerate that their babies are getting enough sleep so that they feel like they are competent parents when actually, it’s pretty refreshing if somebody just tells you the truth. Then, we know we’re all in this gangsta ass mother hood together just trying to survive. To be completely honest, when I had 2 babies, 2-years-old and under, I really thought I was going to die from lack of sleep. I survived on coffee, delirium and a partner who helped me up when I thought I could no longer soldier on. 
    • Solid food will not force your child to sleep. So many myths and legends of old parenting will tell you that if you put something heavy in the baby’s tummy, they will sleep for longer. But this doesn’t actually work. Sure, they might drift off into a high sugar, carb coma but that’s not healthy.at.all.Firstly, they’re not designed to sleep through the night. They are babies, they’re not built FORD tough. They are designed to wake up regularly as a survival instinct, to fill their bellies and train you for the zombie apocalypse. Secondly, putting solids into the belly of a newborn baby can lead to a lot of gut issues later on in life. You could also be exacerbating reflux issues and other pain issues that your baby may end up having. Why? Because baby tummies are not designed to hold solid food until beyond six months. There is plenty of research to back up this fact.
    • Great nap times are not an indicator of great night times. Hell no. In fact, you’re baby might just be getting their days and nights mixed up and that’s a whole new level of cruel and unusual torture. Just because your baby sleeps during the day in solid nap time chunks doesn’t mean they’re going to do the same thing at night time, in fact, the opposite is probably true. Oh, in your exhausted state you’ll be tempted to let them sleeping babies just keep on napping but take it from this seasoned mom, don’t do it.  One of the best things that you can do is to put your baby into some kind of a routine that’s based on them and not based on what you believe they should be doing. For example, overtired babies don’t sleep very well, and you’ll notice that within 90 minutes of waking up, your baby’s going to learn to understand your baby’s sleep cues. 
    • Routine is a good thing. Bedtime routines work, but it has to be dependent on what your baby’s wants and needs are. You could try to put your baby down before a certain time of night, but that doesn’t mean that they’re going to instantly learn to recognize this as nighttime bedtime. A good winding down with a bath, lavender lotion massage, and story at bedtime is perfect, so just make sure that you are sticking to the same order so as they get older they will learn that this is what they’re bedtime routine is.
    • Babies will always fall asleep when they are tired enough to do so but to be able to drift off into a peaceful slumber is the real goal. If you manage to get your baby off into a nice deep sleep and put them into their crib successfully, then congratulations to you because this only happened because they felt safe and comfortable enough to do so in your care. Believe me, many a night I silently, army crawled backwards out of my daughters’ nursery like some sort of James Bond supervillain so I know, it takes some time to get the process working. 
    • Breastfeeding can help with sleeping. Breast milk is packed with melatonin and as a naturally occurring human hormone, the levels of this hormone increase towards the evening. Those nighttime feeds are packed with all of the good fats and melatonin that your child needs to fall asleep. As our melatonin starts to rise in the evening and reaches that peak in the early hours of the morning, breast milk is melatonin. Breast milk can be quite magical in that way. 
    • Keep the environment dark. Lighting and devices will always interfere with baby’s sleep.I recommend room darkening blinds or blackout curtains. I never had a nursery without them.  If you’re trying to put your baby to sleep, leave your phone behind. Sure you may be tempted to try to multitask during those 3 AM hour long feeding and rocking sessions but try to avoid the phone because that blue light will be shining in their face as much as it will be yours and you both need your rest. 

    The important thing to remember is that this is temporary and it won’t always be this hard. If you can remind yourself of that from time to time in the early days, it will change your perspective and make it all feel a bit easier. The most important thing is that you and baby get enough rest to live and love and fight again the next day. Motherhood can be really hard and sometimes a bit miserable but then, it’s filled with little hands hugging your neck, loving you unconditionally and even the occasional moments of unadulterated bliss. Take from this mom of a 18 and 16-year-old, with one heading off to college in the fall and the other one about to graduate from high school, I would not trade one second of my exhausted front row seat in their childhood for any amount of sleep. From me to you, motherhood is very hard but it is also very worth it and never forget, you are not alone; we’ve all been where you are.

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    How to Balance Running a Business as a Busy Parent

    Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

    Being a parent is super tough. It’s the hardest job that you’ll ever love and on some days, you might even hate it. It’s hard. There’s always so much to do and never enough time ( or energy). One huge issue parents experience is balancing their work life with their home life. For many moms, running a business of their own is seen as a perfect way to achieve a better work-life balance because we “think” its going to be easier, more convenient and allow us to be “more present”. Of course, it’s all a lie we tell ourselves powered by hope. The reality is that being in charge of your work life is really helpful and not having a “boss” certainly has its advantages.

    Knowing how to balance running a business as a busy parent is crucial.

    Because running your own business is an incredible amount of work with no off hours and people misunderstanding your flexibility for free time. You’ll likely find that your work consumes pretty much all of your time ( on call 24 hours a day). Having a business to run can feel like having another child to look after. While it’s a labor of love, its also a lot. This means that there’s a lot of responsibility resting on you. 

    Figuring out how you can successfully balance running a business with a personal life is tricky. Hell, at some times, it feels down right impossible. But, understanding how to be a parent while successfully running a business is a question many people want the answer to, especially in today’s increasingly popular remote work and digital nomad culture. This can feel like a really massive challenge because, not to scare anyone but, it is . However, it doesn’t need to be as daunting as it seems. Yes, it will be difficult, but there are ways to ease your workload successfully and it will be worth it. 

    Here’s how you can make this happen:

    Take a Step Back to Review

    The daily running of a business is incredibly intense. It’s so easy to get caught up in the many tasks you need to perform each day. This level of intense working means that it’s hard to see the bigger picture. Taking a tiny bit of time out provides the perfect opportunity to assess your business. While time is at a real premium for you, there’s still loads of benefits to be gained from pausing to assess your business. 

    Just a few hours out of your day can help you figure a lot of things out. Assessing your business as a whole can provide a host of insights. This is especially helpful to do if you have been consumed by everyday tasks. Examining the bigger picture will help you to spot the tasks that take up most of your time. You can also then find inefficiencies and areas that could be changed to make your life easier. This review can deliver some really surprising results and ultimately change how you work.

    Once you’ve carried out a review of your work, it’s time to take action. It’s great to take a step back. But unless you do something with the information you gather, things won’t change. Make a plan to take action and figure out how you can work more efficiently. Now that you’ve seen how your time is spent, it should be much easier to spot opportunities to cut time spent on certain tasks.

    Implement the Right Software

    Understanding how you spend your time is an excellent way to identify ways to get more out of your working day. But it’s not the only way to make time savings. You can also help yourself work smarter. Looking at your software and how it supports your business is vital. You may find that your existing software isn’t fit for purpose and makes life complicated. This completely goes against the point of using software in the first place. 

    Your company’s software should support your business and make your life easier. All too often, business owners get stuck using software that is frustrating to work with. This can make everyday business tasks a hassle. Worst of all, it can have a serious impact on your time. Switching to new software can completely transform your business. But first, you need to be sure you pick the right software product. 

    Choosing software that’s specifically designed for your industry is super helpful. Doing this can really transform the daily running of your company. Look for industry-specific software, such as venue management software. Software that is created to help business owners just like yourself will be packed with handy features to make your life easier. This enhanced functionality can shave time off your regular tasks. This means your working day is more efficient. 

    Don’t be Afraid to Delegate

    Running a home, raising kids, and managing a business are huge responsibilities. Trying to do all these things alone is an almost impossible task. So, it’s important to know that you don’t need to do it all yourself. Instead, it’s really helpful to delegate. 

    Passing some of your to-do list onto others can feel alien to start with. But you’ll soon get into the habit of delegating at home and at work. If you’re super busy and the task can be completed by someone else, simply let them do it.

    Be Present

    One final way to balance the tricky task of running a business as a busy parent is to change your mindset. Trying to be present in both your home life and work life is one way to master this. So, when you’re at home, focusing on spending time with the kids, running your household, and maintaining relationships. Then, when you’re at work, keeping your mind focused on the job. This may sound impossible. However, the more you do it, the easier it becomes.

    The benefits of being present in whatever situation you find yourself in are immense. You will find it so much easier to really concentrate. It’s now well known that attempting to multitask can be really harmful to both your wellbeing and your productivity. Ensuring you’re focused on each area of your life, wherever you are, is always really helpful. You should find that this helps you to enjoy the time you spend with your kids so much more.

    Being free from the distractions of thinking about work all the time can be really liberating. You’ll probably feel much happier as a result. At work, you can then focus on being as productive as possible. Changing your mindset in this way is really beneficial for anyone that feels like they’re being pulled in all directions. Who knows, you may even be able to shake off that persistent feeling of mom guilt that many working parents struggle with!

    How do you balance your work life and home life as a busy parent?

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