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OK, Ladies it is Tuesday and time for all of us to expunge all the crapola on our minds..lighten our load by getting rid of all that Mommy guilt! Move back, I am really about to unload  and I don’t want any of you to get hit by all the shit that will be flying.
1) I really hate Mommy guilt. It is a useless emotion, it serves no purpose, and it only incurs more guilt. From the comments I received on my last post, I’d say I may have contributed to a few of you feeling some pangs of guilt. So, forgive me and don’t feel guilty about not getting that baby book up to date. Feel great that you are so engaged with your children that you have NO frigging time to sit on your ass and organize a baby book. You girls rock!
2) In the spirit of throwing the Mommy guilt out of the window, I HATE that I don’t take my kids outside nearly as much as I should because its too frigging hot. I know that is no excuse but I do make sure they are engaged and active. They have been working out with me. Plus, we still do fun stuff. For example, today we pitched a hello kitty tent, dressed in our finest dress up dresses, snacked on homemade granola and watched Shirley Temple’s “The Little Princess” ( yeah, I know it is as old as dirt but its wholesome and its based on one of my favorite books in the world..Sara Crewe!) The girls loved it. The only reason I feel any guilt at all about this staying indoors is because a nosy old neighbor came over the other day, introduced herself( yes, I had never met her before), and said ” Why don’t you have your girls outside that often?” As I found myself explaining that I don’t fancy letting a 3 & 5 year old loose in a yard unsupervised and I have things to do inside ( like clean, and work…I actually have a job online), I saw that disapproving look in her eyes and then she said. “Well, if they ever need to get out and play and you are BUSY ( I could so hear the implied too before the busy)….come get me. I can push them on the swing set.” Nice old lady? I think not.As if I am going to leave my girls outside under the supervision of some crazy old lady. Hey, being 100 isn’t a background check. I don’t know you! But she did leave me feeling like a complete shit. Here is an , albeit complete stranger, old lady chomping at the bit to push my kids on the swings and I am “too busy”. I felt like dirt.
3) I love when I get more followers and comments, it feels empowering and I feel like I am secretly moving towards my goal of being a published writer. SHhhhhh,lalallalala..I can’t hear you. I know you are thinking to yourself..it’s just a blog…get a grip! I know, but one has to start somewhere. Ponder this, the entity that is Dooce started with a blog.
4)I love my girls so much and worry on a daily basis that I a fucking them up. You know sort of like how a car starts depreciating the moment it leaves the lot..well, I feel like due to my inexperience, my kids are depreciating every second since they left the womb. Lord give me guidance and help me to keep them safe, healthy, and happy…..and to give them the world! No pressure or anything.
5)With full disclosure, I must add. I have been known to roar, complain,labor, on the fine points of Motherhood. For the last couple of weeks, some new power has come over me. I am not complaining, I’m just a little freaked out by it. I have actually found myself being able to remove myself from the moment, think, and then react. It’s quite amazing. I do, in that respect, feel like a much better Mommy. Remember, just last month I was roaring at the girls. The only thing is now..I’m waiting for my super power to leave and all hell to break loose!  No judging, Judgy McJudges. This is a place to get it out and get it off your chest. Not a place to be analyzed. Happy Mothering!

P.S. Did I forget to mention how awful I feel that I have clean laundry folded and stacked up to the ceiling( Not really, but it feels like it)! I swear I’d put it away…if there were any room left !! I feel like I am playing a losing game of musical laundry, every time I have people over I have to find somewhere to ‘hide’ the laundry. I have a play date tomorrow, guess Mommy’s closet will be bursting. Note to self, shut your bedroom door before company arrives.

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Getting to know YOU
The questions..

1. If you could have one of Superman’s, powers which one would you want? Superhuman strength..Flight..Superhuman speed..X-Ray vision..etc
Invulnerability, it would make things so much easier to get through my days/ Especially, if I could be invulnerable to extranueous sights, sounds, tantrums, screaming, why????’s, can we?’s “why not?’s Invulnerable to sleep deprivation, bad food choices, and effects of crap food ate at odd times of the day.

2. The best thing I ever won is….?
The Mommy lottery. I love being Mother to my two girls.They have made me a better person.

3. Have you ever skyped with a bloggy friend?
No, the occassion has never presented itself.

4. What is your favorite Summer month?
June, because the everything is awakening and its warm enough to be outside and enjoy the outdoors but not so hot that its unbearable.

5. Pool, Lake, or Ocean?
Ocean, love sitting on the shore and looking out as the tide washes in.The possibilities seem endless.

6. One of my favorite Summer memories is…..?
Bella’s second summer, she was a year old and it it was the first year she could get into the water and play in the yard. Everything was new and amazing and to experience/share all that with her, was by far the most amazing thing ever.

7. What’s your favorite secret bargain?

8. Do you plan on or have you been watching the World Cup?
Oh Yeah, baby!

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Now that Blogger has stopped acting like a complete asshole! OMG..I was totally fiending to post last night and Blogger decided to hold my blog hostage..no posting allowed. Not fair! Boo!!! OK, now that that’s out of the way. I’m sorry , it had to be said!
I spend my days immersed in my children; their lives, their activities, their wants,their needs. That’s what us Mommies do, right? I love it..most of the time but it doesn’t leave much time for a social life. I am all about Mommy Nights Out, friendship, sisterhood. I won’t pass up a good friend, coffee and conversation on the deck. A long walk , talking with a good girlfriend. Oh my good, can it get any better than that? Or maybe, some cocktails and tapas, where you have a few hours to just really be yourselves and talk about anything and everything. My God, in these days, I am sufficiently satisfied with  a great text conversation or IM session. We take what we get and we don’t get upset. That’s my 5 year olds mantra. I have adopted it , as well. The main point being that we women, and even more so once you become a Mommy, we really need our friendships. These are the women who can see past the poop, spit up, disheveled hair, work out clothes, no makeup, cereal fixing for dinner days and see us as human beings and not just Mommies. They are what tethers our sanity and sustains us when we are looking into the jaws of hell with a colicky newborn, a tantrum prone toddler, or a Ms. Sassy pants kindergartner. They are who see us for who we really are…not just a woman but…insert your name here!
I do have a few fantastic friends, a couple are even local but most are spread all over the country. This, I must say, sucks! I have found myself in a very odd predicament lately. I don’ get to travel very much , just because of the constant chaos that is my life and the aforementioned immersion into the girls world, so most communication has been maintained through the internet and/or my new bestest friend..my Iphone ( oh, how I love that bitch!). So, its really no wonder or even great stretch of the imagination that since I was already communicating with my friends via technology that I soon found myself relating stories to my husband and referring to my “friends”. My husband, nosy asshole that he is, always asks, “Who are you talking about?” Me: “My friend, you don’t know them!” (yeah, because I get out so much and have so many friends that he has never met). He persists and I realize that I have to reveal that the “friend” to which I am referring is a fellow blogger. He finds this hysterical . I can see the condemnation in his eyes, followed by the ” you poor sad girl you have no real friends” look. Then I feel ashamed because its sorta like revealing that your “best friend” is imaginary or the “boyfriend” you spent your sophomore summer with is actually a picture from a magazine. Oh the horror.
But really, its not like that at all, is it? I speak to you daily, with the exception of the weekends which I reserve for my family. I tell you my intimate secrets, and you tell me yours..probably over coffee ( in our own houses but I am sure coffee or cocktails are probably involved at least some of the time). Hell, you know things about me that my own family doesn’t know..because you are here and you listen. You’re such good listeners. I wish all my friends listened as well. I mean, I have to take your word for it that you are not Elvis-impersonating, hookah-smoking, spray-on-cheese-eating, sequined-pants-wearing, organ-peddling, identity-stealing 287-year-old cyborgs ( to learn more about that please go read this hilarious post by Naomi  at organicmotherhoodwithcoolwhip.com)  .
Of course you’ve got to take my word for it that I’m not a Benny Hill wannabee, slathered up in honey and feathers, rubbing my head while writing my posts about my imaginary children. Nah, You know I’m not..who could make this shit up?

I guess what I am really trying to say is Thank you to my bloggy friends for sharing and listening, and thank you to my besties who I have met in person…for reading my blog, knowing my flavor of crazy,and sticking around anyway! What would I do without you all? So, keep the stories coming and when I relate them to my husband …I’ll just use your name and not your..@.com 🙂 Happy Mothering to all my friends!

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To join in the Friendly Friday celebration, include your link in our list, follow the hostesses in the first 3 spots and then start blog hopping! Visit other blogs on the list and comment to give them some blog love. Then take a minute to follow them through Google Friend Connect – this is a good way to keep up with other blogs, but also lets us show support to each other!
When people comment on your blog and let you know they’re a part of Friendly Friday, return the favor and follow them back. This way everyone gets traffic and followers out of participating, and it’s a win-win situation. We would love for you to also grab our Friendly Friday button and post it on your blog and/or in a post – the more bloggers that find out about Friendly Friday and participate, the better!

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I saw this article from September of 2009 in Jezebel and it just made me laugh. I know most of you have heard of Heather Armstrong, she is Dooce. She is fantastic and phenomenal and she is, I’m not afraid to say it, who I aspire to be. Hell yeah! I want to be just like Dooce when I grow up. She is living my dream. She is blogging royalty!
Anyway, this article is about how she Monetizes the hate. What a fantastic idea. Can you imagine taking all of your blogging hate mail ( she gets loads because, well, people are jealous) and putting it into its own forum and surrounding it with lots of lovely ads? In effect, the very people who are trashing her and hating on her are a source of income for her. Talk about making lemonade out of lemons! More like grape juice out of sour grapes. What a bunch of assholes.  Kudos to you Heather Armstrong! It is hard enough to make it as a respectable “Mommy Blogger” without people hating on you because they are jealous of your success. I think it is ingenious that she even thought to monetize the hate.

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 Wow! I have been sent so much bloggy love lately that I feel like the Katherine Hepburn of blog awards. Thanks so much to all of my wonderful readers, without whom, lets face it, I’d just be annoying the crap out of my kids with all my incessant droning on. Thank you to my husband and my daughters, without whom ( as I’ve said before ) this would be a blog about nothing. Thank you so much to these lovely ladies who awarded me with these awards ( wow! That was a mouth full!) I am so appreciative that you not only thought of me, but thought my writing life blog warranted being recognized! You Ladies rock my world! Here are the lovely awards I was given over the past week and they are listed by who gave them to me.These women are great bloggers themselves and obviously have great taste ,so please hop on over and check them out. You won’t be sorry that you did!

Peryl @Parenting Ad Absurdum
awarded me the Gorgeous Blog and the Honest Scrap Award

Passing along to
My Fantabulous Wonderful Life
Love comma Ashlee
Magically Ordinary

Honest Scrap

Passing along to
Real Mommy 365 @ Real Mommy 365
 How to survive the suburbs
The Ins-&-Outs of a Stay @ Home Mom and WIfe
The Brewery

The Sunshine Award Given By
: Queen Bug @ The Dysfunction of Motherhood  
Ashlee @ Love Comma Ashlee
Real Mommy 365 @ Real Mommy 365

The Sunshine Award
This goes out to those bloggers who’s positivity and creativity inspires others in the blog world!

Passing along to:
Ma whats for dinner
Reflections of a Navy Wife

The Sweet Blog Award and Blog Monster award given by Real Mommy @ Real Mommy 365

Passing along to:
The Brewery
Got one past the Goalie
Jelly Belly
The Dysfunction of Motherhood

The Sweet Blog Award
This award is for the sweet and friendly blogger

The Blog Monster!
This award is for all the bloggers out there who constantly work hard to keep an updated and insightful website. They aren’t afraid to take a bite with their honest reviews and enjoyable content. You amaze me, you inspire me so I call you a blog monster.

Passing along to:
Organic Motherhood with Coolwhip
All I ask of the recipients is that you pass them along to some deserving candidates! Happy Mothering!
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