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Throat Punch Thursday ~F*ck Cancer Edition

by Deborah Cruz

Throat Punch Thursday,Korda Bailey This weeks Throat Punch Once again, Throat Punch Thursday has us back in Florida. Why does it seem like we are always in Florida on Thursday? Thursday recipient has had it coming for a long time. I mean for at least 12 years but , actually more like 20 years, for me personally. In general, this recipient has had it coming for as long as it’s been around. You know who I am referring to..CANCER! That sonofabitch has hurt a lot of people for a long time and almost everyone has been touched by it. I lost my Grandmother to it. I lost a close friend to it. It has completely rearranged the lives of many women I know. The last straw was when my nephew , who was only 3 at the time, was diagnosed with cancer. Thankfully, he has had a full recovery and is now a freshman in high school but that didn’t make going through it any easier when he was 3. I hate cancer….with a passion. I don’t hate too many things or people, I strongly dislike but I HATE cancer. Every time I see a friend who lost her mother, or almost lost her mother to cancer, my heart breaks. When I see my girlfriend who was diagnosed with breast cancer 5 months after having her child, my heart hurts. When I look in my nephews beautiful face, I am reminded of what he had to endure at such a young age and I can barely breathe. When I look into my girls eyes and realize that this awful thing could ever touch them, it is unfathomable. Oh, yes, I effing HATE cancer! Then I came across this bit on CNN ( you know, my source for all the sunshine I spread on Thursday)

Now, cancer just got kicked up a notch on my list.As if there weren’t enough reasons to hate cancer, this video made me want to choke cancer out and watch the life of it slowly go out. I feel that it is high time that this bastard be eradicated from the planet. Don’t you agree? To CANCER I give the reverse right legged roundhouse to the back, coupled with two lightening swift throat punches to the gullet, followed by nunchucks to the head and for good measure. I would spit in cancers face.I know,you’d expect a lady not to be so vulgar but that’s how much I HATE cancer!If you want to read the entire article about Mary Villet please go here.
Throat Punch, Chuck Norris, Thursday,

Who or what is worthy of your throat punch today? Come link up. Grab a Throat Punch Thursday button ( under buttons tab), include it in your post, link up, comment and enjoy the relief that comes come relieving yourself of the stress of the world’s stupidity.

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NinjaMommers 2011/04/28 - 10:51 am

If there is one thing that has ever deserved a throat punch, and all the other violence you wish to bestow upon it. It’s Cancer… I will volunteer some Ninja Throwing Stars to the face of Cancer. It has hurt far too many people I love personally and far too many people in general.


Truthful Mommy 2011/05/02 - 9:58 am

Bring on the Ninjas my friend. I love it. Ninja throwing stars tot he face and balls of CANCER!!

BalancingMama (Julie) 2011/04/28 - 11:33 am

Oh, I can not agree more! I know way too many people battling cancer these days. People MY AGE – and even a 4 yr old. Cancer SUCKS. It is evil and nasty and deserves to die and go away for good!!!! Thank goodness for awesome places like MD Andersen and St. Jude’s for fighting the cancer demons so well. Hope they keep it up and win once & for all!

Truthful Mommy 2011/05/02 - 9:57 am

I agree, St, Jude is amazing. What they’ve done for children with cancer is nothing short of saint worthy.I hope the cancer warriors continue to fight the fight and win the war as well.

Mrs. Jen B 2011/04/28 - 1:04 pm

Oh, 1000% agreed! Cancer sucks the big one. My husband’s aunt was diagnosed several months ago and thank god, it seems as though she’s beating it. She shaved her head, thinking she was going to lose her hair anyway, but after surgery they told her she wouldn’t need any further therapy. Can you believe it? It was like a miracle. She had and still has the most positive, shining spirit.

Truthful Mommy 2011/05/02 - 9:56 am

That is AMAZING! So glad that she is OK.

Addicted2Shius 2011/04/28 - 1:14 pm

3 years old?!! That’s just wrong! It’s awesome he survived and hopefully doesn’t remember all the pain 🙁 Cancer should go screw itself

Truthful Mommy 2011/05/02 - 9:55 am

I agree, completely. Every time I look at my wedding photos with my little bald nephew, I am reminded of how precious and fleeting life is.

Dana K 2011/04/28 - 1:59 pm

Cancer definitely deserves a throat punch. So glad your nephew is okay now.

Truthful Mommy 2011/05/02 - 9:54 am

THank you. It was a very difficult time in the lives of our entire family. I thank God every day for my nephew and my children. I pray that our family never has to deal with cancer eve again, especially in our children. Truly devastating.

Perfecting Parenthood 2011/04/28 - 4:58 pm

Yep, cancer sucks. Some close friends taken by it. Here today, gone tomorrow. Booo.

Truthful Mommy 2011/05/02 - 9:52 am

Sorry about your friends. But I agree…I totally HATE cancer. It sucks!Boo*Hiss*

XLMIC 2011/04/28 - 5:12 pm

How could anyone argue with this choice of Throat Punch recipients?

POW! Down goes Cancer.

Truthful Mommy 2011/05/02 - 9:51 am

Right? I think everyone can agree with this Throat Punch…cancer needs to go!

Carri 2011/04/28 - 8:18 pm

Eff you, cancer. Seriously…. You’re an asshole!

Truthful Mommy 2011/05/02 - 9:50 am

LOL! I couldn’t have said it better myself!

A Mommy in the City 2011/04/28 - 10:49 pm

I hate it too. We desperately need to find a cure. It’s sickening how many lives it takes.

Truthful Mommy 2011/05/02 - 9:47 am

Amen. I;ve lost too many people to this crap disease.Too many good people.

MommaKiss 2011/04/29 - 10:25 am

you KNOW I have a big fat sonofabitch HATE for cancer. Also? Doing the 3 Day Walk supporting breast cancer research. With Poppy. You can help us w/ fundraising if you wanna :p

Truthful Mommy 2011/05/02 - 9:33 am

You are awesome. I know that you have been affected closely. Kick cancer int he teeth girl.When is your walk?

Jess@Straight Talk 2011/05/10 - 4:18 pm

Oh babe. You know me. You know I’d write a throat punch Thursday every week about cancer and what a bitch it is. Thank you for posting this.

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