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milo's kitchen, homestyle dog treats, fur baby, pet owner, pet parent

Do you consider your fur baby to be one of the family? We do. Our 5-year-old Victorian bulldog, Lola, truly does feel like our third child. We love her and she is definitely part of our family. For every celebration or milestone that happens in our family, we want to include her with a treat of her own. Recently, we discovered Milo’s Kitchen home-style dog treats at our local Meijer store and Lola loves them almost as much as we love her.

milo's kitchen, homestyle dog treats, fur baby, pet owner, pet parent

She deserves to be treated and rewarded just like the rest of us do. Lola has taught our girls not only a love of animals but a respect for all beings and a kindness towards the world. Lola is the gift of love and I think everyone should know the love of a dog and then they’d know how to put that kind of love into the world.

milo's kitchen, homestyle dog treats, fur baby, pet owner, pet parent

You see, Lola came into our lives at a time when we had a lot of love to give and a void of where to direct it. In May of 2012, I miscarried our third child. In August of that same year, we lost our beloved 13-year-old Boxer, Saffaron. For the second time in the span of one year, our family felt an incredible loss. Loss hung over our heads like a storm cloud but despite all that grief we still had so much love to give.

The girls started asking for a puppy around Thanksgiving, which by the way was the due date of when our third child would have been born. I think that made the wound in our hearts feel a little more gaping. The Big Guy and I began to give the idea some thought because we wanted to encourage the girls to heal and them wanting to move on and take a chance on loving another dog was a huge step in that direction. So on December 14, we just felt like we needed to direct all that love someplace and Lola was going to be it. The rest is history.

Lola came into our lives and filled up the hole in our family’s heart. She closed that gaping wound in our soul and she made us feel whole again. That’s a tall order for a dog. In fact, even as a lifetime dog owner, I never could have expected an animal could be such an integral part of a family but she is. She came in and healed us in ways that we didn’t even know we had been broken.

So the least we can do is give her Milo’s Kitchen home-style dog treats. They are mouthwatering treats inspired by the snack we make in our own kitchens but unlike unhealthy table food, Milo’s Kitchen home-style treats are made just for dogs with 100% real chicken, beef, duck and sweet potato and free of artificial flavors and colors. The best thing is the snacks don’t just look like jerky, sausage slices and meatballs but are actually 100% real jerky, sausage slices and meatballs.

milo's kitchen, homestyle dog treats, fur baby, pet owner, pet parent

Lola is part of our family and she deserves to be treated just as good as the rest of us. We want to keep her healthy and alive for as long as possible because we love her. Nothing says, “I love you,” more than something made with love and care.

So far, Lola’s favorite Milo’s Kitchen home-style dog treats are the Steak Griller’s Recipe with Angus Steak (Delicious, tender strips made with real Angus Steak full of beefy flavor), Premium Chicken Jerky Strips (a great-tasting, home-style recipe made with real chicken for the best mouthwatering jerky taste) and the Chicken & Apple Sausage Slices. She can’t get enough of them.

milo's kitchen, homestyle dog treats, fur baby, pet owner, pet parent

If you treat your fur baby with Milo’s Kitchen home-style dog treats or if you would like to give them a try, you can take advantage of this mPerks offer of 30% off Milo’s Kitchen home-style dog treats now through 10/7 (while supplies last) before you head into Meijer today!

This post is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate Media Group® and The J.M. Smucker Company, but all my opinions are my own. #pmedia #miloskitchen https://my-disclosur.es/OBsstV


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lola, Netflix, Dog , bulldog, love, family pet

My dog, Lola, is more than just a pet. She surpasses anything I would have ever imagined that a family pet could be. She is part of our family. In fact, with the girls in school all day now and the Big Guy at work, she is my closest companion and that is the reason why I give her cbd oil to enhance her well being, read more at the link to learn its benefits.

lola, Netflix, Dog , bulldog, love, family pet

Lola came into our lives one Christmas 2 years ago and filled a great big gaping hole left in our hearts from the loss of our first family dog, Saffaron. Saffy was our practice for children. She was the puppy who taught us responsibility and how to love and nurture something beyond ourselves and she returned that love ten fold.


We adopted Saffaron about a month into our marriage and she was our constant loyal companion for thirteen amazing years, up until the moment her heart just couldn’t go on. Saffy was with us as we moved around the country and grew from a young naïve couple into homeowners and then parents. She welcomed home each of our daughters with love and enthusiasm, gracefully moving aside as our family grew.

Saffaron,lola, Netflix, Dog , bulldog, love, family pet

Never malicious or jealous, always filled with just a little bit more love and cuddled as close as she could get to our hearts. We loved that dog. She was more than just a “dog” she was a vital part of our family. When we lost her, we lost part of ourselves and it was hard to imagine life without her cold nose and warm kisses, especially for our children who had accepted her as one of their own.

4 months later, the hole was still gaping and the wound fresher than ever. The scab has busted off and the only way to begin healing was to welcome a new canine member to our family; enter, Lola. It’s been 2 years since she came to live with us and I think we’d all agree, life is sweeter with Lola sitting next to us.

lola, Netflix, Dog , bulldog, love, family pet


She cuddles right up to us on Friday Family nights with her dog blanket as we gather around the coffee table playing a rousing game of Monopoly or just watching Gilmore Girls, Once Upon a Time or my daughters’ favorite new Netflix series, The Adventures of Puss in Boots. Just like next month, you can bet your sweet tukus that she will be sitting on my lap while I binge watch House of Cards Season 3 ( February 27th..Don’t miss it!)Lola is always there with us. Wherever we go in live, there she is.

lola, Netflix, Dog , bulldog, love, family pet

Dogs are smart. If I’m watching a movie that tugs at my heartstrings and I find myself crying, Lola cuddles in just a little closer and licks my hand. It’s as if she’s telling me that it’s ok. When we laugh, she doesn’t laugh but she certainly does get excited. Lola is just as much a part of our family as any one of us.

lola, Netflix, Dog , bulldog, love, family pe

That kind of loyalty and devotion deserves a treat.


Homemade Peanut Butter Cookie Treats for Your Dog

Vegetable oil cooking spray
2 cups whole wheat flour, plus more for dusting
1/2 cup old fashioned oats
1 tablespoon baking powder
1 cup low sodium chicken broth
1 cup creamy peanut butter, at room temperature
1/4 cup grated Parmesan
Place an oven rack in the center of the oven and preheat to 375 degrees F. Spray a heavy baking sheet with vegetable oil cooking spray or line with a silicon baking mat. Set aside.

In a large bowl, combine the flour, oats and baking powder. Stir in the broth and peanut butter until the mixture forms a crumbly dough. Press the dough together to form a ball.

On a lightly floured work surface, knead the dough for 30 seconds until smooth. Roll out the dough into a 10-inch circle, about 1/2-inch thick. Using a bone-shape cookie cutter, cut out bones and place on the prepared baking sheet (any scraps of dough can be formed into a ball and re-rolled). Sprinkle with the Parmesan.

Bake until light golden, 20 minutes. Transfer to a wire rack and cool completely. Store in an airtight container for up to 1 week.

lola, Netflix, Dog , bulldog, love, family pet

Your four-legged family member will adore you for this treat!

Pets are part of our family. As long as these four-legged family members live with us, we are never quite alone. I don’t know about at your house, but at mine, Dog is my co-pilot in life.

lola, Netflix, Dog , bulldog, love, family pet

What makes your pet special to you?


Disclosure: I am a member of the Netflix StreamTeam but all love for Lola and opinions are my own!

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As a family, we love animals. The first thing the Big Guy and I did together as a married couple was adopt a gorgeous brindle boxer puppy. We named her Saffaron and she was our first little girl; our first dip in the parenthood pond. We were young and in love and we adored this runt of the litter with the giant personality. She stole our hearts from the moment we picked her up to play with her. It was love at first sight.

Over time, she grew from the tiny puppy who could get lost amongst the blades of grass into a rambunctious, if not compact, version of her parents. Always loving and loyal, she would fiercely defend us if anyone even hinted that they might hurt us. She was doted on constantly and anywhere we went, so did our Saffaron.

I remember in those first years of marriage when finances were tight and we were moving frequently to places nowhere near anyone we knew, those trying first years full of the growing pains of married life, on those nights I’d find myself crying over the uncertainty, Saffaron would jump in the bed and lay her head on my shoulder and gently kiss my face, as to reassure me that it would all be alright. She made me smile.

On September 11th, while I sat alone in our small apartment in Greensboro, North Carolina, watching the footage play on a constant loop, trying to make sense of the world falling down around me, out of my mind with worry because my husband was working in Allentown, Pennsylvania and having no way to reach him because all the phone lines were tied up. There our Saffaron sat, always at my feet, my constant companion.

When we had our first child, Saffaron was aware of the shift in the hierarchy that inevitably comes when pet parents become parents to a tiny human for the first time. But Saffaron never let on that it bothered her at all, as I am sure that she noticed the drop in one on one time she got with us. She welcomed both of our girls home, each time, as if it were the Big Guy or I.

She loved them fiercely and in a big way. They learned to crawl by chasing her. They learned to cruise by grabbing hold of her back. They pulled her ears, chewed on her face and slapped her away and started her on the regular but she did not care in the least. She never showed her teeth, nipped or even barked at either of our girls, even when they were laying on her like a pillow or hurling baby dolls at her. She took it all and loved us unconditionally. She taught us how to care for little people and love with our everything. She taught us to be vulnerable and open and when the time came, because of her, we were better parents.

In 2012, 2 days before she turned 13, the week after our youngest started Kindergarten, 2 months after I suffered my miscarriage and again there she was at my side as I wailed and cried in the most primal way. She was not afraid. She got us through with her unwavering love and devotion.

On August 17th, our Saffaron died of complications due to pancreatitis. We had taken her to the vet and we knew that she had developed pancreatitis but she was fine and then one day, she was very ill. We lost her very quickly. It was heartbreakingly devastating for all of us. She was our first “daughter” and to lose her was one of the worst things to watch happen and to have to helplessly watch your children experience that loss was more painful than words can describe.

I thought I would never want another dog because the pain was so enormous but our girls, felt the loss and needed to feel that void of companionship and love that only a dog can provide. A few months later, our girls fell in love with a Victorian Bulldog puppy. I remembered that same feeling when first laid eyes on Saffaron. She made our lives better just by being in it. I could see it in their eyes, they were smitten and by that point there wasn’t anything I wouldn’t do to take away the pain in their face each time anyone said Saffaron’s name. That was the Christmas we brought Lola home.

The love is deep and real between our girls and Lola. She’s still a puppy and not as docile and low-key as Saffaron was but she will get there and I love watching the relationship form between the three of them and slowly, I can see the hole left by Saffaron’s passing being filled with Lola’s love. Dogs are not just man’s best friend, they are unconditional love in fur so please cherish your pets and keep them up to date on their vaccinations and well-visits.

The bond between you and your dog is a special one, and you’ll go to great lengths to keep your furry family member safe and healthy. K9 Advantix® II is a once-a-month topical application for dogs and puppies that REPELS and kills ticks, fleas, and mosquitoes.  Visit https://petparents.com/products  to learn more.

This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of K9 Advantix® II. The opinions and text are all mine.


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The Big Guy and I have two daughters but long before we ever had 2-legged babies, we had Saffaron, our Brindle Boxer. She was an amazing dog and she gave me a little taste of what it would be like to be a mother. She taught me to give of myself, to be selfless and to love and nurture something that was completely dependent on me. Last August, after 13 years as our first “baby”, our Saffaron died and our hearts were broken. Last Christmas Lola came into our lives.

Lola is our 13-month-old, red and white, Victorian Bulldog. She is big, beautiful, mischievous and vivacious. She brings laughter back into our home. In her old age, Saffaron was quiet, introspective and docile. Lola is nothing like Saffaron. When our daughters were little, Saffaron would let them love all over her and never with so much as a nip or Grrrr. They learned to walk holding onto Saffaron for dear life because they loved her so much they always wanted to be wherever she was. She happily accepted her new role in the family as beloved protector to the 2-legged babies. When she passed, our daughters were beside themselves. Not completely understanding their feelings about the situation, the girls asked for a new puppy.

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Enter Lola, silly, funny and full of energy and life. She is fierce! She loves the girls like crazy and protect them with her life but she is still a baby herself. She has no patience for lying around or kids who want to lounge when they should be running outside. She is a herder of children only she doesn’t know her own strength and her energy is limitless. She needs lots of exercise to wind down. She loves long walks and running with wild abandon throughout the house; sometimes knocking us down in the process. In fact, they should probably change the saying to “ As graceful as a bulldog in a china shop.”

We are always looking for fun, creative, non-dangerous for us ways to get Lola outside and burn off some of that extra energy and if we get some exercise too that’s a bonus. In fact, the holidays are right around the corner so there is no time like the present to start getting into shape. Luckily, Purina, who is known for creating good things for our pets, has created Purina® Pro Plan® Fitness Group Page.

purina pro plan

This site is a partnership with MapMyFitness that many of you are probably already familiar with from your own get-in-shape efforts. The Purina® Pro Plan® Fitness Group Page challenges owners to get active with their dogs, and provides a way for us to track that activity. It’s a great thing because Lola is a part of the family and we want to keep her around for as long as we can so that means keeping us all healthy plus it’s a great example for our children. Family walks are a great way for us all to get some exercise and talk. It’s a total win-win.


From September 30 to November 13, Purina’s Leash On Challenge is… ON. We are doing it with our Lola. What about you? Join me in the Leash On Challenge here. Do it for 30 days in a row and you can earn a chance to win a year’s supply of Purina® Pro Plan® Dog Food. A whole year of free Purina dog food!

purina pro plan

Purina® ProPlan® has partnered with MapMyFitness and created the Purina® ProPlan® Fitness Group Page to get pet owner’s more active with their dogs. Check out the Fitness Group page here and start getting active with your dog today!

This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Purina® ProPlan® . The opinions and text are all mine.


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puppy , Christmas, Sandy Hook Elementary

Our new puppy for Christmas Came home with us on December 14th.

All my girls have been really wanting for Christmas is a puppy. I am trying to think of happy things and do things that make my children happy since last Friday. Sandy Hook Elementary is just a reminder of how precious our time is and how blessed with are to have our children with us, within hugging distance. So, I am sharing for the next 3 days, 3 things I did this year, to make my children happy. These three things made them so happy  and shocked that I have to share. Today, I am sharing a gift that we got them last Friday.

We had no idea that the events that were happening in Newtown Connecticut, we only knew that our little girls have had a hard three years and they have been begging for a new puppy since we lost our sweet Saffaron in August. It’s been a really crap year for a lot of reasons and we thought they needed a special gift to make them smile and how it did. I highly suggest to anyone whose child has ever wanted a puppy to get them one. My girls are excited to see their puppy, Lola, every day when they get home form school. They feed her and get her fresh water, they play with her and she has quickly become one of the family.

Gabi, who wants so badly to be a big sister, is thrilled to be Lola’s big sister. Bella, who has been afraid of new dogs since her Grandfather’s dog nipped her when she was 2, has had no problems cuddling and loving on her own sweet puppy. Lola, our sweet Victorian Bulldog puppy, is reveling in the love and attention that she has found her self enveloped in and we are loving having her as the newest addition to our little family.

Welcome to our family Lola puppy

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Just wondering, is there such a thing? I know yesterday was April 20th and tomorrow is Earth Day, but did I miss the memo that today was national Urination Day? I woke this morning to the sound of four little scampering feet climbing out of bed and making their way to the bathroom.( yes, we are all sleeping in my king sized bed while Daddy is out of town. Don’t judge me. I tried to keep them in their beds, it was a battle that I lost. At least if I let them in my bed,they are not waking up 20 times a night coming to get me.A Mommy needs some sleep.) Awww, how sweet I thought. One laid there quietly waiting in the bed until her sister woke up, then they both  went to potty together. About a minute into my ‘awww” the door flies open and the littler of the two screams, “Mommy, come hE-ya! Bella need you…NOW!” I figure its butt wiping time. I walk into the bathroom and step into a puddle of urine. I look up and see my 5 year old, cringing ,”Mommy, I’m sorry. I couldn’t make it.” Me: “What happened?” I am completely confused…she doesn’t pee on the floor. Then  I look on the floor and see a dry diaper in the pee puddle. Now, I am really bewildered. Gabs: “Me had to pee pee!” Bella: ” She jumped on and wouldn’t let me go.” Me: “Gabs, you had on a diaper. Bella did not. Next time, the little girl without the diaper on…goes first.OK?” Both in unison: “OK, sorry (SA- WEE). WE won’t” So, here I stand at 7:30 in the morning, unsuspectingly standing in urine. After a few minutes of toweling the mess up, changing Bella, and Swiffering the site of ‘the accident’, I decide to return all cleaning materials and soiled clothing to the laundry room. As I am making my way through the house, I step in a wet spot. Seriously? WTH? Yeah, seems my dog had the same idea as my little girls. It was a  pissing free for all. Thank God the cleaning chemicals and tools were already out. What a beautiful day; the sun is shining, the birds are singing, the sky is blue and the scent of piss is permeating my nostrils. I would have preferred coffee or bacon but hey, you take what you get. Time to get that Bissell cleaner out! Hope this isn’t setting the tone for the rest of the day? Yikes!

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A few seconds ago, as we progressed through our normal morning routine, my 2 year old gave our dog her treats, which had peanut butter on them. Not special dog peanut butter, just plain old Peter Pan peanut butter. My two year old had peanut butter  on her fingers and asked what she should do. I said just lick it off. It was peanut butter from the spoon . Anyways, no sooner then she had put her finger in her mouth, she ran to the bathroom. I was worried. “What’s wrong?” Gabs: “Nothing. Me spit. Why you feed me dog food! Now, me sick! NOW..me have to go to the DOCTUH!!!!” I felt bad for her, because obviously it grossed her out that the peanut butter  that had made its way onto her finger would eventually end up in the dogs mouth. But in that moment, my 2 year old irate with a mouth full of spit, going off on me…was pretty priceless.

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