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beauty in hollywood

Like the rest of the world, I noticed that when Renée Zellweger appeared on the red carpet for the Elle Women in Hollywood Awards on Monday night, she looked different. I couldn’t quite place my finger on what it was, I just knew that she looked different. Then I saw all the terrible comments on Twitter. Social media was exploding in insults about the change in Ms. Zellwegger’s appearance. I hate that about the Internet, everyone feels entitled to be as insulting as they want to be because they are cloaked in the security of anonymity. They’d never say that shit to her face.

I don’t know what looks different, I just know she looks different. But, call me crazy, I think she still looks pretty. She’s not 25 anymore, neither am I. We all look different. Time and gravity changes us. Everyone’s face ages.

Look, I can’t imagine what it must be like living in Hollywood and being a celebrity having every single thing you do critiqued and criticized; every wrinkle and grey hair amplified for the world to see. So either you age naturally and the whole world gawks and rebuffs you for not trying harder or you get cosmetic surgery, plumping this, lifting that, dewrinkling that and the entire world criticizes you for not aging gracefully.  As a woman, especially one in the public eye, you can’t win for losing. I say be happy and fuck the rest.

If being happy means aging naturally, go for it. If being happy means raging against nature, then Botox and lift all your heart desires. It would be awesome if we could all just look 25 forever or if we could find the perfect aesthetician or surgeon who could just make us stay looking 25 forever, minus the plastic, distorted, fake face but it seems it’s a hard combination to find. I’ve never had any botox injections or anti-aging dermal fillers not because I am opposed to it but because I just haven’t found the time or occasion to do it. If I ever feel like I need to have some botox injections, believe me, I will go for it. But for now, I am all-natural; for better or worse.

I can’t speak for Renee Zellweger but I can speak for myself, we live in a world where we are held to impossible beauty standards and some of us nearly die trying to fit someone else’s expectations of who they think we should be. When will we realize that WE make the rules. If we refuse to bend, contort and starve to fit these impossible standards maybe then we could all be just a little bit happier just living and being ourselves.

Please stop making fun of Renee Zellweger. Are you perfect? Would you dare make these jokes about her face to her face? If the answer is no to either of these questions, please keep your opinions to yourself and be a part of the solution, not the problem.
Isn’t the world already a hard enough place to live in with everything in media being photoshopped and nipped and tucked? Can’t we just give one another a break?

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