April Landis is a Fraud
April Landis, you are a liar! Last month a local woman, April Landis, told friends and family that she had been diagnosed with brain cancer. April Landis is a 27-year-old wife and mother of from Angola, Indiana; on paper a very sympathetic type. Hell, I felt sorry for her but I have been around the internet long enough and seen this kind of scam bullshit happen to always be a skeptic. I hate that I am like this but this is the way my brain functions these days.
April Landis told every one she had a rare brain cancer and since her Grandmother had just recently died of cancer, no one questioned her. Her family, friends and community rallied around her and gave her support. On March 18, the community gave April Landis thousands of dollars raised at a fundraiser put together by her friends in the Angola community. It was a community doing a good thing and trying to take care of one of their own
This was after April Landis showed up at the benefit with her head shaved and continued to go along the entire function acting and talking about herself as if she did in fact have brain cancer, even going so far as taking a $1000 donation rom an actual cancer patient who was trying to be supportive and help the young mother of 4 offset huge cost of having cancer and being treated.
April Landis You are Scum
Four days later, a woman from a cancer services organization in Angola came to her home with an application for her to fill out to get assistance because everyone wanted to help this woman. Then she got the call from the same woman telling her that none of what she wrote on the form made any sense and that she was reporting her to the authorities for being a fraud.
April Landis immediately went to the police department and turned herself in and returned what was left of the money. Now, faced with felony charges, April has admitted to not having a rare form of brain cancer. NO SHIT! Nothing like being caught red-handed to cause you to fess up.
Now she is claiming that she did not have cancer but instead is the victim of a mental illness called factitious disorder in which the patient takes on the physical symptoms of various diseases for attention. April Landis says she did not try to dupe anyone but instead was the victim herself. Some people will say anything to get out of jail time. I am not mocking mental illness. I take mental illness very seriously, being that I’ve got my own diagnosis to deal with.
What I really think happened is April Landis got caught. She looks like and idiot and a liar. She doesn’t want to responsibility for scamming her neighbors out of their hard earned money, so she checks into a mental health facility to be diagnosed ( after the fact). Yes, she turned herself in, gave back the money, found out the felony charges she was facing and THEN went to see a psychologist. As many of you know, there are certain disorders that all you need to do is read enough about it and you can mimic the symptoms. I think this is what she did. That’s right, I am calling her out. I am calling bullshit on April Landis.
Big Chuck Norris throat punch to April Landis! You have a problem alright and that would be that you are a pathological liar piece of shit. You took money from an actual cancer patient. You stole from people who were trying to give you a hand up in your time of need. You are the worst kind of criminal, you have turned people into cynics and this will prevent them from trusting or helping someone who might really need it.
April Landis said she believed it because she had dreams that she was diagnosed, saw doctors and even had chemotherapy. OK but the proof is in this one simple act that she can not lie away. First, her husband had to know that she was full of shit. My husband knows if I am faking a headache, the Big Guy would KNOW if I were faking brain cancer because he would have already dragged me around the country looking for the best doctors to cure me. He can’t live without me, well, he doesn’t want to live with the kids without me:) So that’s weird that her husband could be duped. Secondly and this can not be explained away to me, April Landis showed up at the fundraiser BALD! She didn’t go bald in a dream, she didn’t really have chemotherapy, so that bitch shaved her head specifically to carry on the farce that she had cancer and lost it through chemo. That was deliberate. That was not factitious. The only thing that is factitious about this story is April Landis’ lie!
April Landis Enjoy Prison
What do you think about April Landis’ Factitious disorder defense?
what a scumbag move!
I don’t know – but her “factitious” sounds fictitious to me.
There are no words to describe how angry this makes me.
That is so disgusting!
Stupid bitch. I hate when people claim a mental disorder to try and get out of things. She got caught and now she’s using an excuse. Great Throat Punch! I did one this week, too!
Wow! Maybe her punishment should be treatment. All the things real cancer patients have to endure. Chemo, radiation, surgery, pain, suffering, sickness, truly going bald. Wait! Better yet, lock her in a room with a bunch of real cancer patients and let them at her. 🙂
People are unreal! What the heck????
I read about this and am absolutely disgusted. It’s so hard to believe that people actually do this, yet here it is. People who really have cancer will suffer because of this lying sk*nk. I hope she goes to jail for a long time!
I’m also disgusted by this. It’s unbelievable how low people would go for money. This is sick..
This is absolutely unforgiveable! I agree with you so much on the Big Chuck Norris Throat Punch! LOL
It wasn’t just shaving her head, it was Nair!!! I shaved my own head for this “friend”, wrote a short little poem about shaving off all my long, dark curls, my kids and I were devastated!
I think that people are forgetting about all the crimes that are committed in the country everyday. I also think that people do not look at the bigger picture. Someone said if MY husband thought I had cancer he would basically look for a cure to the ends of the earth and back. Yet she duped her own husband. Well I would have to say that her husband didnt give no more than two ***** about his wife. And then people wonder why someone would do something to get attention! I mean all I am saying is look at someones life before you think they are a low life scum. Many people do not think before they speak and then the ball is already rolling. I guess I am just trying to say that people need to show compassion for a woman who was so hurt that she was willing to do anything for the attention. And it doesnt seam like she got a whole lot of money for doing so. It wasnt financial. It was for attention. That to me does say mental illness. And maybe not the one she is claiming to have to stay out of jail. But it definitely speaks the words HELP ME! She was screaming for help. SO go ahead an bash me. I am not saying it is right. But look at is like any other thing that people do wrong. I am just stating a point. Not a fact. And not to say I dont think it is awful. But know more before you make an assumption about someone.