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Project Mom Casting Call; The Truth the whole truth and Nothing but the TRUTH!

by Deborah Cruz

I am Debi, I am a truthful Mommy. I am a 30 something Mommy, lucky enough to be married to my best friend and have 2 daughters whom I adore, most of the time. The last couple of years have been crazy for us with the economy. My husband has been downsized three times and we have moved twice and are about to move again. I’ve been single Mommying it during the weekdays and that’s a new experience, as well. Not exactly what I signed up for when I said I do. I used to have a life, friends, and work outside the home but when we had our daughter, I knew that I wanted to be home with her.  I am honest about the good and the bad, so other Mommies can come to realize that they are not alone in the difficulty assimilating into this role in life. None of the parenting books tell you the truth about mothering. They spin it all around and make it a fairy tale so when reality hits and we are in the trenches of real Mothering, we sometimes feel like absolute failures. I am here to let the world know that it is magical and on some days, it’s menial but it’s all worth it.
I have discovered firsthand through the rigorous initiation process of Motherhood that most Mommies are so afraid to fail that we lie about how great and easy it all is, which is helpful to absolutely no one. I’m here to stand up and say, it’s not! It’s hard, sometimes hellish work but the random “Me love you Mommy” s and little jelly covered arms choking you with love makes it tolerable and at moments, even sublime. Motherhood is hard and it’s boring at times. I AM your average Mommy~ working my ass off to give my girls the best possible childhood I can provide. It’s not easy and it involves a lot of regret and self doubt, almost continuously, but I’d never trade this experience for something different because to give up the chaos, I’d have to give up all the bliss; the little day-to-day miracles that I’d miss if I weren’t here to look for them. For example; the feeling you get when your eyes meet your breastfeeding babies in the middle of the night, or how a simple coo can erase an entire horrible day, the way your heart speeds up when you first see their heartbeat or hear their voice
I blog for many reasons. The most important reasons being; I love my family. I also have grown fond of my sanity and need an outlet for all of the frustration. It helps connect me to others at a time in my life, when it is easy not to be. My blog allows me a place to be Debi, not just Mommy.  My dream would be to parlay what I am passionate about (my family /writing) into a voice in the world. 

Project Mom Casting has an open casting call to mom bloggers. They’re looking to pitch a reality-based show about bloggers and the world of social media. If they like what I just said, I may be called for an interview.
If you’d like to give me some props, head over to the Project Mom Casting Facebook page and click “like” on my submission. Or, retweet this using @momcasting in your mention!

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ItRocks2BMom 2010/07/27 - 7:27 am

Great Post! Mine will probably sound much similar, except I have two boys 🙂 You are absolutely right, that it is MUCH harder than they tell you in the books. I used to love Surviving Motherhood and now realize it's edited beyond all belief. Kids do not sit still in a coffee shop so you can talk!! Your reasons for blogging sound just like my tagline:

"I am a happily married mother of two young boys. I recently became a stay-at-home mom and in desperation for adult conversation, dire need for advice, an outlet for venting and an audience whom I could share the good, the bad and ugly with, I started this blog."

I can also relate about being a single mom during the week. My husband has had to change companies 3 times since our first son was born because all the companies keep leaving Michigan..and now because all companies are trying to get the most out of their employees for free he is working all hours into the night and not getting paid for it. Certainly not how I imagined our nights to be either 🙁

Just as you said, though, the "I love you's" make it all worth it 🙂

Here's my post today: https://itrocks2bmom.blogspot.com/2010/07/growing-up-together.html

Jessica 2010/07/27 - 7:27 am

Great Post! Mine will probably sound much similar, except I have two boys 🙂 You are absolutely right, that it is MUCH harder than they tell you in the books. I used to love Surviving Motherhood and now realize it's edited beyond all belief. Kids do not sit still in a coffee shop so you can talk!! Your reasons for blogging sound just like my tagline:

"I am a happily married mother of two young boys. I recently became a stay-at-home mom and in desperation for adult conversation, dire need for advice, an outlet for venting and an audience whom I could share the good, the bad and ugly with, I started this blog."

I can also relate about being a single mom during the week. My husband has had to change companies 3 times since our first son was born because all the companies keep leaving Michigan..and now because all companies are trying to get the most out of their employees for free he is working all hours into the night and not getting paid for it. Certainly not how I imagined our nights to be either 🙁

Just as you said, though, the "I love you's" make it all worth it 🙂

Here's my post today: https://itrocks2bmom.blogspot.com/2010/07/growing-up-together.html


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