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Throat Punch Thursday~ The World’s a Fucked Up Place to Live This Week

by Deborah Cruz

Throat Punch Thursday,guns, sandy hook, valeria levitin

There is so much going on this week. I was not going to post a Throat Punch this week because I wanted some levity and none of us need to feel more down. So, if you don’t want to read about what is about to make my head explode, by all means, please don’t continue on today. I have to write it out because keeping it in is triggering me so I will start with my litany of stupidity int he world now.

First, there is a woman who has written a blog post, which I will most certainly not link to because I refuse to drive traffic to her conspiracy theories, and she is convinced that there is a government conspiracy because the media has not cross examined the only survivors of Sandy Hook. You know the two children and the nurse who hid in the closet for 4 hours who saw unthinkable things and have been traumatized by these events? Maybe the media is being human because if they tried to be any other way, the general public would lynch them. Did you know that there are people who actually exist and believe that the Aurora shootings and the Sandy Hook shootings are nothing more than government orchestrated murders done to further a gun control agenda? Wait. Stop. Re-read that. These are the same people who are stock piling guns and ammunition. They really exist and they are dangerous. I thought conspiracy theorists only existed in the movies with Mel Gibson and in the minds of acute schizophrenics but no, they are alive and well. These are the same people who think that the Holocaust, the walk on the moon, the Kennedy assassination and the death of Elvis, Tupac and 9/11 are all hoaxes orchestrated by the government. I am appalled and shocked and I am afraid.

Valeria Levitin, world's thinnest woman, anorexia

Second, there is a woman in Monaco, Valeria Levitin, who weighs only 56 pounds. She is quite literally a walking skeleton. She is fighting for her life. She is losing. But in a world obsessed with being thin, she is getting fan mail. Do people not realize that idolizing her and cheering her to continue on and share her method of destruction makes them as culpable as cheering “jump” to a person on a ledge. My God, what is wrong with people?

Third, people who are saying that the culprit is not that Adam Lanza was armed but that he was mentally ill. I take a personal offense to these comments. I have a diagnosis. A whole shitload of the world is diagnosed with a mental illness. That does not make us all murderers and we are all more than the sum total of our diagnosis. Adam Lanza was a murdering asshole who had access to guns because there are too many fucking guns in the world. Unless you are a cop or  in the military you don’t need a handgun and if you are hunting, you need a shotgun. If you are none of these, you don’t need a gun. Stop hiding behind your right to bear arms argument. You know what kills people? GUNS in the hands of over zealous, power hungry, vigilantes who think it’s their right to kill in the name of whatever they feel is a threat.

Fourth, People who want to give teachers guns. Teachers are not cops. Teachers go to university to learn to teach our children; to be caregivers. They are people that our children should feel secure to go to not afraid to approach. Believe it or not, guns make some children uncomfortable. That should be their focus. They should not be badged and expected to shoot to kill. That is not their job.If we need security, we need it at the door. We need armed security not teachers carrying guns into the classroom. That is asking for accidental shootings. I’m not afraid of guns, as one reader accused me. I grew up in a house with a gun but I don’t believe in them in households. They have their place and anywhere that a child can get access to and accidentally kill themselves or someone else is not that place.

These are my Throat Punches for this week. Please stop doing stupid shit people of the world. Can’t we all just get along. Pray for the Sandy Hook Elementary victims. Respect the families and survivors, they need love and understanding not conspiracy theories and cross examinations. Love people for who they are on the inside not for superficial first impressions. Show compassion for the mentally ill. They are afflicted and need help, not stigma and judgement. Turn your guns in and keep them out of the hands of bad people who will misuse them. Love your children. Hug them tight and know that your life is blessed because they are in your arms and not in a grave. Tell your child’s teacher thank you for keeping your child safe when they are in their care. Give thanks for your blessings, for they are many. Happy holidays. I truly wish you all love, happiness and safety.

If you want to do something, commit a random act of kindness or #26acts of kindness to honor the victims of Sandy Hook elementary.

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CJ 2012/12/20 - 11:09 am

This is a sick, sick world.

Megan 2012/12/20 - 11:47 am

I completely 120% agree with every single thing you said, especially about people who say teachers need guns. I would not want any of my girls to be in a classroom where a gun is kept.

Allie 2012/12/20 - 10:14 pm

I don’t always agree with you but I respect you. I won’t tell you what I don’t agree with, I’ll let you guess, if you like. Hell, I’m not being the target of your next throat punch. LOL.
But I do thank you for always sticking up for the underdog and the children.
I can say the when I heard people saying teachers should have guns, I really stopped reading the media and went back to reading stupid ecards…those things are funny.
I wish the best in the new year and happy holidays.

Deborah Cruz 2012/12/20 - 11:16 pm

I think you are awesome and I respect you. You would never be the recipient of my Throat Punch:) I have no problem with differing opinions. In a perfect world, guns would not be necessary and people could handle their disputes with reason and respect but that is not the world we live in and I know that. However, I am anti gun. ALways have been, always will be so for me, this latest shooting just solidified what I already believed. I understand no one wants their rights taken away. I just think we need to find a better way to regulate whose hands these weapons are ending up in. Plus, I think a lot of people should have psychiatric evaluations before handling firearms…then again I think IQ tests should be given to some people before they are allowed to raise children:)
THanks for commenting and your opinions are always welcome.XO

Allie 2012/12/22 - 12:01 pm


Kristen Mae 2012/12/20 - 10:26 pm

YES. Say it, sista. This is why I love TPT.

Deborah Cruz 2012/12/20 - 11:16 pm

It was a bad week to read the news. THings are just out of control and crazy right now.

Katy 2012/12/20 - 10:59 pm

I have a problem because I TOTALLY want to read the blog post about how Sandy Hook is just one big conspiracy. Someone shared a post on FB where a guy postulated that it was orchestrated by Obama to help take away people’s guns. Yes, because no one would blow the whistle on that. People are soooo wack-a-doodle. I do not know where they get this stuff from.

Deborah Cruz 2012/12/20 - 11:18 pm

I will not link to it but if you go to my FB page you will see that one of my readers brought it to my attention because she thought it was worth the punch. The link is there but believe me when I say that your sane , rational mind will be blown when you read that garbage and when you read the comments, you will be afraid. I still can’t believe that these people really exist and believe this shit. It is crazy .

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