* If you are looking for the “Follow me Button” go up to the top of the page, click on more info tab and there you will find my GFC button. I’d love it if you would follow and spread the word. If you ‘d like a The TRUTH about Motherhood button…here it is!
Well, its been one of those weeks, you know the ones that kinda sucks monkey balls. Yeah, that’s the kind of week. So, I’ve decided to purge myself of that monkey ball after taste by giving the week a hefty Hell Yeah! FAWK YOU FRIDAY! most likely followed by #Wineparty on twitter to celebrate the week being over! How better to do that than by linking up with my girl Jana’s Fawk You Friday?
Fawk You to feet of snow. Yes, not inches but f*cking you right up the ass feet of snow. Between the 18 inches we got, the foot we still had and the crazy wind blowing all that shit around…I woke up Wednesday morning to snow, quite literally, up to my asshole!NOT COOL!
Fawk You to the fact that my husband lives out of town during the week, but of course where he is..the ice got him. So, he had to stay “Home” where he was..not here “home” where we are! I don’t know why but when he has to stay home from work at the place he’s staying…because it’s NOT here with us, it makes me insanely jealous and perturbed so badly that I get on my own damn nerves. ARGH! FAWK YOU!
Fawk You to the horrible communication at my daughter’s school. 2, count them 2!!!!, fawking dress down days this week…no fawking note! What am I? A freaking mind reader. I don’t run that joint. I need a heads up. Now, my poor kid was miserable because she lives for dress down days.Plus I made her look like her Mama doesn’t care enough to let her wear street clothes or pay enough attention to know when these blasted days are.FAWK ME!
Fawk the 1 pound I gained this week. I work out, I watch what I eat, I try to drink my water but apparently when Mother Nature strikes and water weight decides to hold on to my ass for dear life…I am no competition.
Fawk You to Mother nature! Between your fawking blizzard of 2011, my hemorrhage of 2011 & an all consuming craving for all things carbilicious…you are on my shit list lady! Fawk you..with no KY!
FAWK YOU to being passed over and feeling shitty about it! I’m so sick of feeling less than I what I am due to how I gauge myself against others. It drives me insane. I need to keep my eyes on the goals and less on when others are hitting the finish line. I’m a late bloomer.I always have been, my time will come! Good things to those who wait right? I hope so!
Happy Friday!
Wow, how refreshing. I have finally found a blog that reads like I speak! I have been getting so many visits on my blog from religious people that I definitely censor myself heavily so that I don’t scare people off…..following you ‘cuz I find you amusing. found you thru Friendly Friday.
Thank you and welcome!I am happy to have you here! Could you tell me your url so that I can return the favor and check out your blog? Sounds like we have a lot in common!
Happy Mothering!
Stopping by via the Friday hops to say hello and follow. Stop on by if you can.
Have a great day!
Sounds like your week was as bad as mine! I wish I could say bad words on-line and vent and bitch like you do BUT I’m also a teacher and could lose my job if someone searches my name on-line and sees me being bad. LOL
So I live vicariously through you, my friend. I think it’s why I love you so!
You are so funny! I do understand. When I was getting my masters in Elementary ed, I used to hate to even have a cocktail out in public. I felt like I was being judged by the parents. It was rough living under a microscope:)LOL
Ugh, that does sound like a crappy week. I wish your hubby didn’t have to live away during the week. 🙁
And remember you are a great person! You don’t need to compare b/c there’s nothing to compare. You’re amazing! xoxo
Thanks sweetie! That was one of the nicest things anyone has ever said to me!XO
We got lucky where we are and didn’t get the snow or ice. We did, however, get the nasty bitter cold. Almost -30 in wind chills. Yikes!
Bitter cold is pretty bad in its own right! I can’t wait for spring and I’m sure neither can you:) Happy Weekend!
A really fun post. A new follower. http://www.mytotlearningtime.blogspot.com
Ooo, spicy post, my favorite kind! I was with you on all of those fawking things! As far as being passed over goes, I’m here to tell you that you passed on this and you didn’t even know it. You passed on them because better, MUCH BETTER is in store. Trust!
I blame winter/snow/cold for ALL weight gain. It’s a proven fact…so we can’t take blame for it, right?
Smooches doll….wishing hubby a speedy trip home to you girls!
so what happened to my e-mail feed? maybe since you changed the site?
i’m missing out!
and i love me a fuck off!
Oh no, must be the need domain http://www.motherhoodthetruth.com🙂 You can re subscribe under the “more info” tab. I know a good fawk you and Throat Punch Thursday is always a plus in my book.