Donald Trump’s Republican National Convention Nomination acceptance speech was about 79 minutes too long. That man with the Oompa Loompa skin tone and crazy road kill hair has got the floor and the Republican nomination. This horrible joke has gone too damn far. I took me 2 days to watch it because I was so flabbergasted by the words coming out of his mouth, I had to keep pausing and digesting. They were more outlandish than I ever could have imagined and, quite frankly, terrified me.
You know that old Jeff Foxworthy skit, “You Might be a Redneck”? Well, if the thought of Donald Trump being the president of your United States doesn’t frighten you to your core, then you might be a racist. He’s already successfully built a wall, he has divided the United States; the sane from the insane, the love from the hate, those of us who respect all human life equally and those of us who do not.
He wants to keep people out. He’s all about shutting out refugees seeking shelter from other governments and political asylum. But where will those of us who can’t live under his tyrannical regime flee to when our complacency allows this buffoon to take office? Who will take our poor wretched and hungry?
I can’t even watch him talk. Every smirk is so condescending. Is it just me or has Donald Trump actually assumed the identity of his SNL caricature? He is so unpredictable and outrageous, he has given the seedy underbelly of the American People carte blanche to be as hateful and prejudiced as they want to be and that makes him the most dangerous man alive today.
Donald Trump has shown us who he is since he began campaigning. He has made no excuses for his misogynist, bigoted, racist and xenophobic ways. He has embraced them. Why don’t we believe him when he tells us who he is? Why do we not take him seriously? This is how the second Hitler will end up in the Oval office. This is how we set the hands of time back 100 years. This is how we undo progress and to be quite honest, I’m pretty sure that this could be the way the dinosaurs died. What I mean is that Donald Trump is the end of society, tolerance and human respect and dignity. He Is the breathing embodiment of pure hatred.
Donald Trump is a weird dude, with tiny jazz hands that makes funny faces and has crazy hair but make no mistake, he is no joke. He is just dangerous enough to destroy this country and take all of us with him. How can you not see that?
I watched his RNC nomination acceptance speech and it was disturbing and duplicitous. The man has two sides to his face and he is talking out of both of them. He is scrambling to kowtow to his voters by using terms like “Make America One Again” and “Make America Great Again.” The only problem is that when he says “One” I think he means white and when he says “GREAT” he’s implying that currently it is not. He fancies himself the great white hope and he certainly is not, not in my America. He terrifies me.
Here are a few Donald Trump quotes from his acceptance speech,
“Together we will lead our country back to safety, prosperity and peace”
He says this with a straight face as he is actively inciting hatred and separation.
“We will be a country of generosity and warmth but we will also be a country of law and order.”
Purge anyone? Lynching? Build a wall. Jazz hands. Cha cha cha. If you are not reading between the lines, you are blind.
“Safety will be restored.”
“We cannot afford to be so politically correct anymore”
Code for let’s all be openly racist, misogynistic, bigoted and xenophile assholes. Genocide, anyone?
“There will be no lies. We will honor the American people with the TRUTH and nothing else.”
When the crowd went wild chanting “USA” as if they were at a Nazi Party youth rally, Donald Trump did his best impression of my grandma doing the running man challenge. I half expected him to raise a hand in the air for his idol Hitler and wave it around like he just didn’t care. Because he doesn’t. Donald Trump cares about no one other than Donald Trump.
“Nearly 180,000 illegal immigrants with criminal records ordered deported from our country are tonight roaming free to threaten peaceful citizens.”
Is it just me or did you hear a banjo playing softly in the background too? Boy, you sure do have a purty mouth. Why does he hate brown people so much? What have we ever done to him? Latinos are to Trump what the Jews were to Hitler. Do you know how scary that is to me as a Latina?
“The number of new illegal immigrant families who’ve crossed the border this year already exceeds the entire total from 2015. They are being released by the 10s of thousands with no regard for the impact of public safety or resources.”
The crowd of racists goes wild that wall (the mein fuhrer is silent but it’s there). THEY? We here you Mr. Trump and we know exactly what you mean when you say they!
Excuse me while I throw up in my mouth a little bit. What’s with the teeth sucking? Also, now he brings up one immigrant who murdered a woman newly graduated from college. Dirty immigrant murders beautiful Caucasian with 4.0 GPA, of course, because we’re all criminals and they’re all perfect. Because the borders are open.
Then he goes on to quote numbers of unemployed African Americans and Latinos, basically referring to POC as a scourge on American society. This man has something against anyone a darker shade than paper white.
Trump keeps talking about how he’s going to “fix that” but doesn’t tell us how because it’s not that simple, if it were doesn’t he think one of the previous presidents would have tried to wish or pray it away?
“This is the legacy of Hilary Clinton; death, destruction, terrorism and weakness”
He can point out all the problems but he has no real solution. What’s the solution? Give me a plan that doesn’t entail just building a wall and bad mouthing Hilary Clinton and President Obama.
“Our plan will put America first!”
America is code for white people, you know that right?
“The American People will come first, once again!”
“My plan with safety at home which means safe neighborhoods, secure borders and protection from terrorism. There can be no prosperity without law and order.”
Now he thinks he’s Wyatt Earp and this is the old west. He wants to blow people up if he isn’t locking them out. He is all about the guns and all about law and order. He is also about being a dictator and anyone who doesn’t see that is willfully blind and ignorant.
“Every day I wake up determined to deliver a better life for the people all across this nation that have been ignored, neglected and abandoned.”
Oh he’s talking about the white America who blames loss of jobs on immigrant workers who’ve taken their jobs.
“These are the forgotten men and women of our country…but they’re not going to be forgotten long. These are people who work hard but no longer have a voice. I am your voice.”
1% meet 99% and if you think he’s going to be “your” voice, I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you. This man cannot be anyone’s voice. How can he represent a people, an America, that he is so far out of touch with?
He spent most of his speech bad mouthing Hilary Clinton. That was his platform. He didn’t speak about how he was going to make America great while in office. He had no plan just wishes and pandering.
“The powerful can no longer beat up on people who cannot defend themselves.”
Isn’t he one of the powerful doing the beating up?
“Nobody knows the system better than me, which is why I alone can fix it!” Narcissist much?
“An attack on law enforcement is an attack on all Americans!”
Yet, he fails to mention what instigated the entire domino effect. Racist cops with itchy trigger fingers in a country who loves it guns more than its children. He made no comment on the senseless deaths by guns only on the attack in Dallas on cops.
He’s dubbed himself the law and order candidate and when I see all of his supporters clapping with shit eating grins on their faces, I just imagine some macabre scene out of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre and instead of those creepy family members standing around clapping while grandpa tried to bash in that girl’s head with a cattle hammer, Trump’s “Americans” are clapping and smiling as they have their purge night against all the minorities in this country.
“Only weeks ago, in Orlando Florida, 49 wonderful Americans were savagely murdered by an Islamic terrorist.”
Every time he even tries to say the word LGBTQ out loud, it sounds like it’s getting caught up in his mouth. Is it just me or do you feel like there are a lot of words unspoken in Mr. Trumps speech. I am reading between the lines (I’m picking up what he’s throwing down) and it isn’t good for any of us. He’s fear mongering. Look at all the bad shit that’s happened to us, want it to happen again? Build a wall. Law and order. But he never explains how he proposes to get from chaos to his coveted law and order.
“This time they targeted LGBTQ community and no good. We’re gonna stop it.” Who writes his speeches, a 9-year-old boy? Whoever it is, he should fire them immediately. As the crowd chants, “Help is on its way!”
We’re supposed to believe he’s the white knight to save us all?
“We must immediately suspend immigration from any nation that has been compromised by terrorism until such time as proven vetting mechanisms have been put in place, we don’t want them in our country!”
Them and they are code words for people of color.
“I only want to allow individuals who will support our values and love our people. Anyone who endorses violence, hatred or oppression is not welcome in our country and never ever will be.”
“Americans will finally wake up in a country where the laws of the United States are enforced.”
“Americans want relief from uncontrolled immigration, which is what we have now. Communities want relief.”
“It is time to show the world that America is back. Bigger, better and stronger than ever before.”
If none of this scares you, you are not paying attention. If Donald Trump gets into office, he will break America. Make no mistake, he is dangerous. This is not a joke. He will destroy the American we love.
Even if you don’t love Hilary Clinton personally, is it worth not voting or voting Republican and bringing into office the next Hitler? You have to stand up for your America and for your children and do what’s right. Do we want to be the nation that becomes the cautionary tale? No , we don’t!
Vote like your life depends on it, because it just might this time around.
Do you love him or hate him? Why?
What are your thoughts on Donald Trump as our next President?
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