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Too Much Rock band…never!

by Deborah Cruz

My 2 year old just sat down at my desk in front of computer and promptly started chanting ( to the tune of the Blitzkreig Bop by the Ramones) “Hey Ho, let’s blog!Hey Ho, Let’s blog!!” LOL! Yeah, this is what happens when Daddy and Uncle have been playing rock band non stop for a few hours and obviously….Mommy blogs! It really is the cutest things that come out of my girls’ mouths.
For example; yesterday evening, we were driving back from a road trip and passed a refinery. My 4 year old, in all of her optimism and wonderment of the world, looks at the billowing puffs of smoke eluding the refinery and promptly says,” Look Mom, it’s a cloud factory! It’s where all the clouds in the world are made!” It was so cute and adorable, I said a silent ,”AWWWWWWW!” and then I shed a little tear because one day, in the not so distant future, she won’t look at the world this way.
Of course my 2 year old wasn’t going to be outdone. She yelled, “Look Bella, a big giant elephant!” (daddy likes to employ the pink elephant distraction technique.) To which Bella responds, “Where, Gabs?” Gabs, obnoxiously smart 2 year old, “No pink elephant…me joking!” It is amazing to me that a person who can not completely employ the English language can even understand the context of her joke, but she does.These moments happen daily in our home and are each precious and amazing to me. Sometimes, I wish I could just stop time and keep them this age forever but then I’d miss out on all the other great moments that come with growing up….first dates, driving, first loves, first heartbreaks, college, falling in love with their true loves, getting married, having babies, having a career, having it all and the three of us developing a friendship as they grow into women. So, I say to you tonight, too much rock band…Never! With every choice we make in our daily lives, we create memories and I say ROCK ON!!!

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Aging Mommy 2010/03/05 - 7:43 am

My daughter just turned three and every day says things that are so funny and bring a fresh perspective on life. How much nicer to think of the refinery as a cloud making machine – it makes you want to preserve those illusions forever!

Shannon (Coupon Mommy Of 3) 2010/03/08 - 6:08 am

Hey Mama, I hear you about, how sweet and awe it is when something is what they believe it is until they get older and it is not that.


Shannon <br> (Coupon Mommy Of 3) 2010/03/08 - 6:08 am

Hey Mama, I hear you about, how sweet and awe it is when something is what they believe it is until they get older and it is not that.


Shannon (CMo3) 2010/03/08 - 6:08 am

Hey Mama, I hear you about, how sweet and awe it is when something is what they believe it is until they get older and it is not that.



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