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Throat Punch Thursday~Spokeo:Leading Stalkers to Your Doorstep since 2006

by Deborah Cruz

Throat Punch Thursday~Spokeo: Leading Stalkers to your doorstep since 2006

Today’s Throat Punch came to me via a friend on Twitter and boy is it worthy of a Throat Punch! Have you heard of Spokeo.com? NO? Well, let me tell you a little bit about Spokeo.com…

What is Spokeo?

Spokeo is a people search engine that organizes vast quantities of white-pages listings, social information, and other people-related data from a large variety of public sources. Our mission is to help people find and connect with others, more easily than ever. I AM CALLING BULLSHIT! Sure it sounds all innocuous and everything but is it? Is it really? Think about what its offering…all of YOUR business fro anybody else to have access to. Scary shit!

Translation: Stalkers Strangers can find out all of your very private information at the push of a button. Can anyone say BIG BROTHER? Sure, this would be effing amazing to find that last missing link that you dated when you were fourteen and the dumb sonofabitch has STILL not gotten a Facebook.Really? How the hell are we supposed to see how fat he has gotten, How bald he looks.Has this man no good sense to oblige us in our one request? Then there are the losers who hate you in the world, want you in the world, want to smell and taste you in the world…or worse, want to be you in the world….and they can be because Spokeo.com makes it that easy!

Throat Punch Thursday~Spokeo: Leading Stalkers to your doorstep since 2006

This has certainly got to be some sort of infringement on our constitutional right to privacy.I don’t want my kids friend’s weird dad knowing where I live and being able to get an actual bird-eye view of my house.VERY creepy. Spokeo.Com You most certainly deserve the Chuck Norris roundhouse kick with a side of monkey toes to strike you blind.Followed by  my own special TruthfulMommy blend of PMS rage,palm to the gullet, shin kick and kick in the ass. Spokeo, simply stated, you suck!! Why not try updating info. Mine is all off. So not only are you being spamming assholes, aiding and abetting criminals and stalkers, you are also guilty of having a sub par project.I believe the term is POS!
NO Soup for you!
Throat Punch, Chuck Norris, Thursday, florida 15 year old boy killedOh yeah, I almost forgot ( well, technically I did..twice) THROAT PUNCH THURSDAY celebrated it’s 1 year anniversary of being in existence. WootWOot! I’m a little concerned that the idea came to me the week between my wedding anniversary and my babies birthday..lol what does that say about me?? HAPPY THROAT PUNCH THURSDAY!!!!!

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Sarah 2011/05/20 - 12:38 am

I love that you offered a Throat Punch AND NO SOUP FOR YOU. OMG… would a Chuck Norris Soup Nazi NOT be the greatest thing ever?!
And seriously, Spokeo SUCKS. It’s asshole-ish to tell strangers what my credit score and what my house is worth. I DON’T “friend” certain people on purpose. We oughta be able to control our own info. I removed all of mine… and Hubs… from Spokeo in Dec. But still… SUCKS!

mama_pez 2011/05/20 - 1:26 am

Yikes! How did you end up removing yourself?

Truthful Mommy 2011/05/20 - 10:18 am

How did you remove yourself from the site.Please share the info and I will tel my readers.I want off that freak show list!

Paul 2011/05/20 - 1:55 am

There is also a site like spokeo called peekyou.com Same kind of aggregation. If you go to the privacy policy page, https://www.peekyou.com/about/contact/optout/ you have find your name and id number first and then use the number to remove your listing.

Christine 2011/05/20 - 1:16 pm

Yes, please share the secrets!! I just searched myself, happy to report that my information is outdated….but I’m sure that they will catch up someday…..
Has no one learned anything from Rebecca Schaeffer’s death???

A Mommy in the City 2011/05/20 - 2:11 pm

I removed myself from the site too. I honestly don’t remember how but I would try googling it.

Bonnie 2011/05/20 - 5:36 pm

To remove yourself from the site, you search your name, if it pulls up info about you, copy the url, then go to the “privacy” link at the bottom. When you scroll down there is a place to paste the url, under than you type in your email. They send you an email, then you click the link in your email and the listing will be deleted from the site.

Paul Miller 2011/05/20 - 7:53 pm

There is another site – http://www.peekyou.com that does the same thing as spokeo.
Bonnie’s instructions are correct for spokeo.
For peekyou – You have to search for yourself – sometimes there are multiple listings – and copy the numbers next to your name.
Then go to https://www.peekyou.com/about/contact/optout/
and fill it out. My listing was gone in two days.

Carri 2011/05/21 - 12:43 am

No soup for you? Mutha fuggin the BEST thing I’ve ever read on Throat Punch.
And that is way scary. People don’t realize how easy it is for others to find out where you live, work and spend your free time.

Jess@StraightTalk 2011/05/21 - 11:06 am

I hate this crap! The internet is full of awesome, it’s how I found you! But seriously all the privacy stealing is a bunch of suck! It’s not necessary to have all my info and I carefully keep all my stuff to myself because that’s my choice. Internet bitchez.

Tina @ Life Without Pink 2011/05/22 - 10:07 am

Whew my name and location didn’t come up! That is so scary!

Teresa 2011/06/18 - 5:16 pm

I unfortunately joined Spokeo and canceled within a few hours because it was not what I thought it was.
I canceled and sent an email stating that I did not feel their ads are accurate for what they can do. I also told them that there is a 3 day contract law that says a consumer may cancel a contract within 3 business days with no penalty.
I got an email back saying someone would be contacting me in 3 business days to discuss my claim.
This aught to be good. I am going to go look up that law so I have a copy of it when their email comes.
Bottom line is this site is a rip off.

Holy Tornadoes 2011/07/31 - 9:17 pm

This Spokeo thing is really scary. My late mother passed away 2 1/2 years ago. My father in October of 1984. As far as spokeo is concerned, they are still alive. Within the last month, we sold her house. In her estate, the house was worth 10X what spokeo said it was worth. One of my 5 siblings is also shown at that address (sorry, not for the last 25 years) and is shown as the owner at 6X my mother’s valuation. Yet another brother is also a separately listed owner with yet another valuation.

This thing is spooky. This is a classic example of the internet run amok. An idea that may have had some merit has turned a campfire into a forest fire…………. and spokeo won’t release the water.

Contact your representative.

By the way, the removal process limits you to a few attempts, which, when their system doesn’t function properly, disallows removal. TO HELL WITH SPOKEO


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