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by Deborah Cruz

10-10-10, this is what I am reading. Well, this is what I am reading…along with Women , Food, and God (yeah, that was a bitch to track down. Thanks again Oprah!), The secret Life of Marilyn Monroe, Jamie Olivers Food Revolution, Eat Pray Love, Vonnegut’s Gallapagos, the Kama Sutra, and A Tired Woman’s Guide to Passionate sex! Oh, yes, I am serious and I am a die hard multi tasker, could you tell? I have a tendancy of biting of fmore than I can chew and then getting it done just to prove to others that I can. Not the wisest way to live life, I admit.

Anyways, enough rambling, I am reading 10-10-10. The premise is to learn to make wiser choices by considering the ramifications of these choices..10 minutes into the future(immediatley), 10 months into the future (short term ramifications), and 10 years into the future (long term ramifications). This is so simple yet so smart.

Just think, someone asks you why you made a choice and you can actually  give them a logical answer rather than say because I wanted to. I know our instinct is fabulous but wouldn’t rationale be brilliant to employ occassionally? I know there are some of us who live by the seat of our pants and make choices as we go. Sometimes they work out and sometimes they don’t. This is life. Others of us, not myself, make decisions based on some far off future.

You know, we all have the friends who have been planning for retirement since the moment they gained employment. Unfortunatly, I am not one of those either. But what if we spend our whole lives planning for the next stage and we never make it. What a waste. To spend a life planning and not actually living.

I used to joke that when I got pregnant with my first child that she was a surpeise because we were in the planning to plan stage. Life had other plans and we were forced to jump right into the living part of our lives. 10-10-10, helps us to find the happy medium. I am excited to finish this book, not so sure the others will get finished in any timely fashion but this one will for sure. Just wanted to share.

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1 comment

liz 2010/04/13 - 5:31 pm

I've never heard of the 10-10-10 theory, but it makes a lot of sense. It would take some serious discipline to get myself to always think like that, though.


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