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mommy blogger, mommy guilt, blogger, parenting, work-at-home

Dealing with Blogger Mommy Guilt?

by Deborah Cruz

mommy blogger, mommy guilt,working mom, parentingThe first thing I read this morning was a piece by my good friend, Jessica Gottlieb, Which came first the Anxiety Disorder or the Blog? Her post really resonated with me in a lot of ways but the most important takeaway that I had was the realization that I need to live more and blog less. This is nothing new. I have known this for some time now. Hell, I know that I need to back the fuck away from the computer and get out of my head and into my life. I need to unplug and it has never been as evident as it is this summer.

I love that I get to write for a living, from home. I love that brands and publications want to work with me but I am beginning to feel burnt out in every way. The thought that permeates my every action this summer is that I started this blog as a way to keep track of my children’s lives (and to flex my writing muscles) but it’s become a runaway train and I am holding on for dear life not to fall off. Which begs the question; how the fuck am I suppose to be a good Mommy if I am spending my time being a good blogger? One takes from the other, unless I sacrifice my sleep, which I do on most days and its still not enough.Mommy fail 101.

When I am with my kids swimming or having tea parties or just sitting listening to them ramble as they crawl into my lap, I feel like a good parent but then my work deadlines are piling up I feel like my editors are all wondering what the fuck is she doing over there. But when I am in a writing fog and kicking out posts like a machine, I feel like the world’s worst mother. Obviously, being a mom is my priority but being a writer has always been my dream. So, here I am leaning in so hard that I am falling the fuck over with no one to catch me. It’s an odd predicament, having what you want and then not knowing how to maintain it all. I think many moms, especially the ones in this field, know exactly what I am talking about.

I’ve complained a few times about all the running and obligations but mostly I am lucky to have these problems but there has to be a balance. I’m leaning in so hard that the tether to my family is the only thing keeping me from toppling over but maybe I just need to lean back a little bit; put up my feet and enjoy life for a minute.Enjoy my children while they are children. I can’t enjoy my life if I spend every second of it fighting the system and fighting myself.

My kids are little and this time doesn’t last long. I am crazy busy this summer and I don’t see it getting any easier anytime soon unless I make some hard decisions. I KNOW at this point I am supposed to be working smart and not hard, I just haven’t figured out how the hell to do it yet. I have to learn to let go. I’ve spent my whole life fighting so hard for everything I have ever gotten that once I get it, I’m afraid to let it go and that lands me with too much on my plate. You’d think after 40 years, I would have figured out how to let go but I teeter between extremes. I’m either freefalling or completely scratching at the walls trying not to hit the ground.

Have you ever felt this blogging/working mom guilt? How did you deal with it?

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Kristen Daukas 2013/06/26 - 9:00 pm

I started 4H 9 years ago and if you look at it in the beginning, there are a LOT of long gaps when my girls were younger like yours. Plus this blogging world was nowhere near what it is now. I have more time now because my girls are now tweens and teens and they are at the age where I’m losing my cool factor but I still have to keep on my toes because they ARE getting older. Add to that I’m trying to get my 2nd blog off and running and I need to spend more time on that one. Something has to give.. one site has to take a back seat.. one aspect of life has to be on hold.. I have to make a list to get it all done and then prioritize THAT list! It’s exhausting. Spend the time with your girls first.. squeeze the rest in when you can. I loved Tiffany’s line at BBCChar.. when you’re a Mommy, be a mommy 100%.. when you’re working.. be at work 100%. Hang in there!

Deborah Cruz 2013/06/26 - 10:16 pm

Thanks. I know what has to happen, I need to cut back and invest more attention into my girls. I don’t want them to look back on their childhood and say my mother was never there for me because she was too busy writing about motherhood. I want them to say my mom was awesome, she had a career doing her dream job and so can I and she was one kick as mom and I can be that too. The whole situation works better when they are in school because I don;t work after they get home but summer is hard to figure out.

Allison Zapata 2013/06/26 - 10:25 pm

I feel you. xoxo

Hannah 2013/07/11 - 1:53 pm

I hear you, I don’t even blog so much and I already feel my time and energy being stretched. Keep it up, your kids need you but so do your readers.

Time to Get Back to Me is The Cure for Mom Brain 2015/08/27 - 11:05 am

[…] with the Big Guy outside; all the while my heart was longing to be outside with them enjoying it. The mommy guilt was strong with me this summer, even though I was putting most things aside to be in the moment. It just never felt like […]


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