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How to work with Disney as an Influencer, what is a Disney Creator

What is a Disney Creator and how to work with Disney World as an influencer

by Deborah Cruz

Do you love Disney? Do you have hopes and dreams of someday being able to work with Disney as an influencer? Is Walt Disney World on your brands to work with bucket list? Would you die of sheer happiness if you were invited to attend a Disney influencer event or the coveted Disney Creators Celebration? If you answered yes to any of those questions, you are not alone. There are thousands of us, if not more. But what is a Disney creator? More importantly, who knows how to work with Disney as an influencer?

READ ALSO: What is Disney Creator Days and how to get invited

I’ve been a blogger for almost 11 years. I’ve been an influencer since about a minute after that.  I’ve been a Disney creator and superfan since my first trip to the happiest place on earth for my honeymoon in 1999. I’ve been invited by Disney to collaborate and attend Disney hosted events and they are as amazing as they seem to be. Put it this way, if given the choice be any kind of influencer and attend any brand event, Disney is the one I would always say yes to. You will get the chance to experience Disney like no other. Being able to attend Disney World events with my family has been one of the highlights of my career.

What is a Disney Creator (influencer)?

In the simplest terms, an influencer is someone who has genuine influence.

  • Influence is the power to affect how your audience decides to spend their purchasing dollars. This is affected by the influencer’s perceived authority, knowledge, and relationship with the audience.
  • Influence and following in a specific niche, with whom an influencer actively engages with and builds trust, is priceless.
  • Influencers are not just marketing tools, but human beings who are social relationship assets that brands can collaborate with to reach their target audience. It’s should be about more than just numbers, it’s about real influence to change someone’s mind in one way or the other through a working relationship.
  • A Disney creator influencer is a person who uses their genuine love for Disney to inform and influence their audience about all things Disney.

 What is a Social Media Influencer?

Over the last 10 years, social media has not only been birthed it has grown in leaps and bounds in importance and influence.  3.484 billion people actively use social media. That is 45% of the population of the world. These people are looking to trusted influencers to help them decide what to buy and which products to use.

Influencers in social media are people who’ve built reputations for their knowledge and expertise on specific topics. People get to know them through their online interactions and trust is rewarded by loyalty. Consistent posting on their blog and social channels generate large followings of enthusiastic and engaged people. Influencers wield great power to create trends and promote trends.

What are the types of influencers that can become Disney Creators?

Influencers can be categorized in many different ways; by followers, types of content and level of influence. You don’t have to produce content just in the Walt Disney World niche to be considered to be a Disney Creator but it does help to be passionate about Disney and share that passion with your audience in an authentic and engaging way.


Mega influencers are the people with the largest numbers of followers on their social networks. A Mega-influencer is quantified as having more than 1 million followers on at least one social media platform.


Macro-influencers are a step below the mega-influencers in terms of influence numbers, and may actually be more accessible as influencer marketers. Influencers with an audience between the range of 40,000 to 1 million followers on a social media network are macro-influencers.


Micro-Influencers are ordinary everyday people (like you and I) who have become known for their knowledge about a specific niche. Through this, they’ve grown a large social media following amongst loyal fans of the niche. It’s not just the number of followers that indicates a level of influence; it is the relationship and interaction that a micro-influencer has with their audience. Are they trusted? Are they engaging? Is their content relevant? Are their followers loyal?

Generally, micro-influencers have between 1,000 and 40,000 followers on a single social platform. Micro-influencers have built up specialist followings, and they are very discriminate when it comes to brands they will partner with. They won’t want to appear salesy to their audience. This requirement to develop a relationship with a  brand that is must align with target audiences means that micro-influencers are often picky about with whom they work.


The latest influencer-type to is the nano-influencer. Nano-influencers only have a very small number of followers, but they tend to be experts in an obscure or highly specialized field i.e. best places to eat gluten-free on Disney World property and have high influence with their audience.  Most nano-influencers have less than 1,000 followers but those followers are loyal, devoted and trust the nano influencers opinions.

It isn’t all about the size of your traffic, it has more to do with what you do with your audience. Are you engaging them? Is your content strong and interesting? Are you an expert on all things Disney? Is your opinion valued by your audience? Do they trust you? Are you influential on the topic of Disney parks and resorts? Do you know all of the best rollercoasters? Best restrooms?

Types of Content Disney Creators Create

Most influencing happens in social media, micro-influencers are awesome and I’m not just saying that because I am one, and blogging. With a growing interest in video, YouTubers are quickly becoming very valuable assets as well.


Bloggers and influencers in social media have the most authentic and active relationships with their fans


Another favorite type of content is video. In this case, rather than each video maker having their own site, most create a channel on YouTube.


Podcasts are growing in popularity and so their influence is growing as well.

Social Posts Influencers

Bloggers, podcasters, and YouTubers cannot exist in a vacuum, every influencer promotes new posts or videos on social media – which makes most of these bloggers and content creators micro-influencers.

But how the heck does one get invited to be a Disney creator? Point blank, you have to make yourself seen, create good content (whether it is written, video or podcast) and a genuine love for Disney is a definite advantage. But love for Disney World alone is not enough.

How to work with Disney as an Influencer, what is a Disney Creator

The next question on everyone’s mind is how do I get invited to Disney Creators Celebration? How to work with Disney as an Influencer?

Unfortunately, those invited are hand-selected but that doesn’t mean you can’t get the Disney Creators invite.

Here are the tips that I have gathered over the years from Disney on how to be considered for any Disney press event as a Disney Creator.

Go to conferences where Disney will be at and connect/network with Disney PR. Write strong, engaging content about Disney and send the links to the WDW PR department.

What qualities does Disney look for in the influencers they work with?

It really depends on the initiative that they have going on. But it is helpful if bloggers have an up-to-date blog, have great social reach and engagement across the different social platforms, Disney-friendly content on social and their blogs, and a good Travel section.

How does Disney choose who to partner with for press events? Do bloggers need a certain amount of traffic to be invited to hosted events? How important is the audience fit?

Disney does not host very many influencer events so they have to be super selective with invitations. A lot of it is based on a variety of things such as brand fit, reach, audience, specialty, engagement, niche, diversity, quality of followers and whatever product Disney is promoting, etc.

The bottom line is don’t give up your dream of working with Disney and being invited to Disney Creators Celebration. Keep posting quality content. Keep sharing your love for Disney World. The most important thing is that you believe in and love what you are creating; let who you are shine through your content.

There are more ways to work with Disney than just being invited to Disney Creators Celebration.

Different ways to work with Disney

Request Disney Media Tickets

It’s that easy. You can email Disney World PR and request tickets if you are active and established media. You can get up to 2 1-day park hopper passes throughout one calendar year. Check the PR policy page for instructions.

How to get invited to Disney Creator Media Events and how to work with Disney as an influencer

My suggestion would to be to get on Disney PR’s radar. Once you request media tickets, you should be on the list but if you really want to make yourself stand out, interact with Disney PR on social media and in Disney groups and attend conferences where they will be and introduce yourself. Also, if you write about Disney send them your links or tag them on social media.

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Amber Myers 2020/04/03 - 6:01 pm

I just love Disney! I have blogged about it before since it’s one of my favorite places of all time. We hope to go back in June if it re-opens.

Sarah Bailey 2020/04/03 - 7:03 pm

This is really interesting, it always amazes me all the things Disney do with bloggers and influencers they are always so head on working with people. It is great to know how to get noticed by them.

Beth 2020/04/03 - 9:25 pm

I follow several Disney influencers and I never see the same content twice. It must be really exciting to go to the Disney Creator Events.

Heather 2020/04/03 - 9:36 pm

I’ve created a ton of content for Disney. We tend to visit at least once a year.

Theresa 2020/04/04 - 12:03 am

Disney is truly a magical place. It would be amazing to get the invite to work with them. They seem like they are a really great brand for influencers to work with!

Bethel 2020/04/04 - 6:20 am

Wow this Disney Influencer interests me so much. Thank you for sharing this info. Would like to be part of this group.

Tami Qualls 2020/04/04 - 8:48 am

I have always wanted to do this. I would enjoy being any type of the influencers listed, as long as I can do my part via my blog or social media. I’m not a pod-caster, yet.

Lynndee 2020/04/04 - 9:19 am

Working with Disney sounds like a lot fun. It’s the happiest place on earth after all. We have yet to visit Disney, though but we would love to someday.

Kita Bryant 2020/04/04 - 3:08 pm

Disney really has some creative people working for them. They always have such wonderful imaginations.

Swathi 2020/04/05 - 1:48 am

Thanks of sharing this I didn’t know much of Disney influencers . Really useful I understand lot from this post.

Catalina 2020/04/05 - 7:57 am

Thanks for sharing this with us! My sister will be glad to work with Disney right now. It can be a great opportunity for her!

Marysa 2020/04/05 - 10:24 am

It is interesting to learn about the different kinds of Disney influencers. These sound like a lot of fun to be involved with, and great opportunities.

Tami Stepanuyk 2021/10/10 - 4:04 pm

Hi there! I’m Tami Stepanuyk. I’m a lifestyle influencer on Instagram with over 21 K followers.
I’m a mother of 5 beautiful children and we would love to collaborate with Disney World and create some advertisement and content for you.
Where can I send you my demographics and insight?
Would be so thrilled to hear back from you! Thank you so much!

Kellie Kearney 2024/09/26 - 9:27 am

This post is super helpful for aspiring Disney influencers! Thanks for sharing such detailed advice on becoming a Disney creator—motivates me to keep creating and engaging with the community!

Deborah Cruz 2025/01/03 - 1:39 pm


Disney is a wonderful company to partner with if you are a content creator/influencer. I’m not sure how visible you currently are but I would recommend @-ing Disney whenever you create or share any Disney content. Use the @ and the hashtags they are using. Create quality content, consistently. Your following will find you. It’s a way to gain visibility. Companies love creators who genuinely love their products. Approach it as sharing advice on your favorite product with your friends. Be honest but not negative. Wishing you luck on your Disney Influencer journey.Never stop creating. Don’t give up. You will find your community. Authentically engaging and responding is the key. You got this.


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