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weight loss. #NSNation

nutrisystem, weight loss, diet, healthy

I’ve lost one more pound during week 12 of Nutrisystem. Only six more ounces and I will be back to my pre-BlogHer weight. Sounds like I am trying to lose my baby weight, only I have no baby to show for it just a belly full of rich foods and a weekend filled with great memories so I guess it was sort of worth it, right? Only no! I mean, couldn’t I have done exactly the same thing on salad and grilled chicken, minus the alcohol and added in a lot more exercise. If only hugging were a calorie burner, I would have hugged myself skinny at that damn conference.

So, do you think people use traveling and special occasions as an excuse to put off weight loss? Do we procrastinate until tomorrow because we secretly hope tomorrow will never come? Why do we always try to eat all the food the night before we start a diet? What the heck is that about? I mean that can’t be good for you and I know I am not the only one who does that. I start a diet tomorrow, well then you can guarantee that I am eating carbs and sugar tonight. It’s ridiculous, right?

Nutrisystem is changing the way I am looking at food. It’s forcing me to not only take culpability for my eating habits but know that your weight is a direct result of your eating and workout habits. This is obvious from that BlogHer trip. I don’t think I realized how immediate the consequences were apparent.

What is the one thing that you know will derail you every time when trying to lose weight?

Want to join me in losing weight and getting healthy on Nutrisystem? You can join Nutrisystem by calling 1-888-853-4689 or visiting https://www.nutrisystem.com/nsblog

Disclaimer: Nutrisystem is providing my program free of charge for my participation in the Nutrisystem Nation Blogger program but all opinions are honest and my own.

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