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The Monday Minute 7/19/10

by Deborah Cruz

Monday Minute

What’s your real name?

Have you ever fabricated a story or anything on your blog?  
No, the stories are real, the feelings are real, my chaos is real. The whole purpose of my blog is so that I can be real and other women will know that they are not the only ones who are not perfect:) Embrace your insanity!

When in the car do you listen to the radio/CDs/iPod/etc?
Usually the radio if I am in the car by myself. I turn it all the way up and sing at the top of my lungs, its the only time I can listen to current music that is actually NEW! Otherwise, I am restricted to CDs, or whatever I have on the Ipod  but most likely I’m jamming to nursery rhymes, Dora, the Wiggles, yo Gabba Gabba, Laurie Berkner and Dan Zanes!

Describe the ‘sexiest’ item of clothing that you own
hmmmm…I have lots of sexxxy clothing unfortunately none of it fits right now! My favorite sexy piece of clothing is …

 But if the big guy cooperates,  soon this will be the sexiest piece of clothing that I will own…

Would you be willing to breastfeed your friend’s three year old child?
No way! Breastfeeding after the first 6 months to a year ( at the max) is a big NO WAY for me.Unless there were extraneous circumstances like..it was the only way the kid could survive and even then..it would still be difficult for me!

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Brittney 2010/07/18 - 11:38 pm

can i just say im absolutely in love with those shoes!!!!

crisc23 2010/07/19 - 6:06 am

Love the shoes as well, and totally agree on the last one =)

Crisc @ Jus Keep Smiling 2010/07/19 - 6:06 am

Love the shoes as well, and totally agree on the last one =)

Crisc@JusKeepSmiling.com 2010/07/19 - 6:06 am

Love the shoes as well, and totally agree on the last one =)

Ian 2010/07/19 - 8:42 am

Hell, I'll buy you those shoes

Jennifer Grey-stein 2010/07/19 - 8:42 am

Hell, I'll buy you those shoes

Jennifer Greystein 2010/07/19 - 8:42 am

Hell, I'll buy you those shoes


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