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Awesome MOmmy Bloggers that entertain me

 Wow! I have been sent so much bloggy love lately that I feel like the Katherine Hepburn of blog awards. Thanks so much to all of my wonderful readers, without whom, lets face it, I’d just be annoying the crap out of my kids with all my incessant droning on. Thank you to my husband and my daughters, without whom ( as I’ve said before ) this would be a blog about nothing. Thank you so much to these lovely ladies who awarded me with these awards ( wow! That was a mouth full!) I am so appreciative that you not only thought of me, but thought my writing life blog warranted being recognized! You Ladies rock my world! Here are the lovely awards I was given over the past week and they are listed by who gave them to me.These women are great bloggers themselves and obviously have great taste ,so please hop on over and check them out. You won’t be sorry that you did!

Peryl @Parenting Ad Absurdum
awarded me the Gorgeous Blog and the Honest Scrap Award

Passing along to
My Fantabulous Wonderful Life
Love comma Ashlee
Magically Ordinary

Honest Scrap

Passing along to
Real Mommy 365 @ Real Mommy 365
 How to survive the suburbs
The Ins-&-Outs of a Stay @ Home Mom and WIfe
The Brewery

The Sunshine Award Given By
: Queen Bug @ The Dysfunction of Motherhood  
Ashlee @ Love Comma Ashlee
Real Mommy 365 @ Real Mommy 365

The Sunshine Award
This goes out to those bloggers who’s positivity and creativity inspires others in the blog world!

Passing along to:
Ma whats for dinner
Reflections of a Navy Wife

The Sweet Blog Award and Blog Monster award given by Real Mommy @ Real Mommy 365

Passing along to:
The Brewery
Got one past the Goalie
Jelly Belly
The Dysfunction of Motherhood

The Sweet Blog Award
This award is for the sweet and friendly blogger

The Blog Monster!
This award is for all the bloggers out there who constantly work hard to keep an updated and insightful website. They aren’t afraid to take a bite with their honest reviews and enjoyable content. You amaze me, you inspire me so I call you a blog monster.

Passing along to:
Organic Motherhood with Coolwhip
All I ask of the recipients is that you pass them along to some deserving candidates! Happy Mothering!
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I just received my FIRST ever blog award! I am totally over the moon! Thank you so much J from https://boobiesbabiesblog.blogspot.com/ ! You so rock! I totally feel like I just won a Pulitzer!:)  You have so made my day, no my week!!!
( My pseudo Pulitzer acceptance speech! Yeah,I’ve never dreamed about this.)Oh, my Gosh…I’d like to thank my fellow Mommies, my dear husband ,without whom I would never have become a Mommy, and my girls, without whom this blog would simply be the ravings of a mad woman:) Hey, wait a minute….do I hear music swelling in the background? Don’t make me go all Robert Downey Jr. on your booties! This is my blog, I can ramble on as long as I’d like.LOL
So, now that that’s out of the way, I would love to pass this lovely award on to some of my favorite blogs! I hope  rocks your world the way it has rocked mine:) You ladies entertain and provide a sisterhood to me that you may never understand. Enjoy!
The rules of having this award are:

1. Put this award on your blog, whether as an entirely new post like this, and/or on your sidebar.
2. Choose 15 other newly discovered bloggers that you love, and award them with this.
3. Send them a message/comment to let them know.

** These are the 15 lovely blogs that I’ve recently happened upon that more than deserve this great award:
1. J @ Boobies, Babies and A Blog (https://boobiesbabiesblog.blogspot.com/)
2.Peryl @ Parenting Ad absurdum(https://blog.seattlepi.com/parentingadabsurdum/)
3.Juliana @ A Blonde walks into a blog (https://blondeinablog.blogspot.com/)
4. The Toy Box years (https://thetoyboxyears.blogspot.com/)
5. It’s always something around here (https://www.itsalwayssomethingaroundhere.com/)
6.Sarah @ Cars, trucks & Teething rings (https://carstrucksandteethingrings.blogspot.com/)
7.Momtrol Freak (https://www.momtrolfreak.com/momtrolfreak/)
8.Amy @ Snarky Mommy.com (https://www.snarkymommy.com/)
9.Not Exactly Mother of the year (https://notexactlymotheroftheyear.com/)
10.Mommy Hood Exposed (https://mommyhoodexposed.blogspot.com/)
11.Double Duty Mommy (https://www.doubledutymommy.com/)
12.Coming Clean (https://parentingconfessions.blogspot.com/)
13.Aging Mommy- Thoughts of a First time older mom (https://agingmommyblog.blogspot.com/)
14.It’s a Mummy’s life (https://itsamummyslife.blogspot.com/)
15.Not Far from the Maddening Crowd (https://hearth-mother.blogspot.com/)

Have a great weekend everyone & keep up the great work, as you all entertain and inspire me daily!

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