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Delivery Man, VInce Vaughn, Trailer Debut, DisneyVince Vaughn has a new film, Delivery Man, coming out on November 22, 2013 but today, I, along with 532 of my fellow bloggers, will be exclusively debuting the trailer not yet released. I’ve seen it and before I give you the synopsis, I need to tell you that I think this movie tells a wonderful story of the human situation. I’ve never seen Vince Vaughn play a more likable or endearing character. The film is funny and heartwarming. I can’t wait to see this movie on the big screen.

In the film, Delivery Man, Vince Vaughn plays David Wozniak, an affable underachiever with a knack for making bad decisions in his life. He is unreliable to those who depend on him; his father, his friends and his girlfriend. He’s been stuck in a rut but believes that everyone has a purpose in life; he just hasn’t found his yet.

In 1994, David Wozniak anonymously donated to a fertility clinic but to his shock, due to a mix up at the clinic, he is the biological father to 533 children. Now, he must decide whether or not to come forward when 142 of them are suing to meet their biological father.

delivery man, vince vaughn, 533, disney

David is given an envelope containing the files and information on the 142 children who want to know who he is. Curiosity gets the best of him and soon, against advice from his friend/attorney, he opens the envelope and begins to secretly insert himself into his children’s lives, acting as their “guardian angel”.

Delivery Man, Disney, Vince Vaughn, parenthood, 533, Chris Pratt

Suddenly, the scariest thing to happen to David Wozniak has become, what he believes may very well be, the most beautiful thing to ever happen to him. The children he fathered need someone to look out for them and in the blink of an eye, a selfish, purposeless man, David, has found the greatest purpose of his life, fatherhood. For the first time in his life, he is doing the right thing and life is great.

The movie reminds us, what many parents already know, you are never quite ready for what life delivers but sometimes the best day of your life is embracing the gifts you are given, no matter how unexpected or unplanned they may have been.

Delivery Man, Vince Vaughn, Fatherhood, 533

In the end, David Wozniak has everything, he never knew that he always wanted; a strange, oversized, amazing family and life. Finally, his life has a greater purpose than himself.

Family comes in all shapes and sizes and even though what we have may not be what we expected our life to look like, it may just be exactly what we needed.

Finally, without further ado, here is the debut of the official Delivery Man trailer:

DELIVERY MAN stars Vince Vaughn, Cobie Smulders and Chris Pratt and will be in theaters November 22. This movie is for adults and not small children. It is rated PG-13 for mature themes.


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