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This post was produced with support from Clean Air Moms Action. All opinions are, of course, my own.

The upcoming election has been dominated by divisive candidate issues. Believe me, many of us have lost friends and family because our politics simply cannot reconcile themselves but there’s one thing that we should all be able to agree on: harmful pollution, climate change, and toxic chemicals are putting our families at risk and it doesn’t have to be that way. Whether you’re a liberal or a conservative, every one of us lives on this planet and, I hope, everyone of us wants to take care of it so it’s still around for our children and our children’s children.

When I think about the future, I immediately think about my daughters. The future is not some obscure thing that will happen to me. Since becoming a mom, everything I do is directly in relation to how it will affect my children and that means I have no choice but to be the change. It’s my job to be their advocate, to make sure that they are healthy and happy and, for me, that means making sure that they have clean air to breathe.

A few weeks ago, the news reported that safe carbon levels in the earth’s atmosphere were a thing of the past. We officially passed the point of no return, 400 parts per million, where the earth’s climate was concerned. The low point of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere typically occurs around the last week of September but this year, levels failed to drop below 400 ppm.

Why’s that a big deal? The 400 ppm mark is considered the red line in the sand and crossing it poses dangerous climate ramifications. Right now we’re at 400 ppm, and we’re adding 2 ppm of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere every year. Unless we are able to change things and turn that around and return to below 350 ppm this century, we risk triggering tipping points and irreversible impacts that will send climate change spinning beyond our control. It will be catastrophic.

To reverse the damage and do some Superman/ Wonder Woman like planet saving, here are three areas we need to focus our attention towards.

CLEAN AIR. Air pollution from fossil fuels leads to bad air quality in too many communities. Increases in smog can trigger asthma attacks and exacerbate other chronic health problems. Do not let your child’s health be voted away to protect polluters’ profits. Instead, VOTE to protect little lungs from toxic air pollution.

CLIMATE CHANGE. The same harmful pollution that is making our children sick is causing rising temperatures and extreme weather events. Our changing climate is making smog worse. It increases respiratory health threats, particularly for people with allergies and asthma. Also, intense heat waves exacerbate heart and lung conditions. VOTE for candidates who support proposals to cut methane emissions from the oil and gas industry. And vote to put our country on a clean energy path while protecting American jobs!

TOXIC CHEMICALS. Dangerous chemicals are found in our daily lives. They often enter our homes and bodies without our realizing it. In fact, these chemicals may not even have been disclosed, identified or studied. Thousands of toxic chemicals found in everyday products are linked to potential reproductive and developmental toxicity, endocrine disruption, birth defects, cancer, asthma, headaches and skin irritants. Children are among the most vulnerable to such chemicals.

It really hit home for me when my 9-year-old came to me with tears in her eyes and asked me, “Mommy will the air last long enough for me to grow up?” That broke my heart because while the answer is yes ( just), I didn’t have the heart to tell her that I have no idea what the air we breathe will be like for her children and grandchildren. I can’t make her any guarantees. We’ve ignored the warnings for far too long and now, it falls on our shoulders to literally save the planet for our children.

Clean Air Moms Action, moms, Presidential election 2016, Clean air act

Unfortunately, harmful pollution, climate change and toxic chemicals are putting our precious children at risk. It doesn’t have to be this way. It shouldn’t be this way. This doesn’t mean there’s no hope. We just need to collectively get involved, care and make changes. It starts with each one of us.

On election day your vote can elect candidates who care about these issues. If for nothing else, please vote as if your child’s health depends on it. Because it does. Take the pledge and commit yourself to voting for your child’s future.

This fall Clean Air Moms Action is traveling the country with a documentary film crew capturing the stories of parents who are fighting daily to protect their children’s health effects of exposure to oil & gas productions, high-tide flood waters, and ground water contamination from coal ash waste sites.

You can see more videos like this on the Clean Air Moms Action YouTube page

Please join me in working together to move clean energy forward in the US. by joining the fight to protect our children at cleanairmomsaction.org.

Next Tuesday, your vote will tell leaders that you care about protecting our children from the harmful effects of toxic air pollution. The same harmful pollution that is making our children sick is causing rising temperatures and extreme weather. It’s our job as parents to protect our babies and their futures.

Join me by voting. Research candidates with a good record on the environment and vote for them. Join the #CleanAirMomsVote selfie project. Print out the Because I Love sign, fill in the blank, and post it to social media with the hashtag #CleanAirMomsVote

Learn more on the Clean Air Moms Action website, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Follow the hashtag #CleanAirMomsVote


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Jackie Burkle

Throat Punch Thursday~jackie burkle,Huxley,Iowa,twins,infanticide

Jackie Burkle ~What is wrong with the mother’s of the world? Honest to God, what the fuck is wrong with all these sub par, crazy bitch mom’s lately? It seems every other day in the news, there is a mom who has either lost a child to some sick bastard, killed her child, or her child has been killed because she was such a shitty mother in the first place. Case in point; Casey Anthony, Tarah Souder, etc. I can go on for days. I am so sick of reading about people killing kids. What has the world come to? Today’s throat punch recipient is yet another mom, Jackie Burkle, who has committed heinous acts while employing the Mommy moniker. Throat Punch to you Jackie Burkle of Huxley, Iowa. I don’t care what your circumstances may be, there is NO excuse for killing your two newborn twins.

Jackie Burkle

Jackie Burkle; Cold Blooded Twin Killer?

(AP)  DES MOINES, Iowa — An Iowa woman (*Jackie Burkle AKA CRAZY BITCH) accused of killing her newborn twin daughters after giving birth at home was ordered held Wednesday on $1 million bond. That’s it? I think they should keep her uterus as collateral.)

Jackie Burkle, 22 ( so young to be so fundamentally fucked up. Hmmm? How old was Casey Anthony when she got away with murder?), of Huxley, was charged with two counts of first-degree murder in the deaths of her newborn twins last week. She made her initial court appearance Wednesday and was being held in the Story County jail. ( Honestly, I’m surprised that she’s survived this long in general population. Criminal Mommies take baby killers pretty seriously!) A telephone message left for her attorney was not immediately returned.

Police found the infants’ bodies Saturday in the trunk of Burkle’s car, parked in front of her home, across the street from the police department in the town of about 2,800 people, about 20 miles north of Des Moines. ( Can we say world’s dumbest criminal? ACROSS.THE.STREET.FROM.THE.POLICE.DEPARTMENT!!!!!)

According to court records, police went to the duplex where Burkle lived after receiving a call to check on her. (Apparently,someone had an inkling that this broad was touched in the head. But I wonder,if they cared enough to call the cops to check on her; why not check on her themselves?)

Court records show Burkle was seen Jan. 5 at work and “appeared to be pregnant.” She was seen at work two days later and did not appear to be pregnant “with a completely different appearance.” ( Yeah, the look of a psychotic infant killer.I’d imagine that changes a person.)

Jackie Burkle :What were You thinking?

Police have released few details but said Wednesday that Burkle lived her with parents. A telephone message left at a number for a listing at the same address was not immediately returned.( how could her parents NOT know that she was pregnant? I notice if my girls get a new freckle.What kind of mental bend did they do to this girl to make her so afraid or disassociated to have a baby babies that she not only hid  but killed upon their arrival? Who delivered these babies? It’s hard to imagine a 22 year old delivering twins on her own,right?)

Burkle’s family issued a statement Wednesday afternoon asking for privacy. ( privacy to get their story straight!)

“The events of the past few days have been incredibly devastating,”  ( yeah, devastating that your daughter is a killer and going to end up on some crime show called When mothers Attack or getting herself Throat Punched for the entire interwebs to see!) her family said. “This is only the beginning of a very long and painful process. However, the family of Jackie Burkle does not have any comment at this time.”

Huxley Police Chief Mark Pote said Burkle is not married and that investigators were working to identity the children’s father. ( Yeah, because she’s probably like a praying mantis and after they mated she ripped his head off and ate it and then hid the rest of the body. The police may want to check the trunk of any other vehicles the family may own.) Burkle has no other children, ( who are living or can be found!) he said.

Neighbors and “several people” who were interviewed by police did not report hearing or seeing anything unusual, ( maybe Jackie Burkle is a Scientologist; silent birth bitches!) Pote said.

He declined to provide any details about how the children died or the condition of their bodies when they were found. ( I don’t even want to know the condition.) It also was unknown why Burkle gave birth at home (because Jackie Burkle had NO intention of keeping them.You look mighty conspicuous if you have your baby in a hospital and then kill them.These were Down Low twins.), Pote said.

“There’s going to be a lot of unanswered questions for everyone, including law enforcement, for a while,” ( No shit! This mental midget is not going to just give you all the details. Maybe they should haul in Casey Anthony’s ass and ask her, since obviously this Jackie Burkle was a fan! Wasn’t Caylee in the trunk too?) the chief said.

Bill Walljasper, a spokesman for Casey’s General Store, said a co-worker of Burkle’s called police after noticing a physical change in her appearance and became concerned about her health. ( Maybe they should have been concerned when Jackie Burkle was hiding a pregnancy for 10 months? I think nosey is more the appropriate word for what he felt not concern.)

He said Burkle, who had worked at the store for more than six months, was scheduled to work the day police were called. She had come into the store but Walljasper said he didn’t know if she came in to work or as a customer. The store is only a few blocks from Burkle’s home.( Maybe Jackie Burkle was trying to buy some supplies, you know; a shovel, lime, a hack saw. She should have bought a rope and hung herself.)

“It’s a very tragic event,” he said. “It’s a very hard one to cope with.” ( yeah, because the only way that it effects him is because he’s short a worker and his traffic will increase due to freaks who think its cool to walk where a murderer once stocked shelves.)

Autopsies were performed Monday but final results, including lab tests, will not be available for four to six weeks.

Michael Motsinger, special agent in charge with the Iowa Division of Criminal Investigation, said the infants survived the birth but he did not know if they were full-term.

Court records show when police arrived at her home Burkle agreed to go to a hospital and have a blood test that indicated she had been recently pregnant. She acknowledged she gave birth to twins and told officers where to find the bodies. ( I don’t know why she killed them but I’d say it was probably fear of something; whether it were being a mother or her parents finding out or no help or whatever, but she could have abandon them or gave them up for adoption!)

She also acknowledged that she “acted or committed certain acts to terminate the lives” of the babies on Jan. 6, court records show. ( well, at least I give her credit for being more of a woman than that piece of shit Casey Anthony , at least she told the truth and faced her crime.)

Motsinger declined to elaborate on how the infants were killed, citing the ongoing investigation.

A preliminary hearing was scheduled for Jan. 20. If convicted of first-degree murder, Burkle would face a mandatory sentence of life in prison without parole. ( unless they discover that her parents forced her to do it, or she was raped for the last 20 years by the couple who kidnapped her and made her their sodomized sex slave, the father was the devil or she is just completely fucking crazy then this is the best place for her. The only other place she deserves to be, in my opinion is a mental institution.I think she sounds pretty deranged, not necessarily a sociopath because by admitting guilt she is showing remorse in some way.) Right?)

I am sure there is more to this case than meets the eye. This Throat Punch is only my opinion on the facts that have been presented thus far. Everyone is innocent until proven guilty or confessing, right? But today on Throat Punch Thursday….

Jackie Burkle, Throat Punch for YOU!

Hope you will link up your Throat Punch Thursday posts with me. I wanted to extend a personal invite to all of you to link up any posts in which you air a grievance, call out any asshatery,or just dole out a well deserved throat punch to one of societies shortcomings or political douche canoes. If not this week, I do it EVERY single Thursday and would love for any or all of you to join in! All you have to do is grab the Throat Punch Thursday button ( listed under the “about” tab at the top of the page), put it in your blog post and link up. If you’d like to stay in the Throat Punch know, I’d love it if you would email subscribe ( as GFC will stop working soon).

If you are more in the mood for funny today, at noon EST , I will be live at Aiming Low talking about Releasing the Kraken! Oh yeah, I went there and I can;t believe I did but if you are into laughing really hard about bodily functions, stop over there and pick up some new lingo for what not even Beano can stop. What are your thoughts on the Jackie Burkle case? Is Jackie Burkle a cold blooded killer or just a victim herself?

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The world is a beautiful place and we are allowed to marvel and enjoy her on a daily basis! Please take care of her! Recycle. Reuse. Reduce! Happy Earth Day 2010! The link I am including is a link to great ideas for Earth Day activities to do with your children. Go to a National park, the local farmers market, just go outside and enjoy the marvelous planet of ours! Peace!


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Dr. Phil had a husband and wife on the show tonight. The husband liked to come home and criticize his wife for not having enough done at the house (commence with eye rolling). You know he couldn’t understand why the clean laundry was stacked in piles..why couldn’t she just put it away. She only had two babies.She breaks down into tears. What a meanie! Does he not have enough to do at his job and that’s why he comes home with nothing better on his mind than to attack his wife? The poor woman probably was waiting with baited breath for this man to walk through the door and rescue her from her day. Who died and made this guy Martha Friggin Stewart? I, personally, would have went burning bed all over his ass a long time ago if I was continually criticized and made to cry. But that is just me. I’m wondering if she ever shot back with, “Oh yeah, why can’t you put the seat down? Put a new roll on the toilet paper rod? Read without moving your lips?” Dr. Phil, apparently wiser from being married for 3 decades, told this man to stop with this craziness. I think his words were (to paraphrase) “Trying to criticize a woman on how to do things or tell your wife what to do is like trying to put a cat in a bag. You will get clawed and shredded to pieces! Women do not like to be criticized!”
Was this a big secret? We Mommies do so much but never feel like we can get it all done, so we have enough guilt about that topic. To have our husbands come home and attack us ( after they get to be in the real world and converse with actual adults all day) its just too much.  Daddies , we are your partners, not the enemy. Support us and love us and we will try to give you the moon, maybe even try and put away all that folded laundry.  Life’s to short to be trying to throw cats in bags!

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Ella, on the day you were born, I giggled uncontrollably. So many emotions flooded my mind that all I could do was laugh and weep, tears of joy. I fell in love with you the moment I looked into those deep blue eyes. You looked into my soul and changed me forever.You will always be my love and my heart. With every moment that I am given to be your Mommy, my love for you grows deeper and I can’t even remember my life before you. It was as if I never even existed. As you grow more independent, I can feel you pulling slowly away even at your young age. I promise to always give you room to blossom and grow but to be there to lift you up when you fall. And know this, you will ALWAYS be my baby. You may be outgrowing my lap but never will you outgrow my love.

Abs, on the day you were born, I couldn’t stop smiling. It started off a little rocky; we had to have a back up video camera special delivered into the hospital room to capture your birth. You didn’t want to come out, so we had to have a little help in the form of the Texas roll and a nurse laying on my stomach to help push you out.But when you came into this world with your eyes open wide and bright, taking in the entire world in one fail swoop, I knew you were my joy and my smile.Every single day since, you have grown my heart with love and filled my life with joy. Your smile melts me. You are also so obstinate and independent that you break my heart and scare me to death on a daily basis with your constant shenanigans. You will always be my little hell on wheels in pink taffeta and a helmet. At the same time, you are the light of my life and without you and your sister, I could not exist. You are my oxygen; my reason, my life!

All my Love for all of my Life,
Mommy XOXO

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We will resume ot our normal schedule tonight! I have not abandon you! Road trip today to Davenport. I am sure I will have lots to tell you tonight! P.S. Truthful Tuesdays, I was running around like a maniac..so here goes…. Sometimes,hmmmhmm, wish my husband could calm down a little and not stress so much. I know, pot calling the kettle black!
Wish I was a better Mommy!  Feeling like I don’t do nearly enough constructive things with the kids. Decided to make schedule! We will see if that helps! I promise to limit tv to a minimum.
Thats mine. See  ya all tonight!!!

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peanut, dads, things kids say

“Mom, Dad’s a boy, he has a peanut!” What you may ask yourself is my 2 year old talking about? Well, lets just say our 2 year old, like all 2 year olds I know,likes to follow us absolutely EVERYWHERE we go. This includes the bathroom, the shower, the closet… you get the picture, there is no hiding anything from this kid. SO, today I just need to take a second and share some of the Gabi-isms that make her so special. I may even make you privy to some of our Bella-isms.

Here are a few from today.
“Mom, Dad’s a boy, he has a peanut!” this was told to me after walking in on Daddy coming out of the shower.

“Momma, GYNE(JI-NEE) Plié!” This was said when I was rinsing her off after her shower. This came about because, if boys have a peanut ; girls have a (JI-NEE)/ the “Plié” comes from the fact that her 4 year old sister takes ballet and she knows what that stance looks like.

“Oh SHit” yes this nugget came from an unfortunate run in with a Fergie song.

“Momma, me Love you!” this is my favorite, except she was saying it to her 4 year old sister, who was playing the role of Mama in their imagination play time.

“Dad….DDDAAAAD….DAAAAADDDEEEEE……………Come wipe me!” Hey, better him that me:)

Those were just a few of the words that flew effortlessly out of her mouth today.

Now, here are few of Bella’s that I have to share.

“Honey, dreams don’t come true…dreams are for sleeping” she says this as she grabs me by the chin,and oh so seriously informs me of the ways of the world, while looking me directly in the eye. I think she was trying to break it to me gently, my little cynic.

“Why do you make my life so miserable,” this was told to me, with all the theatrics of a teenager being told they can’t date, when I told her that she could not wear her dress up tutu to bed.

“Mom, well, its OK..if you die (WTH!) take this (She hands me the keys to her Happy meal diary) and you can come back to me” Wow, I had no idea it was so easy. My bigger concern is why is she not very concerned.

“Its OK if you die Mom,( its a recurring theme. WTH are they teaching her at preschool? LOL) I’ll just go stay with Sarah or Nicole (my friends, the mothers of her friends)! I think I really need to explain what the word “die” means! I think she thinks it means some kind of a night out:)

Well, that was today. I can’t wait to see what tomorrow brings. My girls, revolutionizing my life, 1 moment at a time.

What’s the craziest thing your kid has ever said?

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Let me preface this by saying, I am so paranoid about my girls developing body issues that if you ask them ,”What are you?” Their standard answer, with absolutely no conceit, is, “Perfection!” Or as Bella likes to say ,”Perfectional!” I am trying to raise them to know that they are perfect as is; to know that people come in all shapes, sizes,and colors and we are all of the same worth. We are all the perfect us that we are suppose to be.I stress this point to them. Though, of course, being that I am human, I am uber critical of myself but I am conscientious not to exhibit that behavior in front of them, or so I thought. It’s a 24 hour a day job, just trying not to be a bad example :)I thought that I was succeeding at this job.I guess I thought wrong.
The other day, out of the blue, my 4 year old, Bella looks at me and whispers, “Mom, I want you to be tall and straight like Daddy.” With that, she smiled a little sheepish smile. So between the whisper and the (please don’t hurt me, on the brink of a flinch smile) I concluded, she was trying to say something very diplomatically that was in fact an insult. But I wasn’t sure what. My husband is 6’5″, so I understand that he is taller than me but what did she mean by “straight”? I’m married to a man and she has to idea of the implications of the words “straight or gay” ,so this left me wondering, what in the hell exactly she meant. So, I said,”Bella, Mommy is a girl and sometimes they are shorter than boys.I can’t do anything about that.” She said,(in her whispering/defensive stance/hands actually up to her mouth to signify a secret) “But you can get straight!” I look at her, and again, that same impish smile. I’m curious and I’m confused. “Honey, what do you mean that you want me to be “straight like Daddy”? Bella, looks me up and down and says, “You know, straight,with none of this!” By this, I inferred by her hand gestures and the fact that she was rubbing my love handles, she meant my lovely chunkiness. OMG, this is the moment I hoped would never come. I’m not obese, but I’m no size 5 anymore.I am certainly a well established resident in double digit land. I took a mental note and decided that it was in fact time to get back into shape. I want to be a good role model, and all that:)She wasn’t trying to mean, but she obviously knew, at her young age of 4, that Mommy’s weight was a sensitive subject. We’ve had the occasional,”Mom you’ve got a big butt!”, which of course, compared to hers, I do. Let’s face it, I got a big butt. I have always responded, “Well Bella, Mommy would look crazy with a little butt like yours.I’m too big for a bootie that size, but its perfect for your little girl body:)” Which, indeed, I would and it is. Her response is always, “It’s OK Mom, I love your big butt!” So, overall, its all good. My ego gets a little bruised, but I bounce back. That was then.
Today,at dinner, Bella is engaged in a full on monologue with herself, as four year olds are known to do from time to time. Then she leaps into her,I’m pretending I’m somebody else mode.OK, I’m used to this. I hear her having a conversation with herself about her Mom being “straight”. I turn slowly, and my ears perk up, like a nosey dog.I can’t resist,”Bella, you still love me even if I’m not “straight”,right? Families love each other no matter what.” To which she responds, “Yeah, Mom! But some people are like ‘Hey look at that fat girl!’ ( Imagine my aghast face and sheer horror) and she continues ,”But I’m like ,’Hey don’t say that, she’s my Mom and she’s perfect!” And then she looks me dead in the eye, serious as I’ve ever seen her, and says,”I still love you anyways,Mommy!” At this point, I am in shock and mortified that this is the conversation that her and her ‘imaginary friends are having’:) Continuing, as an equal opportunity child that she apparently is, she looks at me and (again with that smile and whisper, since Daddy’s out of earshot) says ,”It’s OK Mom, they say it about Daddy and Saffaron (the dog) too. They’re like ‘Hey, look at that stupid guy walking that dog!’ OMG, all I want to know is who are these horribly evil little imaginary people that live in my daughter’s head and what do I have to do to shut them up? LOL I laughed so hard that I did in fact cry, part, laughing my butt off at her imagination and her keen sense of decorum to know that she needed to be delicate with her Mommy’s feelings, and part at the sad fact that my daughter has, in fact, noticed my imperfections and thinks I’m perfect anyways…or at least that is what she has chosen to let me believe , in spite of the facts.I love my daughter, she is ‘perfectional’ to me, and I am starting a diet tomorrow! I’ve also realized that I have to fight the urge and be more conscious of the “does my butt look big? Does this make me look fat?” comments that slip out of my mouth undetected. But like they say, ” I can lose weight, but poor Daddy..well, what do you do for being stupid?

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