Planned Parenthood may single handedly end legal abortion with their opposition to the Infants Born Alive Act in the name of post-birth abortions.Politicians in Florida are currently debating whether or not to pass the Infants Born Alive Act, which would require physicians to give life saving medical attention to babies born alive after a botched abortion. Planned Parenthood says no. What? How can we even be having this conversation? If a baby can survive an abortion, then I say let that baby live. That kid’s a miracle and surely God, or the universe or whatever you choose to believe in, has big plans for that kid.
Estimated reading time: 6 minutes
When some people think of Texas 6-week abortion ban, the first thing they think of is the “baby”. They are pro-life for the unborn fetus. They pat themselves on the back for advocating for an unborn child. But who cares about the mother who is carrying that child? Texas, a Republican state that has always tried to keep a stronghold on women’s uteruses, wants to make its own rules; they want to vilify women who choose not to carry their pregnancy to term and the doctors who provide those services safely. They want to criminalize a woman’s right to reproductive autonomy. Texas wants to punish women who dare to think, feel and live for themselves without a man’s permission. As someone born with a uterus, I’d like to say fuck you Texas, with no KY and right up your bum.
Texas’ 6-week abortion ban is misogyny disguised as pro-life. Full stop.
I got my first period when I was 12 years old, the summer before 8th grade. I knew next to nothing about what was happening to me. There I was, trapped in a bathroom stall at McDonald’s, like Carrie White, after a long day playing at the park without any frenemies to throw me, a much-needed, pad. That was the beginning of my journey into womanhood. It was a little traumatic to say the least and has been every day since. But this was just the teaser trailer of what it’s like to have a uterus.
In the beginning, my period was always erratic. I never knew when she was coming or going. Optimistically and quite frankly ridiculously , I kept right on wearing white pants, shorts and skirts. I was a daredevil. I had no older sister to guide me and my mom told me as little as possible about menstruation, reproductive health and sex. I’m not that kind of mom.
While in the meantime, my dad made it very clear that virginity was the only option, whether it rocked or not. Good Catholic girls don’t get pregnant and have babies out of wedlock (that’s what blow jobs, hand jobs and butt sex are for, haven’t you heard? Don’t clutch your pearls at me, you know it’s true. j/k not really, ask your kids if you don’t believe me)
Those that do not agree that virginity rocks, mysteriously fall down steps. As I didn’t particularly want to take my chances with the steps, there was nothing any guy could say to get me to have sex in my teens.
By the time I was in high school, fending off boys trying to dry hump me felt like a full-time job. But still, I maintained my blessed virgin status because, again, those fucking stairs. Of course, as all “good Catholic girls” know, sexuality is full of loopholes and there is no one better at finding those son of a bitches than a good girl trying to maintain a serious relationship while not compromising her morals and the stair abortion she is sure to find herself receiving should she fall off the virginity wagon.
Still, saying no and keeping your hymen intact is hard work and not always well received by the opposite sex. You know since men think they are entitled to sexual gratification by all women at all times. It’s no wonder when you consider how the government has one hand in our uterus and the other in our pockets at all times.
It wasn’t until college that I actually had consensual sex with someone I loved for the first time. Well, unless you count being on the receiving end of oral as sex. I’m still not sure where I stand on that. I told my girls if anything is penetrating the other body whether it be tongue, toy, penis or fingers…I think you probably had sex but that definition could be different for everybody. Your body, your choice. It can’t really be all about the hymen. I broke that when I was only 8 years old in the bathtub sliding accident of ‘81. Maybe sex should only count when we say it does. Give us back our power.
Why should some asshole who raped, molested, browbeat or begged us into sex get to choose? But that’s the way it’s always been, right? Some men feel entitled and empowered enough to relentlessly approach women for sex via grabbing, pushing, pulling, begging, drugging and forcing without consent. When we say no, we are called teases and sluts. When we say yes too often or too early, we are called easy or whores.
Why is it that in this world, men are free to take as much as they want but we are not allowed to give as freely or as often as we might like. Most importantly, we are not allowed to say no because we should feel flattered by their catcalls and groping but we can’t say yes too fast either, because who wants it if it isn’t a challenge? Where is our choice? Once again, the Texas government is trying to say we should not only lose control over our own reproductive rights but we should be punished for thinking we have equal sexual rights to men. This is America.
If you think that it’s ok to tell women what they can and can’t do with their bodies, maybe you should go get surgery and get your own vagina and then handle it as you’d like. As for me, my body is only my business. What I do or don’t do with it, who I do or don’t do it with, how fast, or slow or many times I do with it…not your fucking business. We girls and women are not put on this planet to just make babies and service men. We are actually, whole human beings who don’t need anyone else’s approval to exist, nor do we need guidance and certainly not rules, regulations and restrictions for how to handle our own bodies. We wrote the owner’s manual. The audacity that you must have to mansplain women things to women is flabbergasting.
6-week abortion ban makes pro choice impossible
Of all the targets of Texas’ hatred, and they sure do hate and discriminate against a wide array of people ( Blacks, Latinos, Indigenous people, Haitians, members of the LGBTQ, people who believe in science, the Holocaust, a man on the moon, Big Bang theory, evolution, dinosaurs, climate change, CoVid and those who get vaccinated and wear masks) people with uteruses have always been at the top of their hit list.
So if you believe that human beings are capable of free thought and intelligence, how could you support a government that seeks to ban and control women’s basic human right to live freely and of her own choice? Even if you don’t approve of abortion for your own personal choice, what right do any of us have to decide what is best for another human being? What makes our morality superior to anyone else’s? Why can’t we live and let other’s live; in the end, their body, their choice.
Update: A federal court has temporarily blocked Texas’ 6-week abortion ban from continuing to wreak havoc on the lives of people who need abortion care.
Today is the 43rd anniversary of the controversial Roe v. Wade abortion ruling. I have always been torn between my pro-life Catholic upbringing and my pro-choice heart. I hoped I’d never find myself in the position to have to decide whether or not to have an abortion but I also learned at a very early age that sometimes women( and girls) do and it’s one of the hardest decisions they ever have to make and it’s one she has to make for herself.
When I was 15-years-old, I had a friend who confided in me that she was pregnant and was going to have an abortion all on her own. I had no idea what to do but listen and hold her when she cried at her predicament. I was young and naïve and had no experience or reference to what she was going through. I felt useless because I couldn’t help her. The decision was one of the most agonizing things I’ve ever seen someone go through. In that moment, I knew I would always fight for a woman’s right to have dominion over her own body and reproductive system. I’ve been prochoice ever since.
So this morning when I went to mass, the one my daughter has been asking me to attend for 3 months because she was leading the choir, imagine my shock when the first words out of the priest’s mouth in the homily was, “Since today is the anniversary of Roe v. Wade…..” followed by the phrase, “Women commit abortion” which is code for sin and then he went into how every life from the tiniest in the womb to the most elderly person on the footsteps of death are loved by God. That was powerful but it rubbed me the wrong way because I knew his undertone. He continued on saying, “ No matter what the mother feels, God loves that child.”
My mind was filled with all the noise and chaos of that moment when you know you have to say something, “OH.SHIT. This is the worst possible mass for me to attend because I instinctively go into defensive mode.I have a crazy need to right all the wrongs, especially when my children are part of the captive audience.
People, it took everything in my body not to raise my hand in front of a packed church of children and elderly, stand up and ask, “ But is God going to feed them, cuddle them, provide shelter and clothing for them? Is God going to make sure that every child born has all that he needs?” I was flabbergasted. Then something crazy happened, this priest, who is almost fanatically pro life, began to speak and his words were filled with compassion, caring and love.
His next few phrases are what blew my mind out of my head, right there in the back pew as my baby girl sang.
He said, “Abortion is man’s fault, not women. Because men should treat women like the crown jewels they are and love, respect, honor and support them and if they did, there would be no need for abortion because there would be no unwanted children.”
Let that sit with you for a minute.
Then he said, what I’ve said forever, “ Women are God’s most precious gift to Men and they are not to serve us, they are here for us to marvel with love, respect and adoration because without women, there is no life. Only women have been blessed with the ability to bring forth life.” Everything I thought I knew up until this point about this man changed.
Then he said, “ By men making women objects of lust instead of objects of love, they are to blame for putting women in these compromising positions.” I know that pregnancy take two and I don’t blame men alone for women being put in the position to choose life or not, but it was nice to finally here a man (a Catholic priest no less) say that men should take responsibility for their actions and keep it in their pants. I never expected to hear those words echoing through my church, ever.
Women have always been treated like second-class citizens throughout history in society and especially in the church. I’ve always felt differently and that’s made my views as a Latina and a woman unpopular with many men I’ve known.
I’ve never been particularly fond of this priest because I’ve always felt that he’s too judgmental on situations like these but this morning his words and his heart were filled with kind words of love and compassion for our children and that is so important when you are molding young children’s minds. His words moved me.
Don’t get me wrong I haven’t changed my mind. The feminist in me will always believe it is the woman’s right to choose and the 15-year-old me will always fight for the right for women to make their own choice without condemnation from others but he made me appreciate the choice from another perspective, more importantly he explained to my children in a way that fosters compassion and self-respect. I was impressed and in the end, I didn’t have to raise my hand or storm out of mass.
Throat Punch Thursday ~ Senator Hatch, There is No Such thing as a “Recreational” Abortion
Can someone please explain to me what a recreational abortion is? Well, once again my guest recipient for today’s Throat Punch is a politician but surprisingly it is not a Republican. This time it is Democratic Senator Jack Hatch of Iowa. He’s one of the good guys. He doesn’t believe that women don’t have the right to choose. He doesn’t typically support the theory that women are frivolous creatures who choose to end pregnancies for selfish reasons but when giving a speech recently he must have forgotten how to use his words or simply forgotten which side he was on. All I know is that his flub has earned him a good hard throat punch just to remind him to use his words.
While discussing the likelihood that Iowa Republicans will once more come after the state’s Medicaid coverage of abortions in the cases of rape, incest, and the life of the pregnant person, Hatch told the Associated Press that the Republicans will be unsuccessful, noting that these are “medically-needed” abortions versus “recreational abortions.” Uhhm, what the fuck did he just say?
When I think of a recreational activity I think of something fun like playing a sport, something involving frolicking, laughing uncontrollably, splashing or a cocktail and watching the sun set on a tropical island. I think of being out of this world happy; probably because recreational activities are at a premium in my life these days.
I do not think of making one of the hardest decisions of a woman’s life. I don’t think of tears and remorse; surgery and pain. I don’t think of changing my place in the world and living with that choice for all eternity. That’s not what recreation is in my book; not in any woman’s book. Is it recreational when a man is castrated or gets a vasectomy? Is that fun for men? Do men like to be kicked in the balls?
Fortunately, I’ve never had to decide to have an “abortion” but I did have a medically needed D & E (Dilation and Evacuation) after I miscarried. I had no choice in the matter but I will tell you that it was one of the hardest things I have ever had to live through. It nearly broke me. It was not fun. It is not a hobby of mine. It was not something that I took lightly or will ever forget. That procedure changed my life, the very fabric of who I am. It was not something I would ever associate with recreation, whether you chose it or it was forced on you out of medical necessity, like mine was, the end of a life is not recreational.
It’s my assumption since Senator Hatch is one of the good guys that what he meant was medically necessary meaning that there is no choice and by “recreational” he meant that it was a choice but boy was his choice of words wrong. They came off as flip and demeaning to women.
I’ve said it before and I will say it again; if you weren’t born with a uterus and vagina, stay out of mine. You have no idea what you are talking about. There is no way to understand the toll abortion, pregnancy, infertility, birth, labor, delivery or loss of a pregnancy of child have on a woman, unless you have been in her shoes and experienced it first hand.
Abortion is never done without thought, no matter what the run of the mill pro-lifer will try and have you believe. A pregnancy affects a woman on some level from the moment she knows it has happened. There is a weight that comes with the ability to bring life into the world and we women know it, we feel it and we live it. We don’t need anyone else to tell us how to feel about it or when its okay and when its not or give us permission to do what we want with our own body. How is this even a political discussion? It’s a personal decision not a political one. It doesn’t affect the country; it effects one woman and her life.
What do you think of using the word ‘recreational’ to refer to abortion?
Today’s Throat Punch Thursday~Abortion Billboard Edition goes to the 35 year old Greg Fultz,a New Mexico man who said he was upset that his ex-girlfriend had an abortion bought a highway billboard on which he accused her of killing their baby.
First of all, have you seen this man?What a freak. I imagine he is so upset because that may have been his one and only chance of ever being a father. Seriously, how many rufies were needed for him to get anyone with a vagina into bed?
I can only assume that she came to her senses and decided that it would be a disservice to bring the offspring of this monstrous asshole into the world.
Fultz’s ex-girlfriend calls the billboard harassment and invasion of privacy, and has taken him to court under the New Mexico Family Violence Protection Act. But Fultz says he’s exercising his First Amendment rights, said his attorney, Todd Holmes. Harassment? That’s an understatement,if I’ve ever heard one.Thank God he didn’t put her name on it, as well.
“Citizens have the right to express their speech through any media and he chose a billboard,” Holmes told Reuters on Tuesday. “We feel a billboard fits within the First Amendment even if it’s offensive to some.” Offensive to some? He offends me about as bad as those awful anti-abortion bumper stickers and right to life billboards with the photos of dismembered baby bodies. As if I want to explain these sorts of billboards to my children!!!!
A petition filed by Fultz’ ex-girlfriend said that Fultz had a pattern of stalking and harassment, including posting “intimate cyber shots of me from one of our cyber dates,” she wrote. The domestic abuse petition also requested that the billboard be removed and online harassment stopped. This doesn’t surprise me in the least. A creepy ass, ugly pedophile resorts to stalking a female. He seems the sort who would get his hooks into a woman, by any means possible ( including putting her in a hole and withholding food) and then never let go.Can you say,Fatal attraction?
In a hearing last week, a judge ordered the billboard to come down by mid-June. Holmes said he plans to file a motion to keep the billboard up, but he said his client is ready to face prison if necessary.
“That’s how passionately he feels about protecting his free speech,” Holmes said.No,I’m pretty sure he’s just a really vindictive asshat.
According to Holmes, when Fultz and his girlfriend, who was then 18, found out they were going to have a baby, she wanted to get married. Fultz refused, Holmes said, and during a church camping trip there was a “discussion about an ultimatum. Either you marry me or I’m not going to have this baby type of thing.” So, he’s 35? She’s 18. By some mishap, he actually met a woman child who was willing to have sex with him, she got pregnant and HE REFUSED TO MARRY HER??? I’m baffled.Perplexed. Befuddled,even.
The girlfriend later flew to Wisconsin for work and when she returned she was no longer pregnant, Holmes said. She did not explain what happened, but Fultz suspected she had an abortion, Holmes said. He only suspected? He has no actual proof and he is slandering her on a billboard and now nationally , thanks to the media.
“I know it’s her body,” Holmes said. “But his statement is more along the lines of ‘Hey, you know what? Dads have a decision in the process too.” Sure, especially Dads who are involved in the relationship. Father’s who are married to the mothers. What did he think, he was like some prized stud siring a baby with no strings attached?
New Mexico’s Right to Life Committee initially endorsed the billboard, but has withdrawn its support because it received a number of emails from people who said Fultz’ ex-girlfriend had a miscarriage, not an abortion, said executive director Dauneen Dolce. Maybe she had a miscarriage? He has not even checked his facts. Can you imagine if she did have a miscarriage and he is harassing her like this? What a piece of work!
To you Mr. Fultz and your offensive billboard I bestow the super Chuck Norris infused round house kick to the neck. I hope it knocks the glasses and mullet right off of you. You , sir, are of the lowest denomination of mankind…even lower than Weiner!
Joe Walsh Claims Abortion Without Exception is Wrong Every Time and Never Necessary
Joe Walsh there are Exceptions to Every Rule
Late last week, Republican Representative Joe Walsh sparked a firestorm in suggesting there’s no medical reason to perform an abortion to save a woman’s life. ( Yes, I am asking myself the same question. When did I become the advocate for women’s rights blogger? I have not but it’s election time and I can’t in good conscience stand idly by while the politicians of the world muck up the topics by flip flopping and the only ones who are going to get hurt are you and I and our daughters, sisters and mothers.) During a debate with Democratic challenger Tammy Duckworth on Thursday, Joe Walsh declared that he was “pro-life without exception,” and said that due to medical advancements, there were no instances in which abortion was necessary to save the life of the mother. Just stop and let that sink in for a moment. These were his exact words.
“With modern technology and science, you can’t find one instance,” contended Walsh, whose claim quickly was refuted by medical professionals.
I’ve been saying for awhile that the Republican party is trying to set women’s reproductive rights back to the stone age and this is just one more example in a laundry list of things that the Republican party and the Mitt Romney, Joe Walsh, Paul Ryan, Todd Akin, and Terry England’s of the world are advocates for. I understand babies are cute and cuddly and only an animal trying to commit political suicide would ever have the balls to say that he gives a shit about women over a baby. But let’s be real folks, with no women there are no babies. With no rights, women may as well be animals or inanimate objects.
There are most certainly situations where abortions are medically necessary to save the woman’s life and I can tell you, no woman who was celebrating a pregnancy and planning for a child has ever taken the role of terminating her child’s life for her own lightly.It’s medically necessary. It’s a “You’re not going to get out of here alive. The baby won’t make it.Do you want to die with the baby or do you want to live to try again or take care of those children you already have?” I’ve never had to make that choice. I never had the opportunity to choose. My baby died and I couldn’t do a damn thing about it. But I suspect that I, like all women, would trade my own life for my unborn child’s in a heartbeat, if it were an option but it’s usually not.
Joe Walsh you are just one in a long line of politicians throwing women’s rights under the bus to further your own career.
I’m so fucking sick and tired of hearing old, white men tell me what to do with my body. Dictating how I choose to live in the world. Tell me what rape is and what it’s not, deciding what is a legitimate violation of my body and what is not. Why should a man be able to punish me for making choices about my own body and how and when I choose to procreate?
Joe Walsh, read a book, take an anatomy class, and know this, women are people too. I had a reader ask me why I needed the choice to kill a baby to be a human. I don’t. I need the choice to make decisions concerning my own body and my life to be human. If you take away my right of choice, my right to decide how to live in the world, the freedom to pursue my dreams, then I may as well be a piece of furniture or a blow up doll. I was not put on earth to be just a servant to the male population and their every whim.
Men like Joe Walsh, Mitt Romney, Todd Akin, Paul Ryan and Terry England don’t care about women’s rights. They scare me. They make these crazy ignorant statements because they truly believe them and then as soon as they realize that people might not vote for them because of what they say, they backtrack and retract what they said or try to “clarify” and minimize it. They suddenly become gray. when they were adamantly black or what the day before.
Walsh clarified those comments in a long written statement to the news media this afternoon.
“Let me very clear [fusion_builder_container hundred_percent=”yes” overflow=”visible”][fusion_builder_row][fusion_builder_column type=”1_1″ background_position=”left top” background_color=”” border_size=”” border_color=”” border_style=”solid” spacing=”yes” background_image=”” background_repeat=”no-repeat” padding=”” margin_top=”0px” margin_bottom=”0px” class=”” id=”” animation_type=”” animation_speed=”0.3″ animation_direction=”left” hide_on_mobile=”no” center_content=”no” min_height=”none”][sic] that when I say I am pro-life, I mean that I am pro-life for the mother and I am pro-life for the unborn child. For me, there is no distinction between the two,” Walsh said.
Make a choice. Stick to it. Know the facts or keep your mouth shut. Joe Walsh I hope no one you love ever needs an emergency abortion to spare her life because then you will know the gravity and weight with which these decisions are truly made.
Joe Walsh
What Would You Do if Someone Discussed Abortion with Your 5-year-old?
I’ve got a presidential election hangover from all the excitement, anxiety and combustible tension of last night, did I mention lack of sleep? Holy cow, the baggage under my eyes has carry ons. It’s going to be hard to go presidential election cold turkey but I’ll be glad to put the vitriolic diatribes behind me; listening to them not spewing them. I never spew.
To my dismay, some of my favorite people became very small during this presidential election; I was particularly appalled by what my children heard about the candidates at school.
This week, I couldn’t decide who was most deserving of the Throat Punch on this lovely below zero Thursday, so I decided to do a two-for – one Throat Punch Thursday!
Our first recipients are the father and relatives of 21 year old Pakistani woman, Saima Bibi. According to CNN, Bibi, an ethnic Baluch , defied demands from her family to marry a Baluch relative and instead ran away last month to the southern port city of Karachi to marry a fellow villager, police official Rao Zahoor said. Romantic , right? If this were a movie, we’d all be up in our seats cheering on true love. But this is not a Taylor Swift song or a teen romance movie, this is real life..Pakistani style.
Bibi’s father and several other relatives traveled to Karachi and duped her into coming back home. I’m not sure what they could have said to me to make me think in any way, shape or form that it was OK to go home with them. But for some reason, she believed it was safe. Or maybe they threatened her. Which is what I think would be more likely. She was probably bullied into going home. According to officials, when she didn’t listen to further demands, they allegedly electrocuted her. Like I said, bad idea! If this were a horror movie, I would have been screaming form my seat..DON’T GO!
Bibi’s family told police that she committed suicide, but a medical report showed signs of torture and electrocution on her hands, legs and back, police said. Well, unless she electrocuted herself in some warped, double jointed suicidal stunt, I find this scenario highly implausible.
Human rights groups say so-called ” honor killings” , the murder of women accused of infidelity and dishonorable behavior , are a growing problem in parts of Pakistan. If the problem is known, isn’t there something someone should be able to do? Who do we need to write? Is there a petition I need to sign? Money I need to send somewhere? I’m serious, there has got to be a better way!
A 2009 study by the European Journal of Public Health showed one out of every five homicides in Pakistan was an honor killing. WTF? Are you kidding me? This is 2011, right? I know its a different country with different laws and religious dogma but damn, no matter how you slice it…women should not be getting slain in the street for being humans; having thoughts, desires and wants. Shouldn’t we all have the right to choose happiness and love? Is it all about male gratification over there?I am appalled!Flabbergasted! Sickened!
Some Baluch communities in Baluchistan province and parts of Sindh and Punjab provinces still justify honor killings. Justification? I just vomited in my mouth, a whole bunch!Totally Throat Punch Thursday worthy!
Our next recipient deserves more than a simple Throat Punch. This recipient deserves a Throat punch, a junk punch, all rounded out by a nice hearty round house kick to the proverbial head! This recipient is the House Republicans!
According to CNN, House Republicans are holding hearings this week on legislation to restrict federal support for abortion, a move that has little support in the Democratic-controlled Senate or White House, but is of enormous importance to the GOP’s socially conservative base. WTF? We turn our heads for one moment and they are trying to put Baby right back in a corner!
While the measures have little chance of becoming law, the hearings provide a forum for both sides to publicly air views on the abortion debate. Great, another chance to hear hot air bags ( mostly men) discuss and delegate the consequence of the female standing. Every time I think I’m out, CNN pulls me back in. This is why I am a non practicing Political Scientist ( what? You thought I was just another pretty face? Heck Nah,I’ve got big brains in this head of mine:)
Representative Trent Franks (AZ) equated federal law that legalizes abortion with legal slavery in the American past, and said the bill before the committee was intended to continue the same policy as the Hyde Amendment, which prohibits federal funding for abortion except in cases of rape, incest or to save the life of the mother. How can you equate abortion with slavery? Let me just say, though I personally could never imagine having an abortion, isn’t abortion about choice? Wasn’t slavery about the lack thereof? How do the two have anything in common, other than the fact that by abolishing abortion and taking away a woman’s right to choose, you have effectively made her a slave to society’s dictatorship?
Democratic opponents questioned the need for the new bill, saying the Hyde Amendment effectively prevented federal funding for abortion. They also argued that the bill as drafted went much further than claimed by its backers and was an effort to deny women access to legal abortions.This is “truly bad legislation coming out of the House,” said Sen. Patty Murray, D-Washington. “It’s about putting insecurity back in the lives of millions of women.”It will not happen “on our watch,” Murray said. “We are not going back in history.””These bills show a heinous disregard for the health and well-being of women in America,” said Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, D-New York.
Republicans originally altered the definition of “rape” in the bill, saying that it pertained solely to “forcible rape” as opposed to statutory rape or other forms of assault. They later backtracked, however, after a wave of intense criticism from comedian Jon Stewart and others. So, now not only do women have to be a victim of rape they had best be getting their asses beat hardcore if they want government to back them in their choice to abort any pregnancy that may result of said assault. Apparently, House Republicans think it’s OK to treat women like second class children, to be seen and not heard, with no choices or input into their own lives. Where are we? Pakistan???
Also generating controversy is a provision in the bill before the Energy and Commerce Committee that would prohibit the federal government from stripping financial support from hospitals that refuse to perform abortion-related services. Abortion-rights groups said the move could endanger women in potentially life-threatening situations. Anti-abortion activists, however, contend the provision is merely an extension of other “conscience” protections already in place for health care providers. I love that in all the discussion in favor of this bill, no one mentions anything about the woman in questions want or need? Does it not count? If we are going to have legislation concerning abortion changed, maybe we should put it to a vote amongst those who it will actually effect..women. Every single woman in America should be allowed a vote. Take a consensus and then we’ll talk. For now, the Republican House is getting a big fat throat ,junk punch, round house kick to the head. What’s next? Are they going to revoke our right to vote?
If you’d like to be a part of Throat Punch Thursday, go here to get the button to include in your post.Then come back here, leave a comment and let me know you posted!Happy Thursday!
Throat Punch Thursday ~ Mitt Romney Versus Women’s Rights Edition
Mitt Romney, Could this be our next President?
Mitt Romney where exactly do you fall on the topic of abortion? We know where you stand on the Obamacare tax but other positions you take are not so clear. It doesn’t seem that we can get a straight answer from you. You are pro-life except for when you are not and you are pro-choice except for when it’s inconvenient. You are not going to change anything except for everything in respects to women and our bodies. You, sir, make me afraid to be a woman in your United States.
This is not personal, this is politics and common sense. You seem like a likable enough guy. I’m sure that you may be a wonderful father, husband, friend and business man. You may be all that and more but you are not one of us; your female constituents. You have been lucky enough to not ever have to be one of the have nots in any aspect. That’s not a crime, it’s a blessing but it makes you out of touch with the average American people; the people of who you are supposed to be of and for and that frightens me to live in your United States of America.
This latest article has me more concerned than ever about the state of our country if Mitt Romney is elected president.
Throat Punch Thursday~Teen takes Parents to Court and her Baby Gets Stay of Execution
It’s a crazy world when you have to take your parents to court to avoid having a forced abortion. Look, I get where a parent might feel that it is their job to save their child from themselves. We do. I do. But you know the saying, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure and people, there is nothing you can do to force this cure on your child short of tying her down and violating her. Plus, there are abortion alternatives that you can consider and discuss.