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Hopping, Fawking & a pretty much all around Good Time!

by Deborah Cruz
 Happy Friday everyone! It’s that day of the week again when its time to get your socialization on! Once again, I am blog hopping like a madwoman trying to reach my birthday goal of 1000 followers by September 25th. So, if you are visiting please follow and if you already follow..thank you so much! 
Just wanted to let everyone know that the Be a better ME Challenge is in full swing already.Please stop by and link up! We all deserve to be a priority on our to do list! So let’s get our self love on!
Hope  you all have a glorious long weekend with your lovely families ; enjoy one another, relax,and just embrace the now! Happy Mothering!And if you are a Mommy Blogger please grab the badge to the right


1.  If I didn’t have to work anymore I would…. travel the world with my family and then travel some more!
2.  My favorite thing about a vacation is …. getting away from the minutia of my everyday;experiencing new things, people, places, and the vacation mentality…all bets are off, there are no limits.
3.  When packing for a trip I…. pack half the house up because I have little kids, then I squeeze all of my husbands and my stuff into a carry on bag. Always over packing ( cause lets face it all I really need is a pair of shorts, t-shirt,a bathing suit,a pair of jeans, a nice shirt and a dress & undies, of course) and never actually bringing what I actually want to wear.

4.  If I could go on a road trip with anyone (dead OR alive) I would choose…( aside from the big guy) my 2 best girlfriends; Nikki and Nicole because we would have an absolute blast  and we would go somewhere in the Mediterranean were there is loads of sun, beaches, hot men for your viewing pleasure ( as we are all married and looking is all we can do:), good food, good wine, and good friends & conversation; really what more could I ask for?

OOPs, just saw that it said “ROAD TRIP” so same people, same, reason,  but we would go from Chicago to the west coast, enjoying some girl time, the great outdoors,  culminating in California with some good shopping and spa treatments!

5.  My top 3 absolute travel essentials are …my iphone, my sunglasses, my toothbrush!

6.  Vacations are … a well deserved break from every day life.

7.  On vacation you must always  …relax, enjoy your surroundings, live in the moment, leave your worries far, far away.

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Now for my FAWK yous of the day:

  • Fawk you to this jacked up sickness that has taken me hostage for the past week. Sure I love sounding like an old smoker, coughing up my lung, cold sweats,and general malaise as much as anyone but enough already!
  • Fawk you to my RX laced cough syrup that helps me to sleep but makes me see unicorns and ligers. Oh wait, no ..no fawk you to that!
  • Fawk you to having to “watch the money”! I just want to experience a little bit of excess of money sometime.
  • Fawk you to Irish football starting this weekend; my town is overrun with crazed football fans jamming my route to Bella’s school. Get out of my way people!
    Fawk You to the little one catching whatever I have. Sick Mommy + Sick Baby = Not a good time!
  • Fawk You to my 3 year old telling random people “You must be going to have baby. Your tummy is all lumpy!”
  • Oh yeah, FAWK ME because she said it to me too:)

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Birdie 2010/09/03 - 12:46 pm

I found you from New Friends Friday and am your newest follower! Love the site can't wait to read more 🙂

Just Married with Coupons 2010/09/03 - 1:10 pm

Hi there, we are your newest followers! I hope you will come visit us at http://www.justmarriedwithcoupons.com, Have a great day =)

livingoutloud 2010/09/03 - 10:13 pm

Hi! I am a new follower from the blog hop.
Big Hugs
Living Out Loud

Han 2010/09/04 - 7:00 am

About the 3 yo making the comment about the tummy – my friends son did it to me a few years ago – I was about 19 not even married and really worried about my weight lol.


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