14 years ago today, I married my best friend. But 1 year and 8 months earlier, I met the man I would marry; the man who would ruin me for all other men. It was my senior year at Purdue. I should have graduated 2 years prior, but due to taking time off and various life circumstances, I was in the right place at the right time to meet the Big Guy. I shouldn’t have been there but I was and I am convinced it was meant to be.
Wedding anniverary
What do you say to the man who has given you everything? Tuesday, the Big Guy and I celebrated 13 years of marriage. I don’t even remember my life before he came into it. He is truly everything, I never knew, I always wanted. Laugh if you will but he does complete me.
I was not a whole person before I met him. He saved my life.
I grew up with a very difficult childhood. It was rough and there was a lot that I missed out on and even more than I didn’t even know existed. I never knew what unconditional love between a man and woman looked like. Before him, everything was about control. Somebody had and someone else didn’t.
With him, I learned that giving all of myself means to get everything in return.
I grew into who I was supposed to be when I met him. He accepted me and loved me for everything I was and everything I will never be.
He gave me the courage to go after my dreams. The love and support to know I could do anything. He gave me my greatest gift of all, my girls.
When I am down he lifts me up. When I need space to feel my feelings he does it even if he wants to fix it for me.
My life began the day I met him. In my darkest moments, he has been my rock. He has loved me through the good, the bad, and the ugly; the easy and the hard times. He’s loved me when I was at my best and loved me even harder when I was at my worst. When I am too weary to carry on, he picks me up and carries me.
Baby, I love you beyond reason and borders. Words cannot do justice to the depth of my love for you. It is immeasurable.
Thank you for so much but especially thank you for helping me to survive the past month. I know you are in pain too but you put me first and that is just the type of man you are.
I am so blessed in so many ways, even when life crashes down around us. I know that it will be all right because you will be there to take my hand and lift me up.
I will love you forever and for always, for all that you are and all that you do and most of all for all the unconditional love that you give me. The day that I met you was truly the first day of my life. Everything before that is a blur.
Thank you for loving me when I’ve felt my most unlovable. Thank you for teaching me what it means to truly be loved and to love completely. I am so blessed to share this journey of life with you. XOXO