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motherhood, The TRUTH about Motherhood, The TRUTH, Life perspective through mom goggles,Deborah Cruz, Truthful Mommy
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Formerly about motherhood but now about everything. Living la vida loca since 2005.
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Hi, I’m Deborah Cruz. Welcome to my truth about motherhood. I’m a Latina wife and mother from Chicago. On The TRUTH you’ll find fun, foodie family-friendly recipes (Wow! Try saying that 3 times fast), entertainment and travel recommendations for a family on the go.

I share my latest tech finds that make life better for families living in the digital age. You’ll find simple life hacks to make motherhood easier while still having the time to rock a cute outfit befitting of the woman you really are. I share my truth about everything from marriage, to marches, and surviving pregnancy through the tween years (and everything in between.)

No matter where we come from or what we do, our mom goggles unite us in motherhood.

motherhood, The TRUTH about Motherhood, The TRUTH, Life perspective through mom goggles,Deborah Cruz, Truthful Mommy
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